Friday, May 22, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
It Cannot Be Broken - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 406 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Joy Luck Club Essay Did you like this example? So the Taiyuanese mother continued to choose their daughters-in-law, ones who would raise proper sons, care for the old people, and faithfully sweep the family burial grounds long after the old ladies had gone to their graves (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 51). It was only the mothers of the males that were the ones to go and find the girls who their sons marry and spend the rest of their lives with. These choices were very important since the sons wife would be the one to take care of the family matriarch in her old age, not the sons. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "It Cannot Be Broken" essay for you Create order Lindo knew she was getting a bad husband, but she had no choice. That is how backward families in the country were (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 51). Lindo did not agree with what was happening; she did not like how the customs went unchanged and women could still not choose their own husbands. We have made a contract. It cannot be broken (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 52), was the attitude. Even if the girl wanted to get out of her marriage, she was not able to because of the contract her family had signed saying their children would be married to each other. The contract was not allowed to be broken. The dowry was included in the marriage contract. All the heavy furniture and bedding has to be left behind, and these were promised to the Huangs as my dowry (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 53). A dowry needed to be provided from the girls family to make her more attractive and worthy of marrying. This was the first time I realized the Huangs had a much better position than my family. They looked down on us which made me understand why Huang Taitai and Tyan-yu had such long noses (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 54). Lindo will be lifted up in social standings because the family she was marrying into had a higher social standing. The Huang family looked down on Lindos family because they were from a lower class. Lindos family could not refuse the marriage offer because they wanted their daughter to have a higher standing and there may not be another chance. Before Lindo was married, she moved into the Huang house and was put to work right away. She did what she was told because she did not want to disgrace her family and she had made a promise to her parents that she did not want to break.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Is Typhus A Disease - 1737 Words
Typhus is a disease caused by a genus of bacteria known as Rickettsia, which has been around since the late fifteenth century. Up until the twentieth century, it had impacted the world in both a negative and positive way. It killed off a lot of civilians and troops, but has also helped places advance more in medicine. Historically, typhus did a lot of damage to Europe. Not only was Europe as a whole damaged, but the population living within Europe was damaged as well. Finding out you have typhus must be the most awful feeling in the world. Especially because it’s essentially life or death, if it’s not treated on time or correctly. At least 10,345,002 people have been affected by typhus. Poor families were affected more by the disease than†¦show more content†¦Satanism and Witchcraft states that, Europe has itself to blame for getting typhus due to the lack of cleanliness, not Asia. It was assumed to be an importation from Asia due to the Crusades, but Europe wa s wrong. To be unsanitary was encouraged in some churches. For example, in some places when an individual dies, they perform a ritual in which no protective equipment is used, for example; gloves and masks are not being worn for this procedure. There are bare hands touching the bare skin of a deceased being. In The Historical Impact of Epidemic Typhus it says, â€Å"Constant warfare, lack of any sanitation whatsoever, social values; all contributed to the role played by louse-borne typhus(epidemic) in that period of history and its contemporary ramifications.†The first time typhus was recognized on the European continent was in the fifteenth century when it caused a large amount of damage to the army of Ferdinand and Isabella, while they were trying to drive the Moors out of Spain. When the Spanish army blockaded the Moors inside the walls of Granada, hopeful that it would end the Moslem influence, an epidemic of louse-borne typhus reached the Spanish army. As a result, it k illed 17,000 of the original 25,000 soldiers. After this epidemic, parts of the army fled, and ultimately spread the disease to various parts of Europe. In the sixteenth century, the medieval person turned to spiritualShow MoreRelated Tuberculosis and Typhus Fever: Diseases of Class in 19th-Century England895 Words  | 4 PagesTuberculosis and Typhus Fever: Diseases of Class in 19th-Century England Missing Works Cited Although more prevalent amongst the working class, tuberculosis and typhus fever were contracted by all populations in Victorian England. People of the upper and middle classes could afford treatment while the poor were often subjected to unsanitary, disease-ridden living conditions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Andrew Jacksons Colorful Military Career - 1286 Words
The seventh president of the United States had a colorful military career before he became Commander in Chief. Andrew Jackson, born 1767 in South Carolina, was a prisoner of war during War of Independence; his treatment resulting in a lifelong dislike of Great Britain, (Andrew Jackson n.d.). After the British captured the belligerent Jackson, he was ordered to clean a British officers boots. When he refused, the officer drew his sword and slashed Jacksons hand to the bone, (Patrick, n.d.). This memorable treatment by the British inspired Jackson to take up arms against the British in the War of 1812. It also helped to foment Jacksons political ideologies that were staunchly anti-federalist. In addition to his encounters with the British during the Revolutionary War, Jackson was notorious for having indulged in many a duel, including one in which he killed Charles Dickenson (Patrick, n.d.). Jacksons early military career consists mainly of his involvement in the War of 1812, followed by the Creek War in 1813-1814, and then culminating in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. This string of military victories for Jackson was later supplemented by brutal victories in the First Seminole War in 1818. Having had a meager role to play in the War of 1812, Jackson hungered for glory and led the West Tennessee Militia in the Creek War of 1813-1814. This led to promotions for Jackson. Jacksons military career reached its pinnacle, though, during the Battle of New Orleans.Show MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pageshard to understand and duplicate. These leaders also focus on the measurements that make it clear that their companies have achieved these goals. This focus is fundamentally different from the traditional business focus on trying to make a business career of unduly specialized strength in a few operational areas. Leaders who focus on the customer marketplace recognize and manage the implementation of this business principle because they realize that it is a necessary precondition and platform for the
Anna Hazare’s Movement Against Corruption Free Essays
A new landmark in the history of independent India, a new path paved by the veteran anti- corruption campaigner Anna Hazare. His struggle against corruption was a gentle reminder of Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha. His fast-unto death, the five day fast has shown the world what Gandhism means in today’s world. We will write a custom essay sample on Anna Hazare’s Movement Against Corruption or any similar topic only for you Order Now The power of Gandhiji’s non violence will never cease to exist in the ages to come. While in Libya and Yemen there is bloodshed for freedom, where people are waging war against one another during the crisis, here in India, a respected social activist Anna Hazare is waging a peaceful, non violent war against corruption. His urge to free India of the greatest evil, corruption, commends appreciation. This fight against corruption staged at Jantar Mantar was not a one- man show. People from different parts of the country gave their support to Anna Hazare. The greatest merit of this non violent struggle was that no political party was involved in it. Anna Hazare and his supporters were not influenced by any political party. There was only one flag waving high in the sky and in our minds, the Indian National Flag. The fast ended on a very positive note when the idea of Jan Lokpal Bill was accepted by the Government of India. According to the Jan Lokpal Bill, there will be a separate body to investigate and curb the ugly face of India†¦. CORRUPTION; where people have the right to raise their voice against corrupt politicians. Moreover the CBI will be seen as an independent body, free of any other external influence. Now that the bill is going to be sanctioned, a very important question arises†¦. Can all the Indians touch their heart and say with confidence that the Jan Lokpal Bill will eradicate corruption Maybe to an extent but I don’t think it will erase corruption completely in a vast country like India. The Jan Lokpal Bill may have loopholes like the Right to Information Act, an Act passed due to the thrust laid by Anna Hazare. According to the right to information act, the citizens of India have the right to get information on any matter concerning the country, but recently an incident occurred which clearly reflects the loopholes in it. A citizen of India lodged a complaint about the illegal wealth possessed by the former chief justice of India, K. G Balakrishnan. Even today complete information about the wealth of this most corrupted chief justice of India is not known to the public. Why? Is it beyond the Right to Information Act? Similar loopholes are likely to be there in the Lokpal bill also. It is sure that as time passes some illegal and illogical rule will come whereby the citizens cannot use this bill against the Prime Minister, Chief justice and so on thus restric ting its use. The new committee formed to frame the bill must take in the interest of all sections of the population. It should be taken care that the bill will be unbiased and does not favour any person; be it the president or prime minister. Further it should be accompanied by other reformation, yes, reformation from the grass root level. Recently when assembly elections were held in Kerala, crores of rupees were spent by each candidate of the 140 constituencies for campaigning. Where did this money come from? If it is the contribution made by big industrialists and so on, then those candidates when elected should serve their interests. In Tamil Nadu, people are given free T. Vs and laptops. Where did this money come from? All these are different manifestations of corruption. A very effective way to end corruption is to reduce the money power in elections. Crores of rupees are deposited as black money by many influential people abroad. This unaccounted money should be brought back and if it is done, this black money alone can provide the necessary funds required for the construction of metros in a ll the states of India. These reformations if enforced can provide that extra impetus needed to curb corruption along with the Lokpal bill. The Lokpal bill is cent percent legitimate and it upholds the spirit of the constitution because its main aim is to create a corruption- free India. If by any chance it is against any article of the constitution, it is better to amend the constitution rather than the bill because of its most noble cause. The 2G spectrum case, Adharsh Bhavan Colony, commonwealth games are the different issues which we have been hearing in the last few months which has made India a laughing stock in the comity of nations. Let us use the Jan Lokpal bill wisely, sealing its loopholes and see the ultimate result. Let us hope for the best. How to cite Anna Hazare’s Movement Against Corruption, Papers
United States Healthcare free essay sample
The big question is should we change our healthcare as we know it today. The United States is proposing a universal healthcare system to help alleviate people who don’t have medical care and the cost of medical today. Do we really want a government who can’t seem to run the offices they have now running our universal healthcare system? What makes the United States think that they can do a good job at running Universal Healthcare, when other countries can’t seem to get it right either? Maybe we need to look into other ways to better our healthcare system before we dive into Universal Healthcare ran by the government. One of the disadvantages to Universal Healthcare in the United States is that the United States government will be running the healthcare system. The United States government is currently having trouble running their offices. How is the government going to be able to run universal healthcare, if they are having trouble running other government run systems? Currently, there are two systems run by the government that are on the verge of going bankrupt today, Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security (TW). Can you think of any government office that runs efficiently? There isnt one government office that can run United Healthcare more efficiently than the private entities do. (Messerli). The proposal that the government currently has for Universal Healthcare shows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) running the Universal Healthcare system (Messerli). Do we really want the IRS to run the healthcare system? The government wants to give the IRS the authority to determine who needs medical care and who don’t. As an individual or family you would need to indicate on your tax return whether or not you have acceptable insurance. You would be required to submit a form similar to your W-4 to prove that you have acceptable insurance. If you do not submit this form the IRS has the ability to fine you. They will also be the ones to determine how much you have to pay for your insurance (York). This is just another way our government can control us and take more of our money. Our rights are being taken away little by little, until one day we wont have any more rights. Our government cant’ handle running social programs like universal healthcare (TW). One of the issues is how Universal Healthcare will be funded. The money has to come from somewhere. The money to pay for a system this large is most likely going to be coming from our taxes. The government will either raise taxes or do some cutting elsewhere. The unfortunate thing is how much more in debt is our government going to become. Are we going to go bankrupt as a nation? (Messerli). Instead of increasing our government spending, maybe we need to focus on the issues of poor health in the United States. We need to realize that we are all responsible for our own health. Quite a number of our healthcare problems are self inflicted. Some of the leading causes of death are self inflicted, such as obesity, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Most of these are preventable through exercising, diet, not smoking or drinking, and living a healthy life. We need to look at many aspects before diving into a government controlled healthcare reform (Mackey). Another issue is how much flexibility are we going to have under this system? At first you might think universal healthcare will increase your flexibility. In all actuality some controls are going to have to be put in place in order to curtail cost. You are not going to be able to choose any doctor you want to. Surgeries like breast implant, hair restoration, and Lasik eye surgery won’t be allowed. It’s all going to come down to political issues. Whenever you have the government controlling something politics come into play. Every medical procedure is going to turn into a battle between one party and another. In the end it will control and limit patient options (Messerli). How much is the government going to step in? Are we going to be able to make any decisions ourselves? Will the government not treat people, because maybe they feel they are not worth saving, or that they don’t have as long of a life expectancy as someone else. The government will determine when people can see their doctors. There will be rules put into place as to when doctors will be able to give expensive tests or certain medications. The government’s involvement is only going to make things worse. It will lead to poor patient care as well as a decrease in doctor flexibility (Messerli). Before diving into government run healthcare we need to determine if there are other things we can do with our current healthcare system. What can we do to save the system we have now? One idea is by having an HSA (Health Savings Account). HSA’s help lower you medical care costs. You put money into an account before taxes. Another way is to have a higher deductible. You wouldn’t be paying so much for insurance (Mackey). Another way to help our system now is to enact a Medicare reform. Currently Medicare is heading toward bankruptcy. We need to have a reform that will create patient choices as well as responsibility. You need to fix the systems we currently have before implementing another system. Who’s to say that system won’t have problems in the future, and then where will we be? We also need to do something about how much money these doctors pay out for malpractice insurance. If we do something to stop the costs doctors pay out for their overhead, then they wouldn’t charge us so much. This country is lawsuit happy and at the drop of a hat we cry lawsuit. Ending lawsuits that are not necessary will help lower the cost of healthcare. Maybe we need to change some the IRS benefits for health insurance. Currently employer health insurance benefits are fully tax deductible, but individual health insurance isnt. Everyone should have the same tax benefits. The government needs to make things fair for everyone, not just one person. We can also repeal the laws that prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. We should have the right to purchase health insurance from any company no matter where we live (Mackey). All of these things add up and get passed down to us through the cost of healthcare that we pay. There are so many things we can fix with our current health system, before we dive into universal healthcare. Fix what we have first. We should also take a step back and look at other countries Universal Healthcare systems. Are they as good as what we think? Do they run efficiently? You will find that everything is not greener on the other side. Many countries like the UK and Canada have long wait times to see specialists or even regular doctors. In England there is a long waiting list, in order to be admitted in the hospital or receive treatment, which are 1. 8 million people long In Canada, the long waits for seeing doctors have sent many individuals to private care. It takes 22 months for residents of Saskatchewan to get an MRI. There are about 57% of Canadians that report having to wait a month to see a specialist. Due to the wait times many individuals obtain private insurance in order to get the medical care they need (TW). In Canada and the UK there are no rights to healthcare. The government tells the citizens what healthcare treatments they are eligible to receive and when they can receive them (Mackey). As you can see from some statistics other countries are struggling with universal healthcare currently. There is no sure fire way to implement universal healthcare and still have the rights we currently have. We all really need to take a closer look on healthcare reform. Is this really what we want? It is important and essential to a long and healthy life, but it is equally important to have choices and say-so in matters of health. No matter what kind of reform is enacted they need to make sure that they be financially responsible for it and give us the ability to choose the doctors and healthcare services that best suit each person’s unique lifestyle choices. We are all responsible for our own lives and health. All of us should take our responsibility seriously and use our own freedom to make the choices that will be suit our health.
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