Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Relationship Between Attitude And Job Satisfaction - Free Sample
Question: Clarify the connection among Attitude and Job Satisfaction and authoritative conduct, and the subsequent part ought to clarify how Attitude and Job Satisfaction would influence the representatives inspiration at work alluding to one explicit inspiration hypothesis. Answer: Presentation The mentalities of the representatives as the activity fulfillment are two of the curial focuses which give the gigantic effect on the authoritative conduct. This writing survey will help in clarifying the ideal connection between the mentalities and occupation fulfillment with that of the authoritative conduct (Adam, 2010). The fulfilled laborers give their earnest attempts as to draw out the favored change required for the growth of the business method of the concerned firm. Energy inside the workers makes the ideal new ways for improving the general execution of the concerned representatives of the individual firm. There are sure speculations, for example, Maslows needs of order hypothesis, Herzbergs hypothesis of two-factor, McClellands hypothesis of necessities, Porter just as Lawlers Theory of Expectancy, McGregors Theory of Participation, and Vrooms Expectancy Theory, which mirror the significance of the representatives inspirations for keeping up the viability and the profici ency of the concerned workforce. It is the definitive obligation of the chiefs just as the pioneers of the concerned relationship to inspire the representatives so as to build the viability and the productivity of the concerned association (Cakmur, 2011). There are three of the significant segments of perspectives which help in perceiving the ideal conduct of the representatives with respect to their specific work and this can upgrade the general productivity of the association. Writing survey Relationship of Attitudes and occupation fulfillment to authoritative conduct Perspectives of the representatives assume the vital job in augmenting the accomplishment just as the effectiveness of the uncertain affiliation. Moreover, the fulfillment of the activity is considered to one of the most critical variables which help in holding the experience just as the old workers inside the concerned firm (Cassells, Gong, and Keegan, 2010). The chiefs alongside the workers of the firm need to comprehend the ideal essentialness of mentalities and employment fulfillment as this improves the general exhibitions of the association concerned. The perspectives are the ideal evaluative explanations or the choice in regards to the specific items, occasions or the individuals. According to a considerable lot of the notable past analysts, there are three of the urgent parts of perspectives for the concerned individuals. These are subjective parts, full of feeling segment, and the social segment. According to (Culliney, 2014) the perspectives of the representatives make an i ndispensable power on the execution of the business procedures of the uncertain firms. The uplifting mentalities of the concerned staff individuals or the representative of a concerned association assess the general productivity of the association. The past specialists have demonstrated it to be essential to comprehend the ideal relationship of the mentalities of the concerned workforce and the activity fulfillment with that of the authoritative conduct. There are various sorts of the perspectives, for example, the activity fulfillment, Job contribution, authoritative responsibility, commitment of the workers and the apparent help for the association. There are sure speculations of authoritative conduct which are viewed as of massive centrality for the development just as the extension of the business procedure of the concerned association. These are hypotheses of inclination, speculations of conduct, inspirational hypotheses, speculations of discernment and the hypotheses of mental ities and conduct. Then again, it is pivotal for the supervisory group of any of the firm to gauge the fulfillment of the workers in regards to the specific occupation they had. As indicated by (Du, 2013) here and there it has been seen that the disappointment of the workers from the concerned activity makes the negative effect on the development just as the improvement of the representatives. There are two of the significant ways for the estimation of the fulfillment of the activity for the workers these are the worldwide rating and the summation score. So as to upgrade the viability of the authoritative conduct, the most noteworthy are to assess the ideal perspectives of the workers. The negative mentality of the emloployees towards the administrator or the director influences the viability of the working environment and diminishes the effectiveness of the concerned affiliation. The commitment of the workforce are extremely basic for the assessment of the organization systems for the concerned firms. In addition, there are two of the various parts of the administrative conduct, for example, the fulfillment of the representatives and the disappointment of the workers with respect to the activity they groups. The past analysts have fundamentally raised the way that there are various ways for improving the fulfillment of the workers which helps in holding the old representatives inside the firm (Fernandez and Pitts, 2011). There are various ways received by the representatives by which they express their disappointment. A portion of the ways are leaving, dismissing, voice and by indicating devotion. The productivity of the concerned firm can be assessed with the ass istance of improving the general exhibitions of the separate workers. The mentalities of the representatives help in giving the ideal exertion in the assessment of the concerned work procedure of the separate firm. The past specialists have expressed that there exists a solid connection between the perspectives of the workers and the activity fulfillment with that of the hierarchical conduct. Energy inside the workers makes the ideal new ways for improving the general execution of the concerned representatives of the individual firm. In the event that the representatives get no fulfillment from the activity they do they the worker turnover may build causing an incredible misfortune for the concerned association. The perspectives, just as the activity fulfillment of the individuals, survey the favored development of the firm for an enormous scope. The supervisory group alongside the accomplished administrators of the association should define powerful procedures so as to hold the rep resentatives inside the association (Heaslip, 2014). There is a critical connection between the exhibition of the representatives and the hierarchical conduct. The general execution of the workers makes an awful just as a decent effect on the execution of the business methodology of the affiliation. The fulfilled representatives give their earnest attempts so as to draw out the ideal change required for the development of the business methodology of the troubled firm. The chiefs of the association need to organize viable preparing for the representatives which will improve the general adequacy and the concerned proficiency of the specific firm. The activity fulfillment helps in expanding the exhibitions of the concerned representatives and the workers are then ready to help the concerned clients with the better nature of the administrations and goals. The perspectives of the various representatives of an association assess their concerned recognition with respect to the execution of the business forms for the concerned firm (Korzynski, 2013). The accomplished analysts assess the way that the representatives should have the uplifting mentalities as this will improve the viability of the association and will build the ideal number of the clients towards the association. Effect on Employees inspiration at work There are various kinds of the persuasive hypotheses which help in giving the ideal thoughts in regards to the significance of the representatives inspiration. The trough, just as the pioneers of the concerned association, assumes the impressive job in evaluating the ideal execution pg the workers. The exhibitions of the workers are viewed as basic for assessing the ideal development of the concerned association. Viable preparing from the troughs helps n rousing the representatives inside their concerned working environments and it improves the adequacy and the ideal proficiency of the association. The perspectives and the total fulfillment of the workers assume the significant job in assessing the productivity of the concerned association (Lassiter, 2010). A laborer stuffed by individuals quick to learn just as create is a sure sign an organization employ well. The workforce who is occupied in their particular employments alongside vocations needs to separate more on their business in addition to industry likewise to gain proficiency with the aptitude which will build up their general execution. A business who needs to connect the full evaluation of their staff notwithstanding foster devotion, just as protection, will find direction is an enrapturing vision for all concerned. There are sure persuasive hypotheses which give an ideal feeling of inspiration to the representatives and improve the general execution of the total firm. Association, just as their directors, are sensibly worried concerning inspiration. Roused workforces are satisfied, beneficial just as steadfast and this required by the organizations. Albeit empowering laborers can be requesting, a measure of hypothesis concerning inspiration at the particular employment might be utilized as the base to make rehearses, activities just as procedures to affect specialist inspiration. There are sure hypotheses which mirror the significance of the representatives inspirations for keeping up the adequacy a nd the proficiency of the concerned workforce (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen, and Andersen, 2015). These speculations are Maslows needs of progression hypothesis, Herzbergs hypothesis of two-factor, McClellands hypothesis of requirements, Porter just as Lawlers Theory of Expectancy, McGregors Theory of Participation, alongside Vrooms Expectancy Theory. Maslow clarified that the ne
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Advertising and Dove free essay sample
With the correct research, look, and structure an ad has the capacities to change the manner in which individuals think about a specific item. Take Dove for instance. Preceding 2004, this universal uber brand utilized promoting strategies much like numerous magnificence marks in the business were utilizing thin models, sexual allusions, and in vogue pictures. Be that as it may, their items Werner]t getting the achievement they sought after. Driven by a declining piece of the overall industry and diminished deals, Dove chose to take a challenging new move and utilize curvier ladies in their advertisements. They considered their new crusade the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty.The battle, which focused ladies of every kind imaginable, looked to switch the created thought that all ladies ought to be a size 2 with enticing lips, flawless hair, and conditioned skin. At last, Dove trusted that the battle would change the manner in which their intended interest group identified with their items. They would never have thought the battle would get so much consideration, flash warmed discussion, and be a main factor of expanded deals and piece of the pie. We will compose a custom article test on Publicizing and Dove or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page So how precisely did Dove prevail with regards to doing this? Lets take a gander at one of Doves ads and examine its relationship to the first product.One announcement summarizes the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty more or less. The bulletin, which promotes Doves skin firming salve, is only one case of Doves most current crusade, which tries to change the manner in which Doves target crowd identifies with their items. The bulletin can put a specific turn on the skin firming item by utilizing an assortment of strategies and systems. One such procedure is covered up in the content of the board itself. Publicizing is renowned for its utilization of talk language, and the Dove commercial is an incredible case of utilizing talk to convince its audience.The words need and genuine summon a sentiment of newness and help convince the crowd to purchase the cream. As indicated by Gillian Dyer, creator of Advertising as Communication (1988, p. 149), the word genuine is one of the most well-known modifiers utilized in promoting. Words, for example, need and real[l, depict things, yet they convey sentiments, affiliations, and mentalities; they carry thoughts to our brains. (Dyer 1 988, p. 140). Dyer (1988, p. 1 58) additionally expresses that talk language likewise conveys the ramifications of indulgence and stratagem, also an absence of information.The absence of data is clear in the Dove announcement. The sentence is truncated and just developed, which is a typical strategy among ads as to not befuddle the intended interest group with the message. Each component of the Dove crusade has been deliberately positioned for most extreme effect. The shading white, which occupies most the room on the bulletin, is a holy and unadulterated shading. The shading can help in mental clearness, help bring out filtration of musings and activities, and empower new beginnings (Squids).The shading white additionally has an alleviating perspective to it, and encourages cause to notice the most significant picture on the lapboard; the six ladies. 2 The ladies are indicated wearing just underclothes bringing out a sentiment of closeness and self-assurance and acknowledgment. The ladies appear to be cheerful, loose, and secure. Each part of the Women from their eye to eye connection, to their size, to their way are totally engaged with the coding procedure of the advertisement, which assists with making a message of normal and genuine magnificence. As per Dyer, promotions by and large affirm shows of the perfect type.D However, with Dove demonstrating common ladies in their advertisement, a feeling of realness and instinctive nature can be seen (Dyer 1988, p. 99). This is a lot of like what Mike did in beneficiary promotions when they presented the idea of the ghetto by focusing on its realness. Judith Williamson, creator of Decoding Advertisements, expresses that promotions must have importance to us. An advertisement needs to associate with the individual they are focusing on, which in Dove]s case is all ladies, of each shape, size, and nationality. Basically, the Dove advertisement isn't selling an item; it is selling the intended interest group (Williamson 2002, p. 1 2).But are the ladies on the bulletin appeared in an attractive light? Numerous individuals most likely doughnuts think so. Be that as it may, Dove decided to show reality and not the ordinary magnificence model. Their challenging effort conflicted with all the standards of present day promoting, and demonstrated the more honest and fair side of ladies today. Be that as it may, much kickback and analysis developed over the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. In the book, Mythologies, by Roland Farthest, Farthest clarifies a ton about legend as a seismological framework, since he contends fantasy is a discourse (2000, p. 109-1 32). Is the Dove crusade a legend? Farthest would in all probability contend yes.Take the six breathtaking ladies in the promotion. The realness and trustworthiness of the ladies covers the genuine motivation behind the promotion, which is to sell a marvel item, which at last forbids the dados message no doubt and normal excellence. In the event that the ladies were extremely content with their bodies, they wouldnt need Doves skin-firming moisturizer (Guardian News). The new strategy for utilizing genuine, normal looking ladies was simply one more system to speak to and turn womens feelings, with the goal that they would purchase the item. Numerous pundits bring up the issue of what makes these ladies any more genuine than thin models ordinarily appeared in ads.They contend that the six ladies were still entertainers, despite everything advised to represent a specific way, grin in a specific course, and posture in a specific way. As Farthest (2000, p. 126-129) contends, fantasy shrouds nothing and parades nothing: it misshapes; legend is neither a falsehood nor an admission: it is an emphasis And inspiration is unavoidable with regards to fantasy. 3 The Dove bulletin can without much of a stretch be contrasted with the tale of the World of Wrestling from Farthest Mythologies. In the story, wrestling is depicted as a fantasy for the straightforward explanation that the crowd doesnt care if a wrestling match is fixed, but instead what it is seeing occurring. They dont consider reality or truth. Truth be told, they truly dont think by any stretch of the imagination; they see (Farthest 000, p. 1 5). This can be applied to the Dove promotion on the grounds that the crowd is just connected with what it sees, not with reality and influence of the advertisement. The intended interest group doses[let understand that what more slender seeing was every one of the a procedure to bring out a specific message and get them to think a specific route about their item or have significance to the crowd. What's more, figure a specific way they did. Eventually Dove[ls brave technique expanded their deals and piece of the pie. Ladies had the option to associate with the promotion, which thus made them purchase the item. The battle prompted the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which gave Dove significantly more media presentation with the creation of Youth recordings and clasps. As should be obvious, Dove effectively pivoted their promoting strategies, which prompted expanded deals and changed emotions toward Dove items. These items were a similar delight items when the new battle, yet fruitful publicizing took into consideration individuals to see the items as something absolutely different.Dove Campaign for Real Beauty Case Study The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty (CUFF) started in England in 2004 when Dove]s deals declined because of being lost in a jam-packed market. Milliner, Doves parent organization, .NET to Delano, its PR office, for an answer. Together, they considered a crusade that concentrated not on the item, yet on an approach to cause ladies to feel excellent paying little heed to their age and size. 1 The accompanying summer, CUFF was brought to the United States and Canada. Check pointed not exclusively to expand deals of Dove magnificence items, yet additionally focused on ladies all things considered and shapes. As per the CUFF site, The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is a worldwide exertion that is planned to fill in as a beginning stage for cultural change and go about as an impetus for broadening the definition and conversation of excellence. The battle underpins the Dove crucial: cause ladies to feel progressively wonderful consistently by testing todays cliché perspective on magnificence and rousing ladies to take incredible consideration of themselves. 3 4 notwithstanding changing womens perspective on their bodies, Dove additionally expected to change the magnificence market.In an industry where the standa rd of excellence is frequently a size two blonde supermodel, Dove separated itself by utilizing models that extended from size six to fourteen. Vehicle? surrendered the customary negative technique for depicting ideal ladies as excellence good examples. Research: Dove charged The Real Truth About Beauty concentrate as approach to investigate what excellence intends to ladies today. System, an applied research firm, dealt with the examination related to Dry. Nancy Outcome and Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard University, and with interview of Dry.Susie Arroba of the London School of Economics. Between February 27, 2004 and March 26, 2004, the worldwide examination gathered information from 3,200 ladies, matured 18 to 64. Meetings were led across ten nations: the U. S. , Canada, Great Britain, Italy, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina and Japan. The examination advanced Out of a longing to converse with ladies round the world about female excellence. As indicated by the examination, Dove realizes that the relationship ladies have with excellence is mind boggling: it very well may be incredible and rousing, however tricky and baffling also. We supported this investigation so as to test all the more profoundly into this complicated relationship. Pigeon needed to see how ladies characterize magnificence; how fulfilled they are with their excellence; how they feel about female beautys depiction in the public arena; and, how magnificence influences their prosperity. This was the principal thorough investigation of its sort. The accompanying measurements are a testing of results from the examination: Only 2% of these ladies depict themselves as delightful About 3/4 of them rate their excellence as normal Almost 1/2 of them think their weight is too high The past discoveries are especially the situation in the US. 6
A Campaign against KFC Corporation MGNT Essay
While thinking about pundits of business and safeguards of free enterprise, the progressing banter by The People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) against drive-through eateries ought to be referenced. On January 6, 2003 a young lady named Payton Hull sorted out a PETA showing outside a KFC. The requests were for KFC to require the chicken’s providers to treat the chickens morally in an altruistic manner while preparing them. All things considered I concur with this solicitation yet in regular daily existence I simply don't stop to consider how my food is handled. At the point when I peruse and get ready to do administrative work regarding this matter it constantly will in general make my stomach somewhat uncomfortable. PETA sorted out and established by Ingrid Newkirk has been exceptionally effective up to this point in influencing many drive-through joints to submit to demand of straightforwardness. KFC called the assaults â€Å"corporate terrorism†. Ingrid Newk irk even went similarly as composing a dreadful letter to the leader of KFC expressing that it was only a mishap that the KFC president was conceived who she was rather than a chicken. Like me most customers don't think where the chickens originate from on the grounds that we see the end last item. Which that being said it causes us to understand that occasions held by PETA brings those pictures and amazing treatment strategies to the front line. The association has been effective with more than 1.2 million supporters. They make protests, utilize the web and web based life, and furthermore go similarly as utilizing sexuality to get the point over. Previous Playboy Playmates wearing swimming outfits pass out veggie franks in Washington DC at the Annual Hot Dog Lunches. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay <p
Friday, August 21, 2020
Recombinant DNA tech, RNA tech, Protein Expression, Protein tech Assignment
Recombinant DNA tech, RNA tech, Protein Expression, Protein tech - Assignment Example Question Two For a plasmid to go about as a viable cloning vector that can move the quality of enthusiasm into the objective cells, it must display the capacity to recreate upon passage into the objective cells. Additionally, it must have a few cloning locales that permit the inclusion of the quality of intrigue. The plasmid must have a characterized beginning of replication and viable advertisers that guarantee effective articulation of the remote quality. Question Three Polymerase chain response is one of the manners by which the 1kb quality might be measured. This procedure yields numerous duplicates of the quality of enthusiasm, making other systematic procedures conceivable. The cutting edge Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) shows a significant level of mechanization, and yields numerous duplicates of the quality. The second method of yielding extraordinary sums would include addition of the quality into microscopic organisms. After replication of the plasmid in the microorganisms , the quality of intrigue increases. Question Four In request to recognize the qualities in the human liver whose articulation happens just when under tension, a cDNA library would be the best. This library would concentrate on the parts that experience interpretation and articulation. Development of such a library would require the sequencing of the qualities of intrigue and embeddings them into a plasmid vector. The library would likewise have turn around interpreted dispatcher RNAs for the qualities, and this would include the utilization of opposite transcriptase to yield DNA reciprocal to the envoy RNA. Question Five Type II Restriction Endonucleases don't corrupt bacterial chromosomal DNA since they display explicitness for remote DNA. It would be unreasonable for these endonucleases to separate the host DNA. Consequently, they limit their movement to separating remote DNA into sections yet protecting host DNA. Such explicitness has empowered geneticists to create DNA disconti nuity methods utilizing limitation proteins found in microscopic organisms. Question 6 A twofold abandoned roundabout DNA with four acknowledgment locales for the HindIII, would be divided into four parts after processing. The limitation would sever the round DNA at the four acknowledgment destinations yielding four free parts, in opposition to the five that would result after linearization of the DNA. The distinction would develop due to the clear reasonable perception made by geneticists who have featured that round DNA yields one less part after absorption with limitation compound, contrasted with direct DNA with a similar limitation destinations. Question 7 In request to screen a cDNA library, the high-thickness screening technique would end up being profoundly successful. This strategy requires the utilization of high focuses plating. The decision of this screening element would be spurred by the way that it presents a stage for the geneticist to examine the various pieces thro ugh the perception on a solitary plate. The method additionally demonstrates compelling when the quality under examination codes for a particular protein. Section 2 Question 1 In request to isolate cells acquired from tissues of typical mice contrasted with those got from mice designed with exceptionally dynamic muscle cells, a particular strategy for examination is required. The initial step would include confinement of cells from the two tissues. After seclusion of those cells, powerful culture would follow to set up the cells for viable investigation. It is important to disconnect the mitochondrial DNA and atomic DNA from the two sorts of cells. Muscle cells have
Monday, July 27, 2020
the end of the travel season COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
the end of the travel season COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog As folks are planning their December holiday travels; were coming to the end of our recruitment trips and will finally ALL be home later this month. It will be nice to put away our carry-on luggage for a few months. But it was great meeting so many of you. Grace will be out in Singapore on November 11, Jakarta on November 13 and Bangkok on November 15 to meet with prospective candidates at the APSIA Admissions Forums Please RSVP online. For information on where else we will be this week/month, visit our On the Road recruitment calendar. We continue to look forward to meeting you soon.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Effective Ways of Preventing Terrorism - 275 Words
Effective Ways of Preventing Terrorism (Essay Sample) Content: EFFECTIVE WAYS OF CONTROLLING AND PREVENTING TERRORISMNAMEINSTRUCTORDATEA growing threat of extremism and terrorism is being experienced by the entire nations of the world. In one way or another no particular country nowadays seem to be safe in the terrorists hands. For instance, a country like Pakistan has been mostly affected by the ever increasing terrorism that has basically crippled its economy (Mahncke, 2006). All worlds civilized countries are deeply concerned by this menace and lots of efforts are being put in place to aid eliminate it. However, despite the efforts, many people are still being rendered victims because of terrorism.There is therefore a need to identify the root causes of this ever growing menace so that effective mechanisms can be put in place in order to save the next generation and the world as a whole from being victims of this growing threat. The main causes of terrorism therefore include corruption, poverty, and lack of education, injustic e and unemployment (Guild Baldaccini, 2007). The entire nations of the world should therefore direct their efforts at addressing the above cause of terrorism. The following solutions are the most effective ways of controlling and preventing terrorism. Alleviating povertyAll countries should direct their effort at alleviating poverty because it seems to be the main cause of terrorism. This menace is basically triggered by the lack of resources by the people to make ends meet. Strong and effective efforts are therefore required to reduce poverty because it is the thing that actually forces good citizens to join terrorism. Terrorists are used by masterminds to carry out heinous crimes and persuade them to engage in suicidal attacks. They motivate them to going to heaven by killing innocent people. In addition, they easily convince young and teenage boys to execute their nefarious designs because teenagers are not aware of the consequences (Guild Baldaccini, 2007). The reduction of po verty therefore has a huge impact on the reduction and prevention of terrorism level because many people will not be able to fall into the hands of terrorists.Reduction of unemploymentAnother main cause that helps increase terrorism is unemployment. Unemployed people lack opportunities to get jobs to support their families; this finally makes them pawns in the terrorists hands (Das Kratcoski, 2003). These people are then promised huge sums of money and guaranteed family support in case they kill people as demanded by the terrorists. Creating employment opportunities therefore provides these people with gainful activities thus preventing them from tilting towards these negative activities since they remain busy in their jobs (Mahncke, 2006).Ending injusticeA lot of injustices almost exist everywhere particularly in the third world countries. Lack of speedy justice in the system basically supports the growing terrorism because people take laws in their own hands. This is coupled with the peoples loss of trust in police and judicial system. The existence of much injustice almost everywhere widens the gap between the rich and the poor and this has caused people to shift to terrorism because they need food, shelter and clothing for their families, a demand which is easily assured by terrorist masterminds (United Nations, 2008). Injustice should therefore be ended in the society so that terrorism can be controlled and prevented.Provision of educationMany young generations are forced to join anti-social groups due to lack of educations. There is therefore a dire need to provide people with opportunities to educate their children. Providing free educations or at a reduced and subsidized costs, reduces the trend of people tilting towards extremism and terrorism and this controls and prevents this threat both cur...
Friday, May 22, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
It Cannot Be Broken - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 406 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Joy Luck Club Essay Did you like this example? So the Taiyuanese mother continued to choose their daughters-in-law, ones who would raise proper sons, care for the old people, and faithfully sweep the family burial grounds long after the old ladies had gone to their graves (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 51). It was only the mothers of the males that were the ones to go and find the girls who their sons marry and spend the rest of their lives with. These choices were very important since the sons wife would be the one to take care of the family matriarch in her old age, not the sons. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "It Cannot Be Broken" essay for you Create order Lindo knew she was getting a bad husband, but she had no choice. That is how backward families in the country were (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 51). Lindo did not agree with what was happening; she did not like how the customs went unchanged and women could still not choose their own husbands. We have made a contract. It cannot be broken (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 52), was the attitude. Even if the girl wanted to get out of her marriage, she was not able to because of the contract her family had signed saying their children would be married to each other. The contract was not allowed to be broken. The dowry was included in the marriage contract. All the heavy furniture and bedding has to be left behind, and these were promised to the Huangs as my dowry (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 53). A dowry needed to be provided from the girls family to make her more attractive and worthy of marrying. This was the first time I realized the Huangs had a much better position than my family. They looked down on us which made me understand why Huang Taitai and Tyan-yu had such long noses (Tan, Joy Luck Club, 54). Lindo will be lifted up in social standings because the family she was marrying into had a higher social standing. The Huang family looked down on Lindos family because they were from a lower class. Lindos family could not refuse the marriage offer because they wanted their daughter to have a higher standing and there may not be another chance. Before Lindo was married, she moved into the Huang house and was put to work right away. She did what she was told because she did not want to disgrace her family and she had made a promise to her parents that she did not want to break.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Is Typhus A Disease - 1737 Words
Typhus is a disease caused by a genus of bacteria known as Rickettsia, which has been around since the late fifteenth century. Up until the twentieth century, it had impacted the world in both a negative and positive way. It killed off a lot of civilians and troops, but has also helped places advance more in medicine. Historically, typhus did a lot of damage to Europe. Not only was Europe as a whole damaged, but the population living within Europe was damaged as well. Finding out you have typhus must be the most awful feeling in the world. Especially because it’s essentially life or death, if it’s not treated on time or correctly. At least 10,345,002 people have been affected by typhus. Poor families were affected more by the disease than†¦show more content†¦Satanism and Witchcraft states that, Europe has itself to blame for getting typhus due to the lack of cleanliness, not Asia. It was assumed to be an importation from Asia due to the Crusades, but Europe wa s wrong. To be unsanitary was encouraged in some churches. For example, in some places when an individual dies, they perform a ritual in which no protective equipment is used, for example; gloves and masks are not being worn for this procedure. There are bare hands touching the bare skin of a deceased being. In The Historical Impact of Epidemic Typhus it says, â€Å"Constant warfare, lack of any sanitation whatsoever, social values; all contributed to the role played by louse-borne typhus(epidemic) in that period of history and its contemporary ramifications.†The first time typhus was recognized on the European continent was in the fifteenth century when it caused a large amount of damage to the army of Ferdinand and Isabella, while they were trying to drive the Moors out of Spain. When the Spanish army blockaded the Moors inside the walls of Granada, hopeful that it would end the Moslem influence, an epidemic of louse-borne typhus reached the Spanish army. As a result, it k illed 17,000 of the original 25,000 soldiers. After this epidemic, parts of the army fled, and ultimately spread the disease to various parts of Europe. In the sixteenth century, the medieval person turned to spiritualShow MoreRelated Tuberculosis and Typhus Fever: Diseases of Class in 19th-Century England895 Words  | 4 PagesTuberculosis and Typhus Fever: Diseases of Class in 19th-Century England Missing Works Cited Although more prevalent amongst the working class, tuberculosis and typhus fever were contracted by all populations in Victorian England. People of the upper and middle classes could afford treatment while the poor were often subjected to unsanitary, disease-ridden living conditions. 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Vectors and pathogens that were not able to spread to certain countries before because temperatures were too low for them to survive in are now being able to habituate these parts of the world because of how much warmer our planet is becoming. This is concerning to us because infectious diseases can increase death rates. Therefore, if our planet continues to get warmer, the more infectious diseases will spread, and the more humans will die. ThisRead MoreEssay about Life and Death in The Middle Ages1456 Words  | 6 Pagespoverty. This state of poverty not only leaves inadequate nutrition, but also unclean, contaminated water and living conditions. In past centuries the average lifespan was shorten due to economic situations such as famine, starvation, infections disease, and even death. In medieval time food and feasting were great past times. The extent to which the people of this time period could enjoy the variety of food we enjoy today, as well as many other aspects of medieval life depended on a person wealthRead MoreWhy Did The Holocaust End?878 Words  | 4 Pageschambers, they would have nail marks on the walls. Thousands of prisoners had died from malnutrition and disease (Weber #615, 620). Allied troops would have to wear masks when liberating Jews so that they would not catch diseases, such as Typhus (â€Å"Oh, No, It Can’t Be†). â€Å"British forces liberated camps in Northern Germany. They entered a camp where about 60,000 were in critical condition from a Typhus epidemic (Liberation of Germany). Many soldiers were forced to unbury Jews from mass graves to be reburiedRead MoreOrientation For Shakespeare s Play, Romeo And Juliet1087 Words  | 5 Pagesordinary individuals were hanged and the wealthy were beheaded. - In addition, disease and illness was rampant during the 16th century whereas in the 21st century that is no longer the case. In the 1500’s many people did not survive childhood or adolescence. This was because of disease, though if they survived and managed to make it until adulthood the risks would not decrease whatsoever. - The five most frightening diseases in 16th century London were: The Plague Sadly, the rate of survival afterRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven : An Impact On Music733 Words  | 3 Pages3). While dealing with the deaths of his four siblings, Beethoven was also very sick as a child. He suffered from many diseases and illnesses such as; rheumatism, jaundice, rheumatic fever, ophthalmic, inflammatory degeneration of the arteries, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, skin disorders, Syphilis, infectious hepatitis, and typhus (3). He also suffered from other diseases not listed. Later in life his conditions worsened and ultimately led to his death. At the age of 27 Beethoven started hearing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Andrew Jacksons Colorful Military Career - 1286 Words
The seventh president of the United States had a colorful military career before he became Commander in Chief. Andrew Jackson, born 1767 in South Carolina, was a prisoner of war during War of Independence; his treatment resulting in a lifelong dislike of Great Britain, (Andrew Jackson n.d.). After the British captured the belligerent Jackson, he was ordered to clean a British officers boots. When he refused, the officer drew his sword and slashed Jacksons hand to the bone, (Patrick, n.d.). This memorable treatment by the British inspired Jackson to take up arms against the British in the War of 1812. It also helped to foment Jacksons political ideologies that were staunchly anti-federalist. In addition to his encounters with the British during the Revolutionary War, Jackson was notorious for having indulged in many a duel, including one in which he killed Charles Dickenson (Patrick, n.d.). Jacksons early military career consists mainly of his involvement in the War of 1812, followed by the Creek War in 1813-1814, and then culminating in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. This string of military victories for Jackson was later supplemented by brutal victories in the First Seminole War in 1818. Having had a meager role to play in the War of 1812, Jackson hungered for glory and led the West Tennessee Militia in the Creek War of 1813-1814. This led to promotions for Jackson. Jacksons military career reached its pinnacle, though, during the Battle of New Orleans.Show MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pageshard to understand and duplicate. These leaders also focus on the measurements that make it clear that their companies have achieved these goals. This focus is fundamentally different from the traditional business focus on trying to make a business career of unduly specialized strength in a few operational areas. Leaders who focus on the customer marketplace recognize and manage the implementation of this business principle because they realize that it is a necessary precondition and platform for the
Anna Hazare’s Movement Against Corruption Free Essays
A new landmark in the history of independent India, a new path paved by the veteran anti- corruption campaigner Anna Hazare. His struggle against corruption was a gentle reminder of Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha. His fast-unto death, the five day fast has shown the world what Gandhism means in today’s world. We will write a custom essay sample on Anna Hazare’s Movement Against Corruption or any similar topic only for you Order Now The power of Gandhiji’s non violence will never cease to exist in the ages to come. While in Libya and Yemen there is bloodshed for freedom, where people are waging war against one another during the crisis, here in India, a respected social activist Anna Hazare is waging a peaceful, non violent war against corruption. His urge to free India of the greatest evil, corruption, commends appreciation. This fight against corruption staged at Jantar Mantar was not a one- man show. People from different parts of the country gave their support to Anna Hazare. The greatest merit of this non violent struggle was that no political party was involved in it. Anna Hazare and his supporters were not influenced by any political party. There was only one flag waving high in the sky and in our minds, the Indian National Flag. The fast ended on a very positive note when the idea of Jan Lokpal Bill was accepted by the Government of India. According to the Jan Lokpal Bill, there will be a separate body to investigate and curb the ugly face of India†¦. CORRUPTION; where people have the right to raise their voice against corrupt politicians. Moreover the CBI will be seen as an independent body, free of any other external influence. Now that the bill is going to be sanctioned, a very important question arises†¦. Can all the Indians touch their heart and say with confidence that the Jan Lokpal Bill will eradicate corruption Maybe to an extent but I don’t think it will erase corruption completely in a vast country like India. The Jan Lokpal Bill may have loopholes like the Right to Information Act, an Act passed due to the thrust laid by Anna Hazare. According to the right to information act, the citizens of India have the right to get information on any matter concerning the country, but recently an incident occurred which clearly reflects the loopholes in it. A citizen of India lodged a complaint about the illegal wealth possessed by the former chief justice of India, K. G Balakrishnan. Even today complete information about the wealth of this most corrupted chief justice of India is not known to the public. Why? Is it beyond the Right to Information Act? Similar loopholes are likely to be there in the Lokpal bill also. It is sure that as time passes some illegal and illogical rule will come whereby the citizens cannot use this bill against the Prime Minister, Chief justice and so on thus restric ting its use. The new committee formed to frame the bill must take in the interest of all sections of the population. It should be taken care that the bill will be unbiased and does not favour any person; be it the president or prime minister. Further it should be accompanied by other reformation, yes, reformation from the grass root level. Recently when assembly elections were held in Kerala, crores of rupees were spent by each candidate of the 140 constituencies for campaigning. Where did this money come from? If it is the contribution made by big industrialists and so on, then those candidates when elected should serve their interests. In Tamil Nadu, people are given free T. Vs and laptops. Where did this money come from? All these are different manifestations of corruption. A very effective way to end corruption is to reduce the money power in elections. Crores of rupees are deposited as black money by many influential people abroad. This unaccounted money should be brought back and if it is done, this black money alone can provide the necessary funds required for the construction of metros in a ll the states of India. These reformations if enforced can provide that extra impetus needed to curb corruption along with the Lokpal bill. The Lokpal bill is cent percent legitimate and it upholds the spirit of the constitution because its main aim is to create a corruption- free India. If by any chance it is against any article of the constitution, it is better to amend the constitution rather than the bill because of its most noble cause. The 2G spectrum case, Adharsh Bhavan Colony, commonwealth games are the different issues which we have been hearing in the last few months which has made India a laughing stock in the comity of nations. Let us use the Jan Lokpal bill wisely, sealing its loopholes and see the ultimate result. Let us hope for the best. How to cite Anna Hazare’s Movement Against Corruption, Papers
United States Healthcare free essay sample
The big question is should we change our healthcare as we know it today. The United States is proposing a universal healthcare system to help alleviate people who don’t have medical care and the cost of medical today. Do we really want a government who can’t seem to run the offices they have now running our universal healthcare system? What makes the United States think that they can do a good job at running Universal Healthcare, when other countries can’t seem to get it right either? Maybe we need to look into other ways to better our healthcare system before we dive into Universal Healthcare ran by the government. One of the disadvantages to Universal Healthcare in the United States is that the United States government will be running the healthcare system. The United States government is currently having trouble running their offices. How is the government going to be able to run universal healthcare, if they are having trouble running other government run systems? Currently, there are two systems run by the government that are on the verge of going bankrupt today, Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security (TW). Can you think of any government office that runs efficiently? There isnt one government office that can run United Healthcare more efficiently than the private entities do. (Messerli). The proposal that the government currently has for Universal Healthcare shows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) running the Universal Healthcare system (Messerli). Do we really want the IRS to run the healthcare system? The government wants to give the IRS the authority to determine who needs medical care and who don’t. As an individual or family you would need to indicate on your tax return whether or not you have acceptable insurance. You would be required to submit a form similar to your W-4 to prove that you have acceptable insurance. If you do not submit this form the IRS has the ability to fine you. They will also be the ones to determine how much you have to pay for your insurance (York). This is just another way our government can control us and take more of our money. Our rights are being taken away little by little, until one day we wont have any more rights. Our government cant’ handle running social programs like universal healthcare (TW). One of the issues is how Universal Healthcare will be funded. The money has to come from somewhere. The money to pay for a system this large is most likely going to be coming from our taxes. The government will either raise taxes or do some cutting elsewhere. The unfortunate thing is how much more in debt is our government going to become. Are we going to go bankrupt as a nation? (Messerli). Instead of increasing our government spending, maybe we need to focus on the issues of poor health in the United States. We need to realize that we are all responsible for our own health. Quite a number of our healthcare problems are self inflicted. Some of the leading causes of death are self inflicted, such as obesity, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Most of these are preventable through exercising, diet, not smoking or drinking, and living a healthy life. We need to look at many aspects before diving into a government controlled healthcare reform (Mackey). Another issue is how much flexibility are we going to have under this system? At first you might think universal healthcare will increase your flexibility. In all actuality some controls are going to have to be put in place in order to curtail cost. You are not going to be able to choose any doctor you want to. Surgeries like breast implant, hair restoration, and Lasik eye surgery won’t be allowed. It’s all going to come down to political issues. Whenever you have the government controlling something politics come into play. Every medical procedure is going to turn into a battle between one party and another. In the end it will control and limit patient options (Messerli). How much is the government going to step in? Are we going to be able to make any decisions ourselves? Will the government not treat people, because maybe they feel they are not worth saving, or that they don’t have as long of a life expectancy as someone else. The government will determine when people can see their doctors. There will be rules put into place as to when doctors will be able to give expensive tests or certain medications. The government’s involvement is only going to make things worse. It will lead to poor patient care as well as a decrease in doctor flexibility (Messerli). Before diving into government run healthcare we need to determine if there are other things we can do with our current healthcare system. What can we do to save the system we have now? One idea is by having an HSA (Health Savings Account). HSA’s help lower you medical care costs. You put money into an account before taxes. Another way is to have a higher deductible. You wouldn’t be paying so much for insurance (Mackey). Another way to help our system now is to enact a Medicare reform. Currently Medicare is heading toward bankruptcy. We need to have a reform that will create patient choices as well as responsibility. You need to fix the systems we currently have before implementing another system. Who’s to say that system won’t have problems in the future, and then where will we be? We also need to do something about how much money these doctors pay out for malpractice insurance. If we do something to stop the costs doctors pay out for their overhead, then they wouldn’t charge us so much. This country is lawsuit happy and at the drop of a hat we cry lawsuit. Ending lawsuits that are not necessary will help lower the cost of healthcare. Maybe we need to change some the IRS benefits for health insurance. Currently employer health insurance benefits are fully tax deductible, but individual health insurance isnt. Everyone should have the same tax benefits. The government needs to make things fair for everyone, not just one person. We can also repeal the laws that prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. We should have the right to purchase health insurance from any company no matter where we live (Mackey). All of these things add up and get passed down to us through the cost of healthcare that we pay. There are so many things we can fix with our current health system, before we dive into universal healthcare. Fix what we have first. We should also take a step back and look at other countries Universal Healthcare systems. Are they as good as what we think? Do they run efficiently? You will find that everything is not greener on the other side. Many countries like the UK and Canada have long wait times to see specialists or even regular doctors. In England there is a long waiting list, in order to be admitted in the hospital or receive treatment, which are 1. 8 million people long In Canada, the long waits for seeing doctors have sent many individuals to private care. It takes 22 months for residents of Saskatchewan to get an MRI. There are about 57% of Canadians that report having to wait a month to see a specialist. Due to the wait times many individuals obtain private insurance in order to get the medical care they need (TW). In Canada and the UK there are no rights to healthcare. The government tells the citizens what healthcare treatments they are eligible to receive and when they can receive them (Mackey). As you can see from some statistics other countries are struggling with universal healthcare currently. There is no sure fire way to implement universal healthcare and still have the rights we currently have. We all really need to take a closer look on healthcare reform. Is this really what we want? It is important and essential to a long and healthy life, but it is equally important to have choices and say-so in matters of health. No matter what kind of reform is enacted they need to make sure that they be financially responsible for it and give us the ability to choose the doctors and healthcare services that best suit each person’s unique lifestyle choices. We are all responsible for our own lives and health. All of us should take our responsibility seriously and use our own freedom to make the choices that will be suit our health.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Reflection on Weight Loss Essay Example
Reflection on Weight Loss Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Weight Loss specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Weight Loss specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Weight Loss specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Reflection on Weight Loss Decreasing my weight was an important part of determining my overall health. This is attributed to the prevalence of autonomous lifestyle diseases due to the abnormal body weight. Therefore, it was highly important for me to engage in a weight loss program that enabled me to lose my weight and coincidentally determine various factors that were intrinsic and determinant of my weight. Such factors include my height, weight and daily activity and consumption. By knowing about such factors, now I am able to lead a healthy lifestyle. Foremost, my weight in kilograms (Kg) was 94 kg and my height in inches was 70, which translates to a measure of 5 feet 8 inches. In order to calculate my body mass index (BMI), I need to divide my weight in kilograms by my height in meters. Therefore, my BMI is 31.4 kg/m2. The Body Mass Index (BMI) determines whether a person is abnormally overweight, which is referred to as obese or has normal weight. If the BMI is lesser than 30, then the person is said to have normal weight. However, if the person has a BMI that is greater than 30, then that signifies that the person is overweight. Therefore, since my BMI is 31.4, then that means that I have to engage in a weight loss program in order to achieve normal weight. Before embarking on the weight loss program, my eating habits were uncontrolled. For instance, my eating schedule for five days was completely different from the schedule I have presently. For instance, on the first day of the week, I could eat various foods that were considered fatty such as French Fries and Pizza as well as foods rich in proteins such as roasted chicken, beans and bread. My daily schedule was limited to such foods, which resulted into a high rate of carbohydrates. Therefore, my first-day intake analysis was Carbohydrates at 45, proteins at 17 and the total fat at 6.4. Additionally, my food energy level was at 256, the dietary fiber at 5 and the saturated and mono-saturated fat at 2.4 and 2 respectively. This analysis was the minimum intake I could achieve for five days, thus indicating that my calorie level was increasing after the first day. My Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) was 1900 calories while my Daily Energy Expenditure (DEE) was at 1498. My DEE was attributed to the co-curricular activities I love engaging in such as playing badminton, wrestling and walking. However, the efforts that I put in the activities were negative. This is because I was able to play badminton for 20-30 minutes and walk for a maximum of 1 hour. Since my school owns a gymnasium, I usually took part I badminton with some of my friends after class and after that, walked home instead of taking the bus or using my bicycle. Due to the ineffectiveness of my workouts, I was able to change my workouts by engaging in extra and rigorous curricular activities such as basketball and soccer for 1 to 2 hours after school and during the weekends. Such activities enabled me to increase my fitness level and even helped me change my diet by increasing beverages and fruits and limiting the amount of fatty foods. My attitude towards my weight changed since I discovered efficient ways of decreasing it through simple and enjoyable routines. I was able to reduce my BMI, which is currently at 26 kg/m2. Despite the disadvantages of my hectic school schedule, my dwindling self-esteem due to my obesity, laxity and procrastination tendencies, I was able to meet my objective of losing weight, which has enabled me to be active, fit and healthy.
Monday, April 13, 2020
A Dialectic Essay Sample Is a Great Way to Find Ideas For Your Essay
A Dialectic Essay Sample Is a Great Way to Find Ideas For Your EssayA dialectic essay sample is a general overview of a great piece of writing. The most common way to view this type of essay is to divide it into topics. This allows you to create an outline for your essay on that topic and allows you to find certain style points within that topic that you can incorporate into your essay. Once you have created an outline, then you will write the actual content of your own essay.The first thing to do is determine what type of writing you are going to be doing in this type of essay. There are two basic ways that people write and that include paragraph writing and essay writing. Sometimes, people are unsure of which method they are going to use in which type of writing. By creating a dialectic essay sample you will be able to determine the appropriate methods of writing that you will use for this particular writing style.In the past, the best of these essay samples was the research and fa ct collection method. That is, you would spend countless hours looking at different forms of evidence and information and compiling all of the facts that you found into a logical argument that was relevant to the topic that you were writing about. You would look for the most information that you could and write a series of sentences or paragraphs that contained the information that you found, but without sounding like a typical person.Today, there are many different things that we do with the research that we don't even think about. Often, we aren't aware of some of the uses of language that we use. Even within fact and research, there are things that we don't even consider. That is why we need to use a dialectic essay sample because it will help us avoid many of the mistakes that we can make when writing our own essays.There are many ways to make sure that your writing is properly researched and properly written. By researching the facts that you want to include, you can reduce the amount of time that you spend reading the facts. If you are working with the internet as your resource, you can quickly read up on the research you have done so that you don't waste time. You will want to keep your research time to a minimum so that you can put your best effort into each sentence of your writing.Lastly, you need to have a natural ability to write so that you can reach your audience. There are many different ways to reach your audience and you need to decide which one works best for you. By creating a dialectic essay sample, you will be able to find out what skills you have that allow you to create a well-written, but informative essay.Finding a dialectic essay sample is as easy as searching for it online. If you are unsure about how to find one, simply search 'dialectic essay samples' and you will get many results in a short period of time.
Friday, March 20, 2020
buy custom Activity Led Learning essay
buy custom Activity Led Learning essay Introduction Technology has been developed to enhance learning and aid in the use of design tools to work on modern electronic systems. The software developed has assisted in drawing electronic circuit diagrams also known as schematics; develops the circuits and stimulate their operation and hence saves time; and the designing a circuit board where it can be fabricated (Pratt, Jarrett, 2001, p.71). In the experiments conducted the MultiSim schematic capture and simulation software was used and it has its unique features of an Ultiboard printed circuit board design package and is both from the National Instruments. Using the software there were accurate and complete circuits are developed through design by allotting component designators. The aims of the session were to develop a working electronic circuit system and to test the electronic system. The purpose of developing the electronic system is to establish the ambient light level in Lux. In this part, illiminance and Luminous emmitance will be determined which will establish the luminous power for every area. This will be done by the use of a Light Dependant Resistor (LDR) which is a light sensitive device (Pratt, Jarrett, 2001, p.74). Numerous measurements will be carried out on the same experiment to ascertain the results given that it may be afected by light conditions and resistance. The relevant diagrams will be drawn to illustrate the circuits developed. In the second activity it involved voltage measurement of LUX theory; this was done in an electronic measurement system. This will involve the conversion of the measured physical quantity into current or voltage. Using the LDR it will be easy to convert from resistance to voltage in view of the fact that you use the LDR as part of the potential divider chain. In this part the value of R must be specified in the divider chain (Pratt, Jarrett, 2001, p.77). The calculations will be based on the values given in the circuit. The records of the experiments i.e. the values observed must be recorded either in a log book or electronically using MS excel or MS word. This will aid in the calculations and test results of the work and experiments done in week one. The experiments are progressive and will involve different levels where each experiment counts. The transducer signal processing which involves the potential divider of the output will be needed; this is so because there is need to compensate or increase the amplitude of the transducer signal before transmitting (Pratt, Jarrett, 2001, p.82). There is also need to limit the effects of loading and the fix, which will be done by use of the buffer amplifier in the system. Thee data collected is important in determining the bandwidth of the LDR system which is in bits per second. The progressive experiments also involve projects such as the DC motor speed control transducer, a musical instrument and an optical signaling system. Conclusion The use of the MultiSim schematic capture and simulation software made it effective and efficient in working on the experiments. The Ultiboard printed circuits developed assisted in understanding the systems and make the calculations easy. They produced actual work after feeding the data in to the system. Since it is automated it would detect all the errors in any system and hence being able to rectify the system for uncomplicated calculations. The projects taken were successful, given that the group understood the circuits well and carried out the project efficiently. The projects carried out helped the group members understand the schematic software better in that it developed an advanced system that is tangible and easy to comprehend. The progressive development of the experiments was also very essential given that each step was building a foundation for the next project. However, there is need for more practice using the MultiSim schematic capture and simulation software so that every group member becomes conversant with its operations. Buy custom Activity Led Learning essay
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Filing Federal Timber Income Tax
Filing Federal Timber Income Tax Congress has provided timberland owners with some favorable tax provisions. Here are five tips designed to help you make the most of these provisions and avoid paying unnecessary income tax or making costly mistakes. This report is only an introduction. Consult the references and links provided for complete information on the topic. Also understand that we are discussing Federal income tax here. Many states have their own taxing systems which can be dramatically different from federal taxation and is usually an ad valorum, severance, or yield tax. Remember these five points when filing your Federal income taxes on timber: Establish Your Basis Its key to establish your basis as soon as possible and to keep good records. Basis is a measure of your investment in timber as opposed to what you paid for the land and other capital assets acquired. Record your cost of acquiring forestland or the value of inherited forest land as soon as possible. When selling your timber in the future, you can use these costs as a depletion deduction. Adjust or step up your basis for new purchases or investments. Step down your basis for sales or other disposals. Keep records to include a management plan and map, receipts for business transactions, diaries, and landowner meeting agendas. Report basis and timber depletion on IRS Form T,â€Å"Forest Activities Schedule, Part II. You are required to file a Form T if you claim some timber depletion deductions or sell timber. Owners with occasional sales may be excepted from this requirement, but it is considered prudent to file. File your years documentation using this electronic version Form T. Know Whats Deductible If you own a forest to make money, ordinary and necessary expenses incurred for managing forest land as a business or an investment are deductible even if there is no current income from the property. This includes if youve performed reforestation work or established significant timber stand regeneration costs. You can deduct outright the first $10,000 of qualified reforestation expenses during the taxable year. In addition, you can amortize (deduct), over 8 years, all reforestation expenses in excess of $10,000. (Due to a half-year convention, you can only claim one-half of the amortizable portion the first tax year, so it actually takes 8 tax years to recover the amortizable portion.) Do You Quality for Long-Term Capital Gains? If you sold standing timber during the taxable year held for over 12 months, Yyu may be able to benefit from the long-term capital gains provisions on timber sale income which will lower your tax obligation. When you sell standing timber either lump-sum or on a pay-as-cut basis, the net proceeds generally qualify as a long-term capital gain. Remember, you can qualify for this long-term capital gains treatment on timber only if you hold the timber over one year. You do not have to pay self-employment tax on capital gains. Did You Have a Timber Loss? If you had a timber loss during the taxable year, you can, in most cases, only take a deduction for (casualty) losses that are physical in nature and caused by an event or combination of events that has run its course (fires, floods, ice storms and tornadoes). Remember that your deduction for a casualty or qualifying non-casualty loss is limited to your timber basis, minus any insurance or salvage compensation. Make Required Reports to the IRS If you had federal or state cost-share assistance during the taxable year via receiving a form 1099-G, you are obligated to report it to the IRS. You may choose to exclude some or all of it but you must report it. But if the program qualifies for exclusion, you can choose either to include the payment in your gross income and make full use of beneficial tax provisions or to calculate and exclude the excludable amount. Excludable cost-share assistance includes the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP payments only), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP), Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) and Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP). Several states also have cost-share programs that qualify for exclusion. Adapted from USFS, Cooperative Forestry, Tax Tips for Forest Landowners by Linda Wang, Forest Taxation Specialist and John L. Greene, Research Forester, Southern Research Station. Based on a 2011 report.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Annotated Bibliography on Finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
On Finance - Annotated Bibliography Example Eugene Fama is one of the renowned economists, working as a finance professor in the University of Chicago. His interest in the concepts related to stock market prices have pushed him to walk through several untreated paths and notions about the subject. And in all researches of his, he has succeeded indubitably and his hypothesis on efficient markets has encouraged several other economists to pursue further research on the same subject. In this paper, he has described about the theories about random walks and through which he has raised concerns about the working aspects of a market. The author however has given only an introduction to the random walks theory and has not divulged more about its extrapolations. The stock prices can be evaluated and predicted based on their past performances. However, the authors Craig and Andrew have opposed this analysis and have shown through their experiments that stock market prices do not follow this theory. Robert Higgins, just like the author cited above, is also in the teaching profession taking classes in the field of Finance. He has done several researches in finance including on concepts that deal with the management issues present in dealing foreign exchange and money matters and also on theories that underlie the importance of valuation. In this book, the author has mainly focused on principles and issues that have to be followed and faced up in case of acquiring new resources. He also deals with the idea of managing the resources that are newly bought. The knowledge showcased by the author on the theories and ideas related to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the financial assets of a company is exemplary. In addition he showcases very useful tools that could be used in the evaluation of financial assets of a company (Higgins, 1992). The important characteristic of the entire book is that most of the technical jargons related to finance and economics which deal with income and balance statements have been explained to the readers in a common language. 4. Firth, Michael. Share Prices and Mergers: A Study of Stock Market Efficiency. UK: Saxon House. 1976 .Print The author, being a Ph.D. holder, has quite an experience in the field of accountancy after working as an accountant for several number of years in several organizations. He is an ardent follower of economics, of its feasibility and efficiency and has published several journals and books in relevance to the mentioned topics. In this book, the author has described about the practices involved in carrying out business activities and given a critical account of the predicting game that take place in share markets - that produces the most controversial and most sensational ideas
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Pride and Prejudice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pride and Prejudice - Essay Example She should also be pretty to look at and someone who is willing to abide by the social norms of the time, since to do otherwise was to invite public scorn, disapproval, and humiliation. Women sought out men with good social standing and wealth as partners. For men, wealth and standing trumped all else. Your character was assumed to be good or justified if your standing and wealth were great enough. A single woman of no means was in a precarious situation since she needed to make a ‘good marriage’ (one to a wealthy man) in order to have any hope in society. If her social status was low, a potential partner would make negative assumptions about her character. Austen’s stance on the social practices of the time seems obvious. She uses irony to display her displeasure for the mores and norms of the time. The opening statement of the book is ironic: â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wi fe†(Austen 1). The suggestion is that if a man has money, then the next thing he needs to procure is a wife. And the flipside of that statement is that a woman wants to marry a man with wealth. The title itself is also ironic. Both characters suffer from both pride and prejudice, which interferes with their ability to recognize their affection for one another. Both exercise prejudice in assessing one another. And both let their pride get in the way. During the initial ball scene, Darcy’s behavior is quite foolish and excessive. He pronounces all of the women in the room to be unattractive and claims that Bingley is dancing with the only pretty girl in the room. When Bingley suggests that he dance with Elizabeth, Darcy says, â€Å"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men†(8). This is an attempt at humor on Austen’s part. It is ludicrous logic Da rcy is employing; he only wants to dance with young ladies who are at present engaged with other dance partners. And he will pass on a woman who is available. Bingley’s behavior is much more socially acceptable as he claims to never have met so many pleasant girls. Jane is being quite sociable and getting lots of attention from the men in the room, so her behavior is very socially acceptable. Elizabeth is no doubt hurt by Darcy’s snub, but later uses it as entertaining fodder for her friends, which is also a socially acceptable response to the situation. In the Spring, Darcy suddenly proposes to Elizabeth, so his behavior at their initial meeting is all the more ridiculous. During this scene it is particularly obvious to the reader that Darcy and Elizabeth have strong feelings for one another. Austen even provides the ironic statement of Darcy to Elizabeth regarding the fact that she says things she doesn’t believe. â€Å"I have had the pleasure of your acquain tance long enough to know that you find great enjoyment in occasionally professing opinions which are in fact not your own’ (150). Elizabeth goes onto reproach Darcy for his refusal to dance with her at the ball. The fact that she is brining this up and teasing him about it reveals to the reader that she indeed has feelings for him. When Darcy tries to defend his behavior by saying that he didn’t know anyone outside of his party, Elizabeth sarcastically says, â€Å"And nobody can ever be introduced in a ball roomâ€
Saturday, January 25, 2020
A Case Review On The Shining English Literature Essay
A Case Review On The Shining English Literature Essay Jack Torrence, loving father when sober and aspiring playwright and author accepts a winter caretaker job at an old, large and isolated hotel in Colorado. Jack, his wife Wendy and their clairvoyant son Danny move into the Overlook hotel. Dannys clairvoyance makes him sensitive to super-natural forces and shortly after their arrival at the Overlook he experiences premonitions about the danger the hotel poses to his family, he begins seeing ghosts and frightening visions about the hotels past. Knowing that the caretaking job is important to his father and to the familys future Danny avoids telling his parents about the visions. As winter closes in and the small family become completely isolated Danny realises that his presence in the hotel makes it more powerful, the hotel has difficulty possessing Danny, so it begins to posses Jack, frustrating his need and desire to work. Jack becomes increasingly unstable and the ghosts of the hotel gradually begin to overtake him. With the heavy winter snow leaving them all totally isolated a true horror story unfolds as the hotel attempts to use Jack to kill Wendy and Danny in order to absorb Dannys psychic abilities. Characters: #. Danny Torrence The 5-year-old son of Jack and Wendy, he has the Shining ability which empowers him with various psychic abilities which render him sensitive to super-natural forces; this is what makes him the target of the hotel. Danny has a psychic guide, named Tony taken from his middle name Anthony through which he can see past and future events. At first Tony seems to just be an imaginary playmate but soon becomes a source of fear to Danny, followed by a source of strength towards the end of the novel. Being 5 years old Danny is only just learning to read, so he often becomes confused after some of his visions as they require some reading skill to be fully understood; this motivates Danny to achieve a higher than usual reading skill before he has even started school. With his Shining ability Danny can tap into peoples thoughts but as mentioned above, his age limits his understanding of them. Danny is most definitely a likeable character, he is sweet, caring and has the inno cence and ignorance of a 5 year old, yet he is also very intelligent for his age as he is forced to mature with the insight he has from his shining ability. His psychic insight gives him confidence at times but also scares him. He is enquiring and curious, always trying to further his understanding of things. #. Jack Torrence Jack Torrence is a recovering alcoholic, he lost his teaching position after beating up a student for slashing his cars tires. When he drinks he is very erratic and has an extremely short temper, one night after coming home drunk he broke Dannys arm because Danny would not stop crying; ever since the event his marriage had devalued and him and Wendy were contemplating divorce. However Jacks fatherly instinct took over and he managed to quit drinking and arrange a winter caretaking job at the Overlook, this was all an attempt to prove himself in order to save his marriage. Jack has a certain arrogance and stubbornness about him, he does not like being under authority and often compromises himself or his job by retaliating to it. The above and drinking are his weaknesses and the hotel identifies and uses them to turn Jack against his family and into a monster. Jack seems to be quite a likeable character at the beginning of the novel but as it progresses and the reader witnesses how Jack acts under pressure and his history is revealed one begins to dislike him, yet there is always a bit of pity for him because he tries so hard to make up for his past. #. Wendy Torrence Wendy is Jacks wife and Dannys mother, a likeable, kind, friendly and genuine lady. She had/has a bad relationship with her mother which has influenced her to be the best mother she can to Danny. She is extremely strong and capable; she sticks with Jack despite his alcoholism and short temper. When Jack is possessed she tries to balance staying alive, protecting her son and trying not to completely abandon her husband. Her actions are not always what would seem to be clever but she never disappoints, always keeping the reader in suspense. Her strength is evident in that she seems to be almost immune to the Overlooks evil. Wendy is also a very practical person, this contributes to her saving herself, Dick Hallorann and Danny at the end of the novel. #. Dick Hallorann Dick Hallorann is the chef of the Overlook Hotel and shares the shining ability with Danny. Dick is a true hero in the novel, he is summoned to the hotel telepathically by Danny where he almost loses his life help save Wendy and Danny from Jack. He is also important to Dannys future well-being as he is the first person to verify Dannys shining ability and to name it. Dick is a very kind, likeable, friendly man and is the only character introduced, besides Danny, who possesses the shining ability. #.Horace Derwent Horace Derwent was a self-made millionaire and former owner of the Overlook Hotel and is responsible for most of the Overlooks notorious history. Although it is not clear whether he is alive or not he appears to Jack in the Colorado Lounge as one of the apparitions at the ball. His current involvement in the Overlook is not clear but he comes across as a bad guy. Themes: The Shining is the story of a desperate family, they believe the Overlook is their last chance of making it together. The Overlook however is all about destruction, destroying families by twisting the love within them. The family theme is quite complex, Jack is battling with his own childhood where he had an abusive alcoholic father, Wendy has a bad relationship with her mother who blames her for her parents divorce, Wendy has little family contact other than with Jack and Danny this runs into the other theme of isolation. The isolated Overlook hotel is quite like the family, both have their share of unsavoury pasts and like the hotel these also contribute to the familys isolation (isolation from their extended family and isolation within themselves due to Jacks short temper and drinking). Dannys shining ability isolates him from everyone else, he has to deal with a lot more than the average 5 year old let alone adults, when he meets Dick Hallorann also a shiner his isolation is s lightly lessened. Violence is quite prominent in the novel, the Overlook hotel feeds on violence. Jack is quite vulnerable to it after battling with a violent childhood and still battling with his own violent temper. We see the Overlook take advantage of Jacks weakness as we watch him lose his battle to control his own violence becoming a slave to the hotel. Setting: The novel is set at The Overlook Hotel in Colorado, September 30 December 3, 1975. The Overlook has a long history of violence and questionable deaths. The date sets the novel in the fall and winter of 1975, just post the Vietnam War. The date 1945 is brought up in the novel quite often, with reference to the Overlooks history. 1945 marks the end of World War 2 and the beginning of the Cold War, both 1975 and 1945 were years of extreme post-war anxiety and relief. Making the setting in quite emotion-provoking times. The Overlook however intertwines different time periods, bringing together all of its horrific past. The hotel has so many settings within itself Room 217, the ballroom, the cellar, the boiler room etc that it provides the perfect platform for King to unleash a hell of a horror. Style, form and structure: Written in third person and including perspectives from all the characters with their thoughts included, the novel gives a nice all-round image of each characters personality and character. As perspectives change all the time, you feel as if you are watching a movie; I think this style and structure is why this novel has made such a successful film. My response: I really enjoyed the novel, it was my first Stephen King read and my first horror novel. It was quite difficult to get hooked in the beginning but once the true horror started it was a book I could not put down, the suspense was great. I found it to be truly original and so entertaining with a well-thought out sophisticated plot that will still be great when its re-read for the 5th time. Id say definitely a masterpiece and it lives up to all the praise it has received. Stephen King is truly talented, cant wait to read another one of his books.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Becoming an Early Childhood Educator Essay
U. S. President Barack Obama emphasized on the importance of education in a country for not only one time. He believe that education provide the opportunities to every single citizen to work on their strengths and ability to fulfill their responsibilities to the country by contribution on specific career in order to build up a strong country. I strongly agree with his point of view as education is not an individual responsibility but to all. Education is the basis of a country in order to strengthen the economic status and development. Thus, it’s our responsible toward the society and nation to educate our next generation by provide a positive social and physical environment to instill wholesome character building in young children. Society now day faces variety of problem especially family issue that commonly happens include child abuse, divorce cases, youngster tend to run away from home, abandoned baby and etc. One of the factors that caused these issues is lack of realization on importance of education. There is a quote stated: If we would amend the world, we should mend our selves; and teach our children to be, not what we are, but what they should be. (Quote by: WILLIAM PENN, Some Fruits of Solitude) Most of the parent didn’t realize their responsibility to their child as a role model in the growth of their children during childhood period. They might lack of exposure on the importance of early childhood education, or they unconsciously neglected their children’s need due to financial pressure in order to provide and maintaining the living standard of family. Thus, it’s our responsible as an educator to assist the parent on educating our next generation. It is my pleasure to meet a truly dedicated teacher in my life, although she was only teaching me as my class teacher for 1 year but her contribution and the bonding between me and she has brought the greater impact to my life. Compare to the teachers of old time with today, sadly to say, there are not much improvement among the quality of educator. Most of the educator are work for survive, they are lack of the passion and realization on their role and responsibilities, perhaps they do not know how to apply their knowledge on teaching method skillfully. In fact, it is the greater satisfaction as an educator to witness the growth of a child from innocence young age to a mature child. This is a most important period to instill a positive personality in a child as the behavior he practicing now will bring toward to adulthood and became his characteristic. The greater success of an educator is not the quantity of reward, but the recognition of the effort by the parent, student and society. The most precious and valuable achievement is to witness the success of wholesome character building on a child when they turned to an adult and continue influence the people around them with positive attitude. It is hard to achieve the objective of education with single contribution. Therefore it is important to bring together all the educators who having same ideology to work together as a role model to influence people around include the parent, children and colleagues to understand the importance of education. The main responsible of an early childhood educator is to instill the positive character to a child to develop wholesome character include sense of belonging, sense of responsibility, positive moral value, lifelong interest on learning, curiosity to the world and mentally and physically healthy and wealthy. Teacher as the second person after the parent as the role model to a child should practicing good behavior and attitude. Besides, a good teacher knows how to apply the knowledge skillfully to help children adapt to the knowledge on their level of understanding without killing their curiosity to the world. On the other hand, educator also played an important role to the parent because society in Malaysia now day is improving along with the realization on the importance of education. However, although the parent understands the importance of education, they are still lack of information in term of knowledge and skill to apply on their children. They are keen to seek for professional advancer and services as the agent of education to their children. In fact, this is a big step for the society; educator should always work closely and collaboratively with parent to encourage them involve in their child’s learning process to create love and caring environment for the children. The philosophy of a preschool setting that believed and practiced by the entire organization included administrator and teachers determine the process of achieving the goal of an organization. Same goes to personal philosophy held by a teacher, it is important to work collaboratively on behalf of children’s interest regardless personal identity and background. Teachers should be always ready to lend their hand to each other and strive for improvement together by sharing information and joining workshop, seminar or training together. Whenever there is dilemma, teacher should ask for the comment and suggestion without hesitate from senior colleague who willing to share their experiences and solve the problem together. Beside, teacher also played a role on providing a safe, healthy, loving and caring environment to young learner to develop sense of belonging and bonding among the children by always staying alert on potential danger and awareness on child’s behavior, health, physical and mental needs. Teacher should be always practicing 3R which is responsive, respect and reciprocal. Consistently interaction with the children is needed to understand child’s unique character and develop trust and respect relationship among children. However, teacher should allow necessary independent learning and respect child’s right in order to foster the development of children to prepare the children to be ready for the future challenges in their life. Knowledge on young children development is very important for educator. Therefore educator should be always seeking for improvement to provide highest quality service to the children. A knowledgeable teacher is always stay well informed on the latest update on government decision on education such as changing school syllabus and assessment for the student. Beside, by participate in variety of workshop, seminar and training; teacher will learn different teaching method to adapt children’s development milestone. Same goes to courses that offer in colleges and local university; it will improve the qualification and knowledge of teacher. By joining professional association, teacher will be always staying informed on the latest teaching approach and able to seek for professional comment from others. On the other hand, teaching should be stay adventurous when applying new skill to the children, learn from trial and error by observation and self reflection consistently. Teacher should be sensitive on child’s development to evaluate and improving the teaching method creatively in practical way. By understanding different learning pattern of the children, teacher should apply knowledge and skills in plenty ways for children to adapt to the knowledge. In conclusion, a professional early childhood educator should be having mental and physical readily with positive and optimistic attitude, be ready to takes up responsible and handle every dilemma and always strive for improvement. It is very important for an educator understand his/her role on the position held and to be flexible to adapt every changes and different situation. Lastly, enjoyment for the satisfaction of teaching will lead the educator to longer journey as time goes by because â€Å"You never know how much it’s worth until it’s gone†.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Success Of The Toyota Production System - 872 Words
INTRODUCTION TO THE LEAN SYSTEMS The success of the Toyota Production System is the evidence that Lean Systems help manufacturing companies in improving their operations and the process of manufacturing. Lean is an approach to eliminate waste and maximize the value for the customers. Lean has made its place in today’s market. Apart from Toyota, companies like John Deere one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery, Textron- leading systems which offers products and services to support the defense and the aerospace, Intel- the world’s largest chip makers, Nike-one of the leading super-cool clothing company have occupied their place in the success list of lean systems. HISTORY OF LEAN Before we understand the need lean we must understand the need of the productions such as Craft Production and Mass Production. The craft production was more about manufacturing the cars based on the specifications given by the customers. The term craft production refers to a manufacturing technique applied in the hobbies of handicraft but was also the common method of manufacture in the pre-industrialized world. The cars were modified according to the requirements of the customers which led to the limited number of models specific for each customer and relatively the cost was high but the customer had the satisfaction of dealing directly with the manufacturer. Craft production comprise of skilled employees at design, machining and fitting, usage of the general purpose machinesShow MoreRelatedThe Success Of The Toyota Production System1778 Words  | 8 Pagesworld Toyota has conceived and implemented many ideas and programs that have set themselves apart from the competition and positioned the operation for success. 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