Saturday, August 31, 2019
Company Law Question Solution Essay
QUESTION Ramrajee Baboo is a young attorney with a Master’s Degree in Corporate Law, specialising in project financing documentation. Ramrajee has been appointed to the Board of UDECOTT as it moves forward in a new program based on project financing for its new proposed constructions. UDECOTT is a state enterprise and Ramrajee is paid a stipend of $3,000.00 per month. UDECOTT had previously engaged the services of a general commercial law practitioner, Buji Bamee, to provide legal advice at a cost of $50,000.00 per month. Unknown to Ramrajee, the Chairman of the Board in an informal meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of UDECOTT agreed to terminate the contract of the consultant and have Ramrajee vet the project financing documents in her capacity as a director. Ramrajee was never informed of this decision. Two weeks prior to a board meeting, Ramrajee received board papers including certain project financing contracts for discussion at the next board meeting (scheduled to take place two weeks later). Ramrajee perused the papers cursorily and made certain brief notes. At the board meeting the documents were discussed and Ramrajee made certain general observations. The agreements were subsequently executed. It later transpired that the documents were not properly vetted and UDECOTT suffered a 10 million dollar loss. The agreements were not examined by any attorney other than Ramrajee. The government minister responsible for UDECOTT is quite annoyed and would like someone to be held liable. The Chairman said he relied on Ramrajee to vet the documents but Ramrajee has stated that her duty is that of a general review and would have needed detailed legal analysis beyond what is contemplated by her role as a director to uncover the deficiencies in the documents that occurred. Advise the Minister as to the conduct of Ramrajee. ANSWER ISSUE: Did Ramrajee exercise the level of skill required of her as director? LAW: Directors’ behaviour in office is governed by statutory and common law. Directors hold a fiduciary responsibility to the company for which they work which requires them to properly manage the assets of the company within the powers conferred on them. Under statute, according to section 60(b) of the Companies Act of Trinidad and Tobago, a director shall â€Å"direct the management of the business and the affairs of the company†. In effecting this management, he must do so in accordance with section 99(1) of the said Act which states that a director and officer of a company shall in exercising his powers and discharging his duties: a) Act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interest of the company; and b) Exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. These are all to be done in the best interest of the company. Where directors act in accordance with section 99, they may be indemnified against any liabilities incurred as a result of holding such a position pursuant to section 101. Under common law, the director owes a fiduciary duty to the company, as found in Pardy v Dobbin NFCA 11 (CanII), which â€Å"exacts from directors a strict ethic to act honestly and in good faith in the corporation’s best interest†. ANALYSIS: As a director of the board, Ramrajee owed a very specific duty of care towards the company. In particular, she was expected to exercise diligence and a level of skill that reflected her qualifications, as found in section 99(1)(b). While Ramrajee was unaware of the informal decision to terminate the consultant who was hired to perform general commercial law activities, the mere fact that Ramrajee was a member of the Board and had specialized skills in project financing documentation means that it would be expected that she use these skills. Moreover, the highly-paid consultant was a general practitioner and did not have this specialized skill. In addition, she was given two weeks to review the documents during which time she could have scrutinized them, but she did not. Her duties under statutory and common law required her to review the documents carefully. She did not exercise the level of care and skill required by her fiduciary position which was not in the best interest of the Company. As she breached section 99 of the Companies Act, as well as her common law fiduciary duties, she should be held liable and will not be indemnified by the company under section 101 for the loss sustained. RECOMMENDATION: Minister, she is in breach of her statutory and common law duties and should be held liable.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Imaging System Division Essay
3 of them were: * Imaging System Division (ISD) sold ultrasound and magnetic imaging system * Heidelberg Division (Heidelberg) sold high resolution monitors, graphics controllers and display subsystems 50% served ISD, 50% outside customer * Electronic Component Division (ECD) sold application specific integrated circuits and subassemblies. It was established as a captive supplier to other Zumwald divisions but now served outsider also * Total revenue â‚ ¬ 3 billion * Highly decentralized basis management * Division performance indicators were achievement of budgeted target Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) and sales growth * Partially vertical integrated * Each division allowed to outsource the component Imaging System Division (ISD) is going to launch new product namely X73 The characteristic of X73 was as follow: * It was a new ultrasound Imaging system * The product was faster, cheaper and more compact * Design was supported by Heidelberd division’s engineers at full cost of time compensation. To get a best price for its component, ISD did a bidding which involved Heidelberg. Unfortunately Heidelberg bidding price was much higher than outsider company, therefore ISD decided to buy from Display Technology Plc Here is the bidding: Supplier | Cost per X73 System (â‚ ¬) | Heidelberg Division | 140,000 | Bogardus NV | 120,000 | Display Technologies Plc | 100,500 | The decision triggered a dispute since Heidleberg felt that ISD did not show a team work in this case. 1. What sourcing decision for the X73 materials is in the best interest of a. The Imaging Systems Division? Base on the pricing structure X73 below are the calculation of Contribution Margin base on each suppliers’ bidding price: Item| Bidding Supplier| | Heidelberd| Bogardus| Display Tech| Price X 73| 340,000 | 340,000 | 340,000 | | | | | Direct Material| 140,000 | 120,000 | 100,500 | Other Component| 72,000 | 72,000 | 72,000 | Conversion cost| | | | Variable overhead| 27,000 | 27,000 | 27,000 | Fixed cost| 117,000 | 117,000 | 117,000 | | | | | Total cost| 356,000 | 336,000 | 316,500 | | | | | Profit Margin| (16,000)| 4,000 | 23,500 | In this case Display Tech is the best sourcing for ISD since by pricing at 340,000 per unit of X73, ISD would get highest profit compared to other offers. Heidelberg offered its standard price to ISD which would give ISD negative profit. b. The Heidelberg Division? In bidding, Heidelberg has to estimate how its competitors bid prices would be before determining its price. Hiedelber has to put only relevant cost plus a certain markup for profit to win. Bidding is a close price offer and the ethic is clear that there should be no more negotiation after the price opened. The proper price bidding for X 73 Heidelberg offers should be as follow: Item| Heidelberg| | Current Bid| Competitive Bid| Direct Material| 21,600 | 21,600 | | | | Conversion cost| | | Variable overhead| 28,400 | 28,400 | Fixed cost| 55,000 | | | | | Total cost| 105,000 | 50,000 | | | | Markup (33%)| 35,000 | 16,500 | | | | Price to Offer| 140,000 | 66,500 | Fixed cost which consisted of labor cost was not relevant cost for the bidding price since even Heidelberg awarded for X73 or not, Heidelberg should pay it anyway. As its capacity currently was 70%, there was no opportunity cost to be added. Therefore the actual lower bound Heidelberg could offer was â‚ ¬ 50,000. However that price would give zero profit to Heidelberg. To make the profit positive, Heidelberd could do some markup (eg. 33%). This profit was beneficial for Heidelberg to cover some fixed cost. c. The Electronic Components Division? ECD has been set as internal supplier whose pricing has been standardized to that purpose. with 20% marked up from Absorption cost. This was actually the proper transfer pricing for the company in supplying to other division. Item| ECD Current| | | Manufacturing cost | 18,000 | | | Profit Margin (20%) | 3,600 | | | Price Component for X 73 | 21,600 | | | d. Zumwald AG? Since Display Tech was the one who win bidding, from the launching of X73, Zumwald would get profit only from ISD Division amounting of â‚ ¬ 23,500, as describe on the Calculation below Item| Supplier | | Display Tech| Price X 73| 340,000 | | | Direct Material| 100,500 | Other Component| 72,000 | Conversion cost| | Variable overhead| 27,000 | Fixed cost| 117,000 | | | Total cost| 316,500 | | | Profit Margin| 23,500 | There are 2 more calculation scenario we could add if Heidelberg win the bid: 1. Heidelberg and ECD with current price offer Item| ISD| Heidelberg| ECD| Total| | | | | | Price X 73 & component| 340,000| 140,000| 21,600| | | | | | | Direct Material| 140,000| 21,600| | 161,600| Other Component| 72,000| | | 72,000| Conversion cost| | | 18,000| 18,000| Variable overhead| 27,000| 28,400| | 55,400| Fixed cost| 117,000| | | 117,000| | | | | | Total cost| 356,000| 50,000| 18,000| 424,000| | | | | | Profit Margin| (16,000)| 90,000| 3,600| 77,600| 2. Heidelberg & EDC with Transfer price, Price X73 = â‚ ¬ 340,000 Item| ISD| Heidelberg| ECD| Total| | | | | | Price X 73 & component| 340,000 | 66,500 | 21,600 | | | | | | | Direct Material| 66,500 | 21,600 | | 88,100 | Other Component| 72,000 | | | 72,000 | Conversion cost| | | | – | Variable overhead| 27,000 | 28,400 | | 55,400 | Fixed cost| 117,000 | | | 117,000 | | | | | | Total cost| 282,500 | 50,000 | 18,000 | 350,500 | | | | | | Profit Margin| 57,500 | 16,500 | 3,600 | 77,600 | Analysis: 1. For Zumwald AG it was important for Hedielberg to win the bidding, since it would generate more profit either Heidelberg offered current price or transfer price, 2. With first scenario ISD division would suffer for a â‚ ¬16,000 lost 3. If Display Tech win, Zumwald would lost â‚ ¬ 54,100 (â‚ ¬77,600 – 23,500) profit 4. The first scenario it looked ISD would be the loser but in second scenario ISD would generate biger profit (assuming X73 would be priced at â‚ ¬ 340,000) 5. With the second scenario, ISD actually could review the X73’s price it’s, since the transfer cost allowed ISD to lower the price so that X73 could better compete in the market 6. Vertical integration rules should be set up and applied in Zumwald AG 2. What should Mr. Fettinger do regarding the X73 sourcing issue? Considering some factors as mentioned below: a. ICD has announced Display Tech as the winner. b. There was a decentralized policy among the division that Fettinger has to be respect for c. Credibility issue of the company in the eyes of outside suppliers if Fettinger intervene in this case by changing the decision and winning Heidelberg Mr Fettinger should let ICD to source its X73 component to Display Tech as the winner. It could become a learning for him and management. However this consideration should not base on the amount of the business which was estimated to be small, because in my opinion for a competitive product such as X73, pricing was one of important part to success. If ICD could get any better price from other division, ICD may consider a lower price to the market X73 and the revenue may be double or triple. Then Mr Fettinger has to gather his division heads with a standard policy on transfer price among the divisions. 3. Can a system be designed to motivate each of Zumwald’s division managing directors to take actions that are not only in the interest of their division but also in the best interest of Zumwald? Explain. It can. The Top Management should set a TRANSFER PRICES for internally transferred goods. However in decentralized organization such as Zumwald AG, the managing directors and his teams often have considerable autonomy in deciding whether to accept or reject orders or whether to buy inputs from inside the organization or from outside. Therefore the transfer pricing rule should promote a GOAL CONGRUENCE among the managing directors involved in the transfer Please refer to the schematic below: Top Management Zumwald AG ECD Heidelberg ISD Components transferred at a transfer price Components transferred at a transfer price Assuming the transfer price is made, the transfer price will not affect the company’s overall profit, however it does affect the profit associated with each division. As a consequence, the trasnfer pricing policy can affect the decisions of autonomous managing directors who are deciding whether to make the transfer Purchase of productive inputs from vendors outside the organization Sales of finished goods to customers outside the organization Top Management Zumwald AG ECD Heidelberg ISD Components transferred at a transfer price Components transferred at a transfer price Assuming the transfer price is made, the transfer price will not affect the company’s overall profit, however it does affect the profit associated with each division. As a consequence, the trasnfer pricing policy can affect the decisions of autonomous managing directors who are deciding whether to make the transfer Purchase of productive inputs from vendors outside the organization Sales of finished goods to customers outside the organization There are general rules that will promote Goal congruence which are divided into scenario: 1. No excess capacity The transfer price = Outlay cost + Opportunity cost Outlay cost : standard variable production cost Opportunity cost : forgone contribution margin from the lost sales Goal congruence maintain because the selling company transfer its product to another division at equal price as if it sells to external customers. The buyer division just needs to pay for the above relevant costs. While Zumwald AG as the holding company would get benefit from both. 2. With Excess Capacity Transfer price= Outlay costs (no opportunity cost to add) Outlay cost : standard variable production cost General congruence: * The seller will get zero contribution since it sells the product at its outlay cost, to make it goal congruence it is advisable to allow the seller to add a markup to this lower bound in order to provide a positive contribution margin * The buyer will get price at outlay costs which allow it to price lower to compete the market * The Holding company off course would get more beneficial since the both division could get profit. In this case if the transfer price policy applied among Zumwald AG’s divisions, actually the bidding is only away to compare or there is no need to do bidding at all. Heidelberg should use the above formula plus a reasonable markup to get a positive contribution margin, therefore ISD will launch X73 on its price with sufficient profit which then beneficial to Zumwald AD as the holding company. General Transfer Pricing rule provide a good conceptual model for the managerial accountant to use in setting transfer prices and in most cases it is implementab le. However when the general rule cannot be implemented, it is advisable to use a transfer price based on market price, costs or negotiation.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Case Study about the Capital Gains Tax
In the given case, Dave Solomon age 59 is planning to get retired at an age of 60. He has decided to plan out his assets in the best possible way so that he has enough money at the time he gets retired. With an intention to save maximum amount available with him at the time of retirement, he decides to collect $1,000,000. HE decides to rent a city apartment and withdraw the tax free amount that he has saved in the superannuation fund for the retirement purposes. He was living in St Lucia from the past 30 years. He in order to raise the money that he has decided he plans to sell out his home through an auction. He conducts and auction and sells the house for $850,000 which has cost him $70,000, 30 years back. During the auction process, Dave has forfeited $85,000 from one of the customer, who first agreed to buy the house but after he fails to meet out his commitment. In this process Dave has paid $15,000 to the agent who has helped in fetching the right customer for the process. Cons idering all these points, Dave has made profit of $850,000 for the sale transaction. A person is not required to pay any capital gain tax on the profit that the person has earned on the sale of his residence. The exemption that has been given in the Australian tax laws is applicable only on the property in which the person is living or residing into. Thus, a person is required to pay the capital gain tax only on the property that has been earned by the person only on the property that has been held by him as an investment. In the given case, Dave has been living in his house located at ST Lucia which he has sold for $850,000. Being this property is the only in which Dave is living from past 30 years. Thus, in light to the above provision, being a property which has been used by the person is his own residence does not attract capital gain tax. Thus in that case, the capital gain earned by Dace worth $850,000 is not eligible for capital gain tax. As per the Australian tax laws, a person is not eligible to pay any capital gain tax liability arising on the profit that he has earned on sale of personal and collectible assets. In case of personal and collectible assets we have a separate classification which would be used for such taxation and thus the same in no case should be mixed with the provision of normal capital gain tax laws. The collectable and personal asset in this case includes art work such as drawings, paintings, photographs etc., jewellery, antiques, coins etc. In the given case, the painting of pro hart that has been sold by Dave would be covered in the definition of personal and collectible assets and thus the profit worth $110,000 that he has earned on such sale would be covered under the separate category other than capital gain. A person is not eligible to pay any tax liability on the gain that he has earned on sale of personal assets. The personal assets in this case includes car, resident property etc. In the given case, the assessee sold motor cruiser for $60,000 which he has purchased for $110,000. In light to the above provision, Dave is not likely to bear any capital gin tax from sale of his personal assets. Although, Dave has incurred loss on the above transaction, thus being the gin is not taxable, the loss so incurred by Dave would also not be carried forward or set of from any taxable capital gain. Dave during the year has taken a loan of $70,000. He has utilized the sales proceeds on purchase of shares which he has sold during the year for $80,000. On this sale, Dave is required to pay brokerage and stamp duty worth $750 and $250 respectively. In case of sale of shares, a person if carrying out the same a business, he would be eligible to bear the tax on ordinary income basis; else the income so earned would be taxable as capital gain. Dave in the above case has to bear interest cost worth $5,000 on the loan amount. While calculating the capital gain tax all the expenses that have been incurred in earning the profit on such sale would be allowed as deduction. However, the interest that the individual has paid on the loan amount that he has utilized for purchasing the shares, would not be allowed as deduction being the same does not have any direct link with generation of income. In this case, Dave made a profit of $9,000 on the transaction. The interest amount of $5,000 would not be allowed as deduction. Considering the above points, Dave during the period has earned the following as capital gain: Dave in the last year has a net capital loss of $10,000 that he has earned on sale of shares. The capital loss so incurred by Dave can be carried forward and will be reduced from the gain made in the current year. The amount that has been earned by Dave during the period would be used by him for meeting his retirement needs. ATO. Gov, Statutory formula method for Car FBT taxation, viewed on 1 st June 2016. ATO. Gov, FBT Tax rate 2016, viewed on 1 st June 2016. ATO. Gov, Market Interest Rate 2016, viewed on 1 st June 2016. ATO. Gov, Collectables and personal use assets, viewed on 1 st June 2016.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Financial and Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Financial and Strategic Management - Essay Example Firms that are highly leveraged may not continue to pursue debt financing because they are already paying a lot of interest. One of the cons of debt financing is the payment of interest. A positive aspect of debt financing is that the firm does not relinquish any control (Richards, 2011). The use of equity financing can be used to raise money fast. One of the advantages of equity financing is that firm is not obligated to pay back the principal and there are no interests costs associated with the acquisition of money through equity financing. A con of the strategy is that the common stocks sold in the open market by public corporations have voting rights which dilutes the power of ownership. There is no single formula to determine the appropriate mix for a particular project. The mix that will be used by a company will depend on a variety of internal and external factors. For instance when the interest rates in the market are low companies are going to be more persuaded to increase t he use of debt to finance projects. 2) Identify 3-5 sources of funding for projects. You may include budget allocations directly from governments or private sources of finance. What are their relative advantages and disadvantages? There are many sources that can be used to finance a project. Five of those sources are common stocks, preferred stocks, bonds, governmental incentives, and retained earnings.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Hinduism And The Caste System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hinduism And The Caste System - Essay Example Hinduism along with Judaism could realistically be said to be the foundations from which all other religions have sprung. Hinduism unlike Judaism is an open philosophy and it is this openness in its religious philosophy that has given rise to misconceptions about the religion. There is no founder for the Hinduism nor is there any kind of date that can be fixed for when it originated. The religious philosophy of Hinduism is contained in the several holy texts of Hinduism. (Chaudhuri, C. N., 1979). One of the most common misconceptions is that Hinduism has many Gods and also is a collection of many religious forms. This is far from true. Yes there are many Gods that occupy the heavenly abodes in Hinduism, yet all these gods as with all living beings are the result of the is the result of the creation through the sacrifice of the Supreme Viraat Purusha, or Supreme Being or Brahman. Thus the Supreme Being or Brahman is the Truth and the origin off all, present in all and is the one worthy of all worship. (God or gods?). Hinduism in its humility refuses to define this Supreme Being, as it believes it is not possible to define the Infinite in terms of the finite perspective of human beings. The Supreme Being is present in every living being and can be understood by any individual who chooses to seek the Supreme Being and in this is the finding of the Ultimate Truth.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Air pollution of fracking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Air pollution of fracking - Essay Example In this essay, we shall discuss the documentary and the changes that have occurred since its production in 2010. ‘Gasland’ is an American documentary film produced in 2010 by Josh Fox to educate and enlighten communities in the United States of America on the impact of natural gas drilling especially horizontal drilling otherwise known as fracking. Fox starts the movie with narrating how he received a letter in May 2008 requesting him to lease his family land in Pennsylvania for $ 100, 000 to drill for gas, a claim that Energy In Depth later refuted arguing that it did not offer anyone money to lease his land for drilling gas. Fox goes to the west where the process of mining natural gas through fracking has been for the last 10 years. He engaged and stayed with the residents as they narrated their stories and experiences of natural gas drilling in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Texas among other several states, he talked with residents of those areas who had developed chron ic ailments that can be directly traced to contaminated air quality and pollution of water wells and surface. Fox goes ahead to show how some of the residents who have been affected by the negative effects of pollution from fracking have obtained court injunctions and settlements in terms of money from the gas mining companies in order to replace the water supplies that have been affected with safe drinking water or portable water purification kits. In his documentary, Josh Fox tries to reach out to the scientists, politicians and executives and all stakeholders in the gas mining industry. In addition to congress sub-committee, which was tasked with discussing the ‘fracking responsibility and awareness of chemicals act’, which was intended to amend the ‘safe drinking water act’ to repeal the exemption of hydraulic fracturing from safe drinking water act. Since 2010, a lot of changes have happened in the gas mining industry with relation to the process of mi ning that uses hydraulic fracturing. despite the concerns that have been raised over the pollution levels of the process, the number of gas wells that are being sunk have been constantly increasing with estimations putting that there are at least 35 wells that are being drilled daily for the last one decade. This has been largely contributed by the federal government’s laxity to enact federal laws that regulate the use of hydraulic fracturing in mining gas. In 2012, more than 30 million cubic feet of natural gas were drilled, which signified about 25 per cent, increase since the year 2006 (Anonymous, 13). Most of the proponents of the process have argued that the process of hydraulic fracturing could help the country become energy independent by the year 2020 and supply the country with relatively cheap and clean energy for the next 90 years. In addition, the states that have been using hydraulic fracturing to mine natural gas have been able to create recession resistant econ omies that have withered the economic storm that had swept the country in the last 5 years. However, despite these benefits, people living within the areas that these mining companies operate have always complained about the noise and air pollution that include odours that comes from these companies. The environmental protection agency study in 2011, which tested water and air in Wyoming where
Child care - Care for babies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Child care - Care for babies - Essay Example A child’s unwillingness to leave the parent is known as separation anxiety. It is a very common observation in this age group. It is actually an indication of healthy attachment. It is only a temporary phase and almost every child will grow out of it. Llara and her family must come to the center few times before the starting day so that they get familiar with the surrounding and the staff. Confidence must be instilled into them by discussing with them about the quality of care, expertise, policies followed and how other children are doing. They should be shown play area, where and how the food is prepared, cradles and other such things. Also, a mention of availability of Pediatrician in case of emergency will relax them. The goodbye must be firm and with a pleasant and loving saying which the mother should follow like a ritual everyday. The mother should stay calm and composed and she should have confidence in the baby and the caregiver. Once she means to go, she should not come back. Usually children settle within 20 minutes. The mother can call after 20 minutes and find out. Also, while going, she should mention that she is going to be back. Children cannot understand time, but the mother can tell something like â€Å"I will be back after lunch†and she should come back without fail. Building secondary attachments with Llara may be easy because, her parents have already indicated that she is an easy-to-take-care baby. Also, she has been under the care of other people before. The caregiver must first familiarize herself with Llara when she is in the comforting hands of her mother. She should spend some time talking with the parents when Llara is looking on, so that she will associate her with her parents. She should never try to pull out Llara of her mother’s arm, especially the first time. Parents should show confidence in the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Evaluate the extent to which the statement of financial position Essay
Evaluate the extent to which the statement of financial position allows potential investors to assess the security of their intended investment and to determine the true net worth of the business - Essay Example Financial statement position of a company have measurable characteristic and easily evaluated (Financial Review, 2015, 1). Statement of financial position has essential skill at various occupations such as corporate finance, credit extension, commercial lending and investment management. Individuals engaging such activities should analyze data connection with investment decision. The financial statement should conquer with generally acceptance accounting principles (GAAP) (Wiley and sons, 2015, p4). The statement of financial performance should provide information on revenue, expenses, other profit measures such as gross profit and net profit (Financial Review, 2015, 1). The above worked example has clearly indicated all the information, which an investor requires to know before making a judgment relating to investment. The investor should compare personal security with the information shown and come up with the conclusion. The information to focus on includes the sales revenue, expenses, gross profit and net profit. This information shows the base line of company and indicates the least amount required for an investor to start the business. The investor can easily attain the amount shown on the statement of financial position above (Financial Review, 2015, 1)... In some cases, the amount represented on the statement of financial position has higher amount for investor to attain. In such cases, the investor should avoid risking the security available rather than look for an alternative. An investor who does not follow the instruction and engage in such risky securities asset investments might incur loses if not careful. One should make decision first after comparing financial statement with the personal securities before investing. The above illustration shows that the amount represented on the statement of financial position has easier way of attainment in the current
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Animation Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Animation Questions - Essay Example As the dance moves escalate, the overlap spaces out but the margin of the overlaps bridge closely as the dance moves slow down. The one year old baby is also consistent with the baby rapid moves owing to maintain balance. But in this case, the overlap I not as rapid as the one exemplified by the ballet dancer. The baby limbs are trying to acclimatize to movement while on the other hand, the dancer has developed stable gait. The drunkard has unstable and inconsistent gait. That explains the varying overlaps. In this case as he walks the overlaps bridge a bit but spaces out as he moves fast (perhaps almost falling but maintaining inertia). The overlap is medium, not as slow as the baby taking the first steps and not as rapid as for the dancer. On the second discussion, as I bounce the ball, I would incline and turn my head to underline the rapid moves I make owing to precisely hit my preferred target (the dining table in this case). I would also dangle my arms and jounce my head. As I lean forward to hit the ball I would walk forcefully and make strong gestures as I pick the stable ball. I would also lean forward as I pick the dropped cup and fallen books and tilt my head as I place the cup and the books back to the table. I would also dangle my arms rapidly to avoid being hurt by the chair as I bounce the
Friday, August 23, 2019
SWOT analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SWOT analysis - Case Study Example It offers 24/7 services to the customers and its services are designed to satisfy the needs and interests of the targeted customers. The company is also comprised of skilled and experienced leaders who can successfully steer it towards growth and development. The company capitalises on entrepreneurial leadership styles of its leaders who are capable of anticipating changes that may take place in the environment in which it is operating. The other strength of the company is that it has a flat organisational structure that helps it to promote efficient communication among the stakeholders. This helps it to remain flexible and reliable in the services it offers to different customers. A close analysis of the case study of Zipcar shows that it has more strengths and opportunities compared to threats and weaknesses. This gives the company a competitive advantage since it has more chances for growth and
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Biological and Chemical Weapons Essay Example for Free
Biological and Chemical Weapons Essay The Environment is at stake: Weapons that draws the environment into destruction Introduction The most important gift of God would definitely be the environment. Although it does not actually comes to our senses how important this one is, we must understand and accept the fact that we are in need of protection to save the environment. When God created the whole world, he made it perfect for the people and in return, we were asked to take care of it as he did. It may not be that convincing but these worlds would probably help us realize that the environment was not just a simple world we are living in, a part of our everyday lives, not just a place that we can use and later abandon. Environment is a dear gift from the God above thus we, as human beings are in need to protect the greatest and most magnificent work he made. There is a debate when it comes to the proper use and the proper care of the environment. We cannot deny the truth that the environment are now weary and used. None of the people who used it took the chance to stand up and restore its beauty. Instead, we are destroying it more and more thus we end up making harmful things not just to the people but also to the environment. In present, there are two kinds of people in relation with the environment. The environmentalists who would keep on doing what they think is right for the environment while the other one were the people who would not stop doing ill things and would continue putting not just the environment but also the people at stake. At this point of our life, in the 21st century, the people would not stop cutting trees and at the same time killing animals. The environment advocates would also not stop to protect the environment thus they will keep on fighting for the best for the environment but until then, we would not know what will happen. We could not determine and we cannot identify the real end of this destruction. This time, this paper will not talk about the never ending issue of illegal cutting of trees or the pollution there is in the air, instead, we will focus with a much greater threat not just in the environment but also in the human race. It does not limit its destruction to just a single aspect or portion human life or life existence on Earth, instead, it broadens its purpose and further makes people realize that we are indeed intelligent individuals. The development of Nuclear Weapons and also both the Biological and Chemical Weapons mostly used in wars are now the greatest threat existing in our generation. The use of these weapons would result to several effects and problems which will need the help of most of the people in the world. Although the use of these weapons were long been banned by the United Nations, another problem exist. This time, it has nothing to do with war but instead, with the environment and the disposal of the wastes it gives to the whole world. In here must we argue that the countries who kept on making and producing these weapons and at the same time, nuclear energy does not think of what could happen with the whole world because of their greediness or perhaps their love of money and power. Not that we are actually contesting their ideologies but we are actually thinking of what could have been in the near future if these wastes will not be disposed properly. It will lead into harmful incident thus it will endanger both the people and the environment.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Responses to the Boasian School of Anthropology Essay Example for Free
Responses to the Boasian School of Anthropology Essay The Boasian school of anthropology, headed by Franz Boas, was among those that pioneered modern concepts in anthropology. The Boasian school was critical of overgeneralizing perspectives or theories in the sciences, including the cultural evolutionary school in anthropology, choosing instead to adopt rigorous empiricism in its approach. The Boasian school believed in the world having distinct cultures and that cross-cultural generalizing often made in the natural sciences are not possible in anthropology. The school today uses the four field approach that divides the field into socio-cultural, biological, linguistic and prehistoric anthropology. While Leslie White was educated in the Boasian school of anthropology, he later began to question the anti-evolutionary views of his early education. He developed and advocated an anthropological, ethical and political view of the world almost targeted against the Boasian school. Leslie White embraced two contradictory models of culture: the sut generts conceptions from his Boasian education and the materialist-utilitarian framework developed out of his concern with cultural evolutionism. White never reconciled the two but he definitely gave stress to the Boasian-based sut generts in case of conflicts. White feared that the Boasian schools concept of cultural determinism represented an emasculation of anthropology and instead advocated science and evolution, particularly 19th Boasian School 1 century theories. White regarded culture as superorganic made up of the technology, social organization and ideology levels. It should be noted, however, that White still held on to the Boasian-based sut generts and that he still tended to downgrade the impact made by the natural environment on culture and society. Julian Steward was a fellow evolutionist with Leslie White. Differing slightly from White, Julian stewards concepts of evolution and progress was not limited to 19th century concepts. Steward, who was a pluralist in terms of openness to other views, never sharply broke up with the Boasian school. But he did find anomalies in the historical particularism paradigm of the Boasian school. Steward viewed evolution as recurrent forms, processes, and functions, in opposition to Boasians repudiation of evolution and regularity in culture. He also perceived culture as superorganic, similar to a limited extent to Whites culturology. Steward’s multi-linear evolution aspect of his approach to anthropology differed from the extreme particularism of the Boasian school but without adopting the antithetically unilinear evolution concept of White. Boasian School 1 References (December 2006). The Paradoxical Anthropology of Leslie White. Retrieved from the American Anthropological Association Website http://www. aaanet. org/gad/history/088white2. pdf. Leslie White. (2006, July 25). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:16, December 4, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Leslie_Whiteoldid=65691607. (May 2006). ESP/ANT 133. University of California Davishttp://www. des. ucdavis. edu/ esp133/133-08l. htm.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Leadership styles in youth work
Leadership styles in youth work Team members Questionnaires Analysis Q1: Who makes the decisions in your team? It can be seen that the maximum support goes with the team leader making decisions with the help of his teammates. This shows that the team leaders use the participative form of leadership which is a part of the democratic style. This ensures effective decision-making. (Leadership Styles: Democratic Leadership Style, 2008) Q2: Are team members punished if they dont achieve the set goals? The answer to this question shows that most agree with the fact that the team members are punished some times. So, this means that the team leader does give warnings and a chance to improve as well before coming to any conclusion. As next majority is with never punishment, the team leader seems to be lenient. Q3: Are team members rewarded when they achieve goals set for them? About 50% of the population says that the leader awards for good work. This indicates that the degree of motivation amongst the employees is really high and the competition to excel is also which is highly essential in the success of any firm. It also builds up the morale. Q4: Are team members allowed to be involved in setting goals and are rewarded for achieving those goals? The majority goes with the fact that team members are never allowed to set their own goals. This means that the goal of the organization is definite and the team leader expects the members to follow them with complete zest. Though he rewards for good performance but not in case of own ways. Q5: Are team members allowed to be rewarded for setting their own goals and achieving them? Many employees feel that there are situations when team members are rewarded for even setting goals. This shows that during situations of dilemma, it can happen. But still maximum feel that this never happens. Hence, one can see that leader only consults team members, but final decision is his. Q6: Does your team leader involve you in decision making about various strategies to be implemented in the company? This question again proves the same fact that the team leader involves the members in taking decisions. This means that he does believe in the members in giving suitable suggestions to his targeted goal. The second majority is with sometimes, which means that as per as the effectiveness of the suggestion, this participation is allowed. Q7: Does your team leader encourage you to do something innovative in the company? Most of the employees are with the fact that innovation is mostly preferred. This shows that the leader goes as per as the situation of the industry. In this dynamic environment, one must give chance to innovate. Hence, this again is an indication of the use of democratic, participatory style of leadership. (Leadership styles in youth work, 2010) Q8: Does your team leader share important information which helps in making decisions for the project? Here, maximum feel that most of the times, the team leader shares important information. This indicates that the team leader gives enough chances for the leaders to come up with their suggestions. It not only is good for the company but also adds up to boosting the morale of the employees to a larger degree. Q9: While implementing various strategies, employees are free to make suggestions. The answer shows that even in the case of making strategies, the employee are allowed to give suggestions. This indicates a cordial relationship that exists between the leader and the employees. It also makes it less prone for the team leader to take wrong decision. Q10: Are you satisfied with the way decisions are made by your leader? There are about 70% of the employees who are sometimes satisfied and 25% who ate satisfied all the time. This indicates that there are a few experienced members in the team whose suggestions are kept prominent and the others are given equal chances to develop that maturity in the future. Q11: Are you satisfied with the leadership qualities that team leaders have at Dnata? About 45% are always satisfied with the leadership qualities and 50% at times. This is a very high percentage indicating the proficiency of the team leader to a large extent. Hence, overall, the team members seem to be satisfied with the way the team leader has been doing his work with respect to the members. Team Leaders Questionnaires Analysis Q1: Who makes the decisions in your team? The team leaders feel that they are lenient enough as half of them allow the employees to take the decisions themselves and the other half allows their participation in the decision-making process. This indicates both democratic and Laissez-Faire approach of leadership. (Leadership Styles, 2008) Q2: Do you punish team members if they dont achieve the goals set? Most of the team members show their strictness towards non-fulfillment of the organization goals. This is because 50% feel that they always punish members for the same. There is an equal proportion of non-punishment and punishment sometimes. So, by and large the leaders are strict in their means. Q3: Do you give rewards to team members when they achieve goals set for them? As far as rewards are concerned, half the population is inclined towards giving the same. This shows that the proclivity for a better performance exists in the leaders. They feel that by giving rewards, the motivation of the employees would go high and they would give better consequences for the team in the future. Q4: Do you allow team members to be involved in setting goals and reward them for achieving those goals? Here again, 50% of the team leaders allow their team members to be involved in setting goals and also rewarding on achievement. This is contradictory to what the employees feel. This means that the leaders do give an option but it is the experience of the members that lacks where their suggestions dont seem appropriate. Q5: Do you allow team members to be rewarded for setting their own goals and achieving them? Here again, 50% of the team leaders sometimes even reward the employees for setting their goals. This shows that as and when they feel that it is worth appreciating, they do so and when they feel it is not they dont. So, the leaders seem to give opportunities to the members. Q6: Do you encourage your team to participate when decision making is required in the company at various levels in order to help them in implementing the ideas? 50% the leaders allow this always and 50% allow this sometimes. This means that half of them are confident about their team members totally and the other half go according to situations. When they feel that the situation is right, they allow this participation. Q7: Do you always eager to do something new in the organization which means that you always encourage your employees towards thinking something new and innovative? Here 75% of the leaders always have a view of allowing the members to think innovative. Once again, we can see that they do this as per as the dynamic nature of the society where innovation is the major tool to success. This is in accordance with what the employees feel. Hence, the importance of innovation is certainly not doubtful amongst the leaders. Q8: Do you always explain intricacies and various aspects of tasks to the team members that are to be done in the project which is given to their team in order to make them aware about what exactly the present scenario is and what needs to be done in future? About 75% of the leaders agree with the fact totally. This shows that they are extremely helpful to the team members in doing their jobs; this doesnt only prevent failures but also helps the employees to add on to their capabilities. This is a booster for the employees in the organization. Discussion and Recommendation The above analysis of the questionnaire distributed amongst the team members and the team leaders at Dnata indicates that the organizations have leaders who solely follow the democratic styles of leadership. Some of the leaders are participatory and there are even more who allow the Laissez Faire approach where the employees themselves take the decisions. This concludes two facts. The first of these is that there is an abundance of leaders who have faith in the employees and the other thing is that the leaders move according to the dynamic style of the environment where every suggestion of the employees matters to a large extent. (Democratic Leadership, 2007) Improvement The following are the improvement ideas in the company, Dnata: The leaders allow participation of the employees but at the same time they should also have a control mechanism where they check the fact the members do not take advantage of the situation by cheating the team. As per as the last question asked to the leaders, they assist the members in every intricacy of the company. This is not recommended at all times as the members might not be able to develop a self-learning capacity which can be extremely harmful for the team. This can even be dangerous during adverse situations. Finally, even for those leaders who havent established a cordial relation with the employees, should begin doing so it can be effective for better communications.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
In the 21st century, there have been many visionaries in society who aim to bring about social change. Understanding different societies and the way they evolve are a part of social change. In the films, Pleasantville, Crash, American History X, the Pianist and Cry Freedom a move towards social change is seen. The structure of family, discrimination and the breaking of social barriers are prominent factors in all these films. These arguments be seen through an anthropological, sociological and psychological perspective. The anthropological discipline views family structure as a part of culture. The term of family structure in anthropology is known as kinship. Every film highlights the family structure. According to an anthropological school of thought a functionalist explains that how family structure is important and if this structure is not proper it can affect the whole society. In the film, Pleasantville, one of the prominent themes is the family structure. According to an anthropological view family structure is strong in Pleasantville because of the way the people are raised. They are raised in a culture where they are taught to have a strong bonding. Bud was interested in watching that show because his own family life was disturbed. In the beginning of the film, when his mom plans to go out for a while, the first thing that comes into Bud’s mind is that he will get time to watch his favourite T.V show. The family shown in the film Pleasantville was a typical nuclear family following a patriarchy. In Pleasantville, George is seen romanticizing with his wife Betty which is an example of family structure, â€Å"Oh pumpkin, you sure know the way to this man’s heart†. Family structure is very in every step of life. In the film, The ... ... changes the way people thought about things. In other films, such as, The Pianist and Cry Freedom there were examples of breaking of social barriers which affected the psychology of the population who brought change in their behaviour after discontinuing the traditional practices. Conclusion Through the analysis of the films, The Pianist, Pleasantville, Crash, American History X and Cry Freedom, the dynamics within societies are shown. These dynamics can be viewed according to anthropology, sociology and psychology. Each film emphasizes the effect social change. The themes displayed in every film including discrimination, family structure and breaking social barriers are all a part of social change. Furthermore, social change displayed in American History X, the Pianist, Cry Freedom, Pleasantville and Crash all deals with revolution and movement towards change.
Women’s friend: The Popularity of Shapewear Essay -- Fashion, The Cors
From ancient time through now, people always want to be a fashionable person; especially for women, because they want their bodies have a curve and they also want their bodies more fit and more shape. Each person has their view of fashion, and each country also has their types of fashion. In the western country, people think that wearing a corset is very fashionable. Between the middle of the 16th century to 18th century, women always to wear corset between a rigid quasi-cylindrical torso above their waist and heavy full skirts below to let their bodies look more gorgeous. In the ancient China, Chinese’s women think foot-binding is fashion. From the 10th century to early 20th century, most ancient Chinese women think small feet looks beautiful and fashionable. They used a strip of cloth to tightly tie their ankle when they were four or five years old, and they were kept it for life time. No matter what method people use to express the fashion, people’s primary goal is to make them look beautiful, make their bodies has a curve and become more fashionable. By today, wearing shapewear can modify people’s bodies; can influence people to believe fantasy thinner is normal; can let people have more self-confidence and it also encourage people to pursue high social status. Although shapewear may pose some health risk, it benefits many people physically and psychologically. The corset is one of the most controversial garments in the entire history of fashion. It has been about 400 year history of fashion; it has been creating to fit of clothing and appearance of figure. People choose to wear corset to make their bodies look more beautiful and slim. In fact, the earliest man to wear it is to treat back pain, and then the women found that ... ... invisible and affordable, and some would even feel comfortable. Shapewear is becoming popular. The manufacture kept changing the outlook to make it "fashion". Corset has been about 400 years history of fashion, although it may pose some health risk, but it benefit for many people physically. Wearing shapewear can mould the beautiful curve of breast enhancement, to receive an abdomen, waist, minus, carry buttock, leg effect, and it’s obvious to accentuated women’s sexy. There are many type of shapewear can make people have a great figure, such as waist & tight slimming, back slimming, shaping panties, and body slimming. As the era progress, people’s concept of shapewear change a lot and the shapewear will become more popular in today’s society; people wear shapewear to modify their bodies and many women think the feeling of slim can give them more self-confidence.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Dutch - The Worst Movie :: essays papers
Dutch - The Worst Movie The worst movie I have seen lately has to be Dutch. A less than heart warming movie about a misunderstood little rich kid and his mother's working class boyfriend traveling home for thanks giving dinner. They go on to a have a not so exciting adventure with a totally ridiculous story driving this train wreck. Not only is everything that happens in this story totally unbelievable. Each event gives you another reason to dislike one of the characters a little more. By the end of this movie I found myself not caring if these to made it home or died in the process. In the beginning of the story the boy's mother and father have gotten a divorce. I was a messy affair leaving the mother at the mercy of the father. She has moved on and started dating a man named Dutch with a working class background. The boy, Henry, is away at boarding school awaiting his father's visit that will never happen. The mother desperate to be there for her son tries to convince him to come see her for the holiday. Henry refuses because he blames his mother for not making her marriage work. And this is were the whole thing falls apart. The mother, Mary, decides that she would really like for her son to come to her house. So she sends Dutch to go up and bring the boy to her. So off like a bounty hunter in the old west Dutch goes out to get his man. And our adventure begins. Now right here is were I get a little confused. I just can't help to wonder why Dutch, a man this poor boy has never met, is going to pick him up. Its not like this school is an hour away it’s a couple a day's in the car together. And this might be ok under better conditions. But, considering that this child has a lot of anger towards his mother. You would think that this would be a good opportunity for them to talk. Not to mention the fact that Henry hasn't excepted his parents divorce and the last thing he is going to want to do is meet her new boyfriend, who is taking his father's place in Mary's life. His mother doesn't even consider coming with. Not that she is busy or any thing.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
History Cxc Adjustments to Emancipation
Adjustments to Emancipation| Coming of the Chinese, Europeans, Indians and Africans | Akia Selver| TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Page 1 2. Bakcground†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Page 2 3. Africans†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Page 3 4. Europeans†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Page 5. Madeirans†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Page 6. East Indians†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Page 7. Contracts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Page 8. Effects†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Page 9. Bibliography †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Page INTRODUCTION This project is based on the topic Adjustments to Emancipation from 1838 – 1876. It focuses on the Coming of the Chinese, Europeans, Indians and Africans into the Caribbean. Information is provided about their reasons for migration, working conditions and their effects on the Caribbean. Slavery was the initial labour system used by Europeans on their plantations in the Caribbean. It was implemented in the 1600s, the Europeans forcefully took people from the African continent to the Caribbean on various trips. The path in which the slaves were carried between Africa and the Caribbean is now known to historians as the triangular trade. These Africans and those from the African lineage became slaves on the plantations where they were not seen as humans and were treated as animals or property. After the freedom of the enslaved population on the plantations in the 1830s, the planters were faced with irregularity of labour on the estates. This was because many of the slaves had left the plantation to go start a new life. In addition, the remaining population had cultivated land of their own; often when it was harvest time instead of harvesting the crops on the estates, the freed people would harvest their own crops which posed a problem to the planters. As a result of this major problem, planters now had to develop new strategies to regulate the labour force on the estates. A major remedy to the inconsistency of the labour on the estates was the importation of indentured workers. AFRICANS Since Britain had abolished the slave trade, her warships had patrolled the seas looking for foreign boats carrying slaves. Most of the captures they were of Brazilian and Cuban ships. When they were released they were usually taken to two British colonies, St Helena or Sierrre Leone. both colonies were in danger of being overcrowded so the British government was willing to encourage the liberated Africans to emigrate to the Caribbean. Most of the imported were free slaves, most notably of the Jamaican Maroons deputed in 1796. After 1841 most liberated Africans were brought to the Caribbean either as soon as they were taken from a slave ship or after a short time on St Helena. hese Africans were unused to European ways and had not been seasoned to plantation labour. They usually left the plantations as soon as they could and settled as squatters in the interiors. The scheme lasted from 1841 to about 1862. It was very popular at first but declined after 1850 for two reasons. Firstly the private ships that were chartered at the beginning to carry the emigrants from African made the Africans think about slav ery all over again. secondly the agents in west Africa undoubtedly lured the Africans with false promises of money and land. As soon as the news leaked back it was hard to attract more Africans. A total of 36000 immigrants arrived. COUNTRY| # of Immigrants| British Guiana| 14000| Jamaica| 10000| Trinidad| 8000| The rest arrived in Grenada, St Vincent, St Lucia and St Kitts. EUROPEANS Jamaica was the main country to import European labour. This was done to raise the white population and at the same time provide plantation labour. This experiment was a failure. From 1834 to 1838, thousands of Scots and Irish and a few hundred Germans came to Jamaica. Most died due to tropical diseases as they lacked immunity to them. Others refused to work because of expected duties and found out that it was the work of blacks. They sought other employment or asked to be repatriated. In 1841 the Jamaican government made another attempt and imported more whites from Britain. After more deaths and requests to be sent home, the government finally realized that plantation labour from Northern Europe was a hopeless prospect. A total of 200 immigrants arrived in St. Kitts. MADEIRANS In the 1830s Planters in Trinidad and Guyana turned to Madeira, the Portuguese colony in the Atlantic where sugar was the main crop. The first 125 Madeiran cane workers come to Trinidad in 1834, through Mr. Seale, an English merchant. 559 landed in Guyana the following year. Private importations of Madeiran began in 1835 but were suspended in 1839 while the British government examined the conduct of the schemes. Maideiran immigration was re-opened on an official basis in 1841 and large numbers went to British Guiana. The numbers decreased after 1846. In 1848 the scheme was suspended again. It was resumed in 1850, but was not popular. By 1856 Portuguese Madeirans controlled nearly all the retailing businesses in Guyana and St Vincent. The immigration period lasted from 1835 to 1882. The scheme was very irregular, the death rate was of the new arrivals were high and most of them went into trading as soon as their contracts ended. In addition, the Madeiran Government objected to the scheme, since so many of its citizens were leaving, and implemented measures making it difficult for their recruitment.. In all 36,000 came. COUNTRY| # of Immigrants| British Guiana| 30,000| Antigua| 2,000| Trinidad| 1,000| Jamaica| 100| The rest were dispersed among Grenada, ST Vincent, ST Kitts and Nevis. In Madeira, workers were paid only one third of what they could earn in the islands per day, so they were attracted by the higher wages being offered in the Caribbean, especially British Guiana. MALTESE Before 1840 a small number of Maltese came to the British West Indies, mainly British Guiana and Grenada. The Maltese were not satisfied with the conditions and asked to be return home. Malta was incapable of providing enough immigrants to solve the labour problem on West Indian sugar estates. CHINESE In 1802 the first governor off Trinidad received permission to import Chinese laborers from Malay. Many Chinese were already moving to places like Malaya in South-east Asia where European plantations and trading posts were growing fast. They were easily persuaded to move and acquire indentures in Trinidad with the promise of small plots of land of after five years. In 1806, 162 Chinese immigrants landed in Trinidad. At their own request 61 returned in 1807. After seven years only 30 of the original immigrants lived in Trinidad and none of them worked on a plantation. In 1844 British Guiana tried to persuade Chinese who had previously emigrated to Malacca, Singapore and Penang. However, they were unwilling and were happy where they were. In 1852 large-scale Chinese immigration began from Macao. The immigrants were convicts or prisoners of war and included no women, which had unhappy consequences for the scheme in British Guiana. In 1859 a family immigration scheme was started. An agent was sent from British Guiana in 1860 to Canton to accumulated Chinese families from rural areas of Fukien and Kwangtung. Trinidad joined the scheme in 1864 and shared the cost of agency. The scheme was more successful but the agents practiced some deception, they did not inform the Chinese of the work they were going to do and made false promises about repatriation. The Chinese recruits were small farmers and market gardener not plantation labourers. Reason for migration: Most hoped for better living as shopkeepers or petty traders. They were promised small plots of land after 5 years. COUNTRY| # of Immigrants| British Guiana| 12000| Jamaica| 5000| Trinidad| 2500| EAST INDIANS In 1836 John Gladstone , a Guyanese plantation owner, applied to the Secretary of State for the Colonies for permission to import Indian labourers. In 1838, 396 arrived and the great flood of Indian immigration begun. The Caribbean seemed attractive with high wages, shelter, medical care and a chance to find new occupations besides agriculture. It was immediately proclaimed a success. However, their fate was terrible. Investigations by the Anti-Slavery Society found evidence of fluffing and other forms of punishment. 9 of the Indians on the Gladstone estates died before their time of indenture was over. In July 1838 the Indian government suspended emigration to the West Indies while an investigation of the conditions in British Guiana was carried out by the Commission of Enquiry. In 1844 immigration officially resumed and lasted until 1917. The planters’ demand from East Immigrant labour was very strong in the 1840s. In British Guiana the government spent ? 50,000 a year on immigration. Trinidad and Jamaica were also importing Indians on a large scale. Indians were easily recruited as India was a British colony. British ships and trading costs were already there and the British government could easily provide British officials to supervise the scheme. Planters were satisfied with the Indians because they were hard-working, accustomed to tropical agriculture and re-indentured themselves. Up to 1848 the Indian immigrants, known as ‘coolies’, were drawn from the poor on the streets of the cities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. These cities always remained the ports of embarkation. After 1848 they were drawn from the provinces of Agra-Oudh and Buhar which always suffered terribly. Many of these emigrants were peasant farmers. In 1848, after giving loans to the governments of British Guiana, Trinidad and Jamaica, she wanted especially in British Guiana where the government much stricter supervision over immigration. Britain was spending ? 50 000 per year n immigration, was also allowing Indian immigrants to go to non- British colonies, the French, Dutch and Danish. In these territories it was not possible to oversee the treatment of put towards immigration, it was decided in 1876 to Trinidad and Jamaica were also importing Indians stop the transportation of Indians into all non- on a large scale, but the Jamaican government was British colonies except Surina m, Guadeloupe and Martinique. In 1886 Guadeloupe and Martinique British Guiana and Trinidad, were also banned, and only Surinam continued importing Indians until 1917. The scheme may seem successful but in many ways it did not live up to expectations. It deprived human beings of freedom for long periods of time, there was great mortality and suffering for the immigrants and grave social problems were caused in West Indian territories. By 1917, 416,000 East Indian immigrants had entered the British West Indies. COUNTRY| # of Immigrants| British Guiana| 239,000| Trinidad| 134,00| Jamaica| 33,000| St Lucia| 4,000| Grenada| 3,000| St Vincent| 2,700| St Kitts| 300| Reasons for Migration: Many craftsmen had lost their jobs due to competition from mechanized factories and mills of England. * India was becoming overpopulated and there was not enough land to divide among the younger generation. * Wages in India had fallen to 1/2d per day and there was a series of famine during the period 1857-1877 that led to an increase in food prices. * Those escaping the police and the caste system were also willing to migrate. CONTRACTS At first black West Indian labour ers moved from one island to another without contracts. When planters started paying the cost of the passage they insisted on contracts. However, as these contracts were signed on arrival, there was little a planter could do if the terms were refused. The British government insisted that all indentured contracts had to state clearly the length of service, the number of hours to be worked each day, rates of pay and the conditions for a return passage. For most of the 1840s, the British government ship, single men, single women, and married would only permit contracts signed on arrival in couples were all berthed separately. It was very rare government gave way to planters and permitted for a voyage to be completed without loss of life. Contracts to be signed at the port of embarkation. The average mortality rate on board was about This was better from the planters’ point of view, but 4 per cent until the 1850s, when it went as high as 17 per cent. On one ship in 1856 no fewer worse for the immigrants who had no protection than 120 of the 385 immigrants on board died against false promises before it reached British Guiana. The conditions of the contracts varied according rate declined again in the 1860s and were under to the scheme and the colony involved. The indignities suffered immigrants, the British government would allow on passage did not end once the surviving contracts of only one year. In 1848 this was extended immigrants had landed and been set to work. to three years and in 1863 the planters got what they Their warm clothing was of little further use, had been pressing for from the beginning – five- and nothing more suitable for wear in the year contracts signed at the port of embarkation. The government offered contracts. A field labourer on a plantation had to 5-acre (2 ha) lots of Crown Land to immigrants work seven hours per day, and a factory labourer, on the expiry of their contract. The wages were Is per day (later Is 6d) for Guiana government modified the clause about a man over sixteen, provided that he was healthy, return passages to require the immigrant to pay a and 8d per day for a woman or boy under sixteen, quarter of the cost himself. In 1898 this was raised For the first three months after arrival, food would be supplied to the immigrant and 4d per day could The British Guiana Labour Laws of 1864 be deducted from his wages for this. The labourers greatly favoured the planter at the expense of the were to be housed in ‘barracks’ rent-free, and would immigrant. A breach of the labour laws was regarded receive free medicine and hospitalisation. The clause about free return passages was the For minor offences such as the failure to answer most controversial. The planters and colonial one’s name at the muster roll in the morning, harsh governments did not want repatriation terms, which fines of up to ? 5 could be imposed. Other minor were insisted on by the governments of the countries offences were punishable by up to three months in of origin and by the British government. At first, prison. If a planter broke his side of the contract, immigrants were promised free return passages on such as the failure to pay full wages, the immigrant completion of their contract. In 1854 they could had no recourse to the court, but could only go to claim repatriation only after living for ten years in the Petty Debts Department. EFFECTS SUGAR INDUSTRY * Their introduction resulted in the increased supply of labour. This of course created competition for estate work. * It is fair to argue that after 1845 many plantations that used immigrant labour found that they had a sure, steady supply of labour. Remember that the immigrants were contracted to work for a specified period. * Decrease in the price of labour. More land was bought and more mechanization was introduced in British Guiana * By the 1850's and 60's when there would have been a considerable importation of immigrants, the wages offered for work on estates were considerably lower than that which was offered immediately after Emancipation. * The introduction of immigrants, the cost of production decreased giving some estates a fighting chance to realise a decent profit. * As a result of the above factor s, sugar production increased, particularly in Trinidad and British Guiana. In these two territories also new estates were opened during this period, bringing these two colonies to a place of relative prosperity by 1870. In other instances, the closure of some estates was avoided. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL * New races were introduced, this resulted in a ‘permanent' change in the racial composition of the colonies. * The sexual relations of the Chinese and Indians with the Negroes resulted in a further mixing of the races. * Worsening of relations between the two groups  Indians and Negroes. * The introduction of a culture, new language and the religions. * New foods * New festivals such as Hosein, Holi and Divali. Summary Chart of Immigration Labour brought to the West Indies 1834-1917 COUNTRY| Europeans (1834-1841)| Madeirans (1835-1882)| Africans(1841-1862)| Chinese (1852-1893)| East Indians (1838-1917)| British Guiana| | 30000| 14000| 12000| 239000| Jamaica| 5000| 100| 10000| 5000| 33000| Trinidad| | 2000| 8000| 3000| 134000| Grenada| | 800| 1500| | 3000| St Vincent| | 500| 1000| | 2700| St Lucia| | 500| 500| | 4000| St Kitts| 200| 200| 500| | 300| Antigua| | 2000| | | | Total| 5200| 36100| 35500| 20000| 416000| BIBLIOGRAHPY 1. Caribbean Story Bk 2: The Inheritors 2. Emacipation to Emigration
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Lincoln Lawyer
The Lincoln Lawyer is a 2011 movie directed by Brad Furman. The main Character in this movie, Mick Haller is played by Matthew McConaughey who plays a defense attorney. The part of Louis Roulet is played by Ryan Phillippe. Louis Roulet is a young wealthy realtor who murders prostitutes for his own sick pleasure. The role of Frank Levins, Mick Hallers best friend who is also a detective is played by William H. Macy. The role of Mick Hallers ex wife , Maggie McPherson is played by Marisa Tomei.The Lincoln Lawyer is about Mick Haller a semi successful defense attorney who works out of his Lincoln town car drove by a former client of his who owes him money for his services. Haller has a wealthily client who has a fool proof plan to beat the system. When Louis Roulet, a wealthy realtor is a accused of raping a prostitute, Haller is asked to defend him. Roulet claims that he is being set up by this women for money. Haller and his detective Frank Levins take a further look at the evidence a nd realize that Roulet might just be linked to a similar case from a few years back.Roulet starts to realize that Haller and Levins are connecting the dots that he might be involved in the former murder case. Roulet pays a unfriendly visit to Hallers home and threats him and his family. The next day Frank Levins is found dead in his home. He was shot by an antique gun, that so happen belonged to Haller. Haller had a voice message on his machine from Levins right before he died which was the ticket to putting Roulet behind bars for life. The former case that Haller had worked on put a non-guilty man in prison for life.When he discovered that Roulet was to blame for the girls murder he wanted to make things right but because of legal issues and him being Roulets lawyer he could not bring this out in that point in time. In court the case gets dismissed because the district attorney put a documented lier on stand to testify against Roulet. Little did Roulet know that Haller had a plan. He had the witness say something about his former case while on the stand, which pointed to Roulet being the one that killed the girl.As soon as Roulet was released for one crime he was charged for another. They still did not have enough to keep Roulet behind bars though. This is where the message from Frank Levins comes in. Roulet had got a ticket right outside of the girls house who was murdered which was just what they needed to charge Roulet. There are a few legal issues in this film that can be discussed but the main one I would like to point out is a lawyer must not represent a client if doing so creates a concurrent conflict of interest.That could include the significant risk posed to the attorney representing one client and finding himself materially limited by the lawyer’s own interest or to those a former client. Haller clearly cannot serve as Roulet’s lawyer, especially as details come out about his involvement in the murder for which another of the attorney ’s clients was charged and convicted. His client Roulet, of course, is smart to choose Haller as his attorney.That’s because, even if his lawyer gets forced off his case, everything Roulet had already told Haller from the initial meeting onward was subject to the confidence of attorney-client privilege. That privilege prohibits a court or other government tribunal from compelling the revelation of confidential communications between an attorney and a client if the subject of the communication concerns the professional relationship between the attorney and the client. The client is the one that can claim or waive the privilege.The privilege does not apply if the client seeks the attorney’s services to engage in or assist in a future crime or fraud. So it seems as though Haller cannot break the privilege since he represents Roulet who has told him confidential, incriminating information. In both reality and in the tension-filled movie, it becomes clear that, perha ps, Haller’s best escape from his moral and ethical issues may be by coming to grips that Roulet is guilty and is a horrible human being and that he actually may have at one time represented a innocent man who he had plead guilty for a crime he did not commit.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
World War I and World War II
The period after World War I and World War II, this was approximately during the years 1919 to 1944, and after 1946, various sentiments appeared ranging from loss, death, suffering, happy to be alive and family reunions.  Since people are still experiencing the aftermath of the war, poets and authors alike were also feeling the fever. Rupert Brooke was well known for his war poems that vividly described what he saw, relating the fear and devastation he felt while fighting in the battlefield. Fiction novelist D.H. Laurence, poetess Edna St. Vincent Millay and Robert Frost became well known for their works that includes Women in Love, A Few Figs from Thistles and a Pulitzer Award Winning collection of poems, respectively. However, other authors like John Hall Wheelock began publishing The Liberator, a weekly journal of criticizing the current society radically, where he soon became affiliated with the communist party. There were some who were not contented with the result of the war and went on to protest through their writings. Filling up the people’s mind with â€Å"what if†questions, and â€Å"if this was what they want†. This somehow changed the people’s view and a mixture of reactions was raised against their current situation. For example in the aftermath of World War II, a wave of sympathy was given to the holocaust survivors, while others, still, believed in Hitler’s ideology. From this event, numerous autobiographical accounts were published, the famous of which was The Diary of Anne Frank. Nonetheless, the conflict that arose from this era was that people became too sensitive in what was written down in journals, poems, stories or even in any articles. Such sensitivity was somehow dreadful for the literature world since authors did not have the liberty anymore to write anything out of topic and was not able to deviate from the current issues that were going on at that time. Works Cited Online Focus. War Poets. A Newshour with Jim Lehrer Transcript. February 17, 2003. November 5, 2007. World Chronology(1919, 1920). Answers.Com Website. November 5, 2007.     Between The Covers Rare Books, Inc. Website. November 5, 2007. Â
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
White's 5 Paragraph Theme Theme This short paper will be in response to my reading of Edward White's â€Å"5 Paragraph Theme Theme†essay. The following paragraphs will Illustrate my opinion of White's Idea, If I think it is an effective means of writing a paper, and If I believe It should be the way all papers, essays, and reports are written. Lastly I will finish up with an overview of what I have discussed.I believe this paper to be well written and thought out. The author follows his own aromatizing of having five parts to his paper and supporting sub-topics, and It's written In an easy to follow logical order that someone could easily duplicate. I am by no means an expert on grammar and punctuation, but It also seemed to be grammatically correct as well. Overall I think his idea of a five-paragraph theme will work for most applications. Do I think it is an effective means of righting a paper?My answer to that is two- fold; as I believe it would work perfectly for shorter reports and essays, but not very long reports that requiring complex thought organization. It is definitely effective in he aspect that White used it as a persuasive essay on convincing you that five paragraphs is the most effective when writing a paper. So, overall I would say yes, it is an effective method of writing a paper, as long as you can effectively convey all the information needed in five paragraphs with three sup-topics each.However, I do not feel it should be used for every type of report or essay. I believe that too ridged of a form can inhibit creativity due to trying too hard to meet a certain format or think of another sub-topic Just to fill a page. This can lead to â€Å"fluff in a report that can diminish its overall effectiveness. For instance when I write I don't do any formatting at all until I'm finished. I feel I can right more freely when I don't have to worry about the specifics, and I can go back and edit everything when finished.This may not be the most effective method of writing a report, but it works for me for right now. I definitely hope to improve in my writing abilities as a result of this class; as I normally struggle with creativity in the literary form and most reports lack luster due to my Inability to elaborate on a given topic. So, to recap, I believe White's paper was well written, organized, and thought out. It Is effective in the persuasion that essays and reports should be written In a five- paragraph format.I understand he did not say this Is the only way to write a paper, but It seems kind of Implied and I do disagree with that. Theme Theme†essay. The following paragraphs will illustrate my opinion of White's idea, if I think it is an effective means of writing a paper, and if I believe it should be formatting of having five parts to his paper and supporting sub-topics, and it's written in an easy to follow logical order that someone could easily duplicate. I am by no means an expert on grammar and punctua tion, but it also seemed to be aromatically correct as well.Overall I think his idea off five-paragraph theme will another sub-topic Just to fill a page. This can lead to â€Å"fluff' in a report that can diminish its overall effectiveness. For instance when I write I don't do any formatting at all until I'm finished. I feel I can right more freely when I don't have to worry about inability to elaborate on a given topic. It is effective in the persuasion that essays and reports should be written in a five- paragraph format. I understand he did not say this is the only way to write a paper, but it seems kind of implied and I do disagree with that.
Pressure bulkhead to support the landing gear system Research Paper
Pressure bulkhead to support the landing gear system - Research Paper Example In ideal embodiments, pressure bulkheads diffuse excessive overpressure and underpressure exerted by the aircraft’s cabin load, thus avoiding cases of hard landing that can result in instability. According to Parker (2005), all structures of the creation, both the horizontal and vertical bulkhead can be achieved through the installation of an anticlastic exterior; that is, a double-curved structure complete with the depressions in opposite ways. An anticlastic surface is normally used for landing gear to its symmetry and balancing of the cabin load for stability. Pressure bulkheads are important to the landing gear architecture, mainly for stability purposes during landing and take-off (Bahrami, 2012; Currey, 1988). The portion of an airplane constituting the wheels, tyres, braking system, drag brace, and pressure absorption and distribution mechanisms is referred to as the landing gear or undercarriage. Additional parts connected to and working in tandem with the undercarriage may encompass retracting mechanisms, door panels, steering devices, and shimmy dampers (Canaday, 2012). Centrally-placed landing gear provides symmetric support to the aircraft, and ensures its uniform movement on the ground (Canaday, 2012). It also serves as the main proportionate means of diffusing any accumulations of energy created in the changeover from flight to landing roll, thus prevents the aircraft from landing by its side (Wright, & Cooper, 2008). Mair and Birdsall (1996) aver that the brakes, usually connected to the main wheels, came handy when the forward movement of the aircraft needs retarding: in light of this, a centrally placed gear provides stability in the navigation of the aircraft during retracting. According to Currey (1988), the popular structure of modern aircraft landing gear come in the form of a tricycle, with the primary gear fixed aft of a front nose
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring - Essay Example In an ‘Introduction’ to the work, Linda Lear wrote: â€Å"Carson’s writing initiated a transformation in the relationship between humans and the natural world and stirred an awakening of public environmental consciousness†¦ Carson’s thesis that we were subjecting ourselves to slow poisoning by the misuse of chemical pesticides that polluted the environment†¦contained the kernel of social revolution.†(Lear, x) Therefore, it is essential to recognize that Carson, as one of the greatest nature writers in the modern world, inspired and motivated a generation of environmental activists. This paper makes a reflective exploration of how Silent Spring fits into the larger story of conservation and environmentalism in America and how it changed public opinion about pesticide use and environmentalism in general. In a profound investigation of the major arguments of Rachel Carson in Silent Spring, it becomes evident that the author is mainly concerne d about a revolution in the relationship between humans and the natural world. Significantly, the author emphasizes the thesis that uncontrolled and unexamined use of pesticides ultimately harms the nature by killing animals, birds, and, more perilously, human beings.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Managing Change and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managing Change and Innovation - Essay Example This discussion stresses that change management is undertaken in organizations as being a structural approach towards shifting or transitioning the organizations, teams and individuals from their present state to a desired state in the future. It accounts for an organizational process which is aimed at the empowerment of the employees towards accepting or embracing a change in their organizational or business environment. The strategy begins with a systematic approach for diagnosing the present situation for determining both the need for change and also the capacity of the organization to implement changes. However, at the beginning of the plan the purpose, objective and process of the change must be specified to every member of the organization. Most organizations have acknowledged the idea of managing innovation in their organizations. In fact the performance of innovation varies greatly across organizations which suggest that both the organizational and structural factors affect t he influence of innovation on performance. As the report declares the change management strategies are explained in terms of Kotter’s eight steps to change. The theory is one of the most important and most widely accepted texts in modern organizations. It defines eight steps in which changes can be implemented in organizations effectively. Although the steps are primarily meant for organizations, they also find application in personal change initiatives. Successful change management is also explained in terms of the Lewin’s model of organizational change.... It defines eight steps in which changes can be implemented in organizations effectively. Although the steps are primarily meant for organizations, they also find application in personal change initiatives. Successful change management is also explained in terms of the Lewin’s model of organizational change. The model is responsible for the introduction of the force field analysis which identifies both the driving forces and the resisting forces for a given change situation. Explanation of Theories John Kotter’s eight steps model for change John Kotter’s eight steps begin with the creation of a sense of urgency, which is required for initiating a change process. This would draw the people’s focus towards the process of change. This is followed by placing a guiding team for directing the change process in order to confront with any difficulty collectively. This can be in the form of a coaching team or a team of experts. They would be responsible for creating the vision or the strategy which would be the driving factor for the change. The change process must be repeatedly communicated to people to keep the context in the minds of people. People must also be empowered to undertake the change. The change must include short term visions to make the process real and enthusiastic. This would effectively build the momentum for the change process. The consecutive steps must be designed and implemented carefully to increase the momentum and confidence of people. Finally a new culture must be nurtured to ensure that the change lasts for long and awareness prevails (Rock & Page, 2009, â€Å"John Kotter’s eight steps to change†). Lewin- Three step model Lewin has proposed which is based on three
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Characteristics of Servant Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Characteristics of Servant Leadership - Essay Example There are distinctly identified characteristics of servant leaders which influence the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations as they make a profound impact to the society in general. This essay would identify two servant leadership characteristics and proffer how these characteristics are used along with collaboration to influence various individuals and groups. In addition, the areas that leaders could focus on, personally, and through their organizations, would be identified to make an impact and improve society. Larry C. Spears, Chief Executive Officer of The Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership, has identified ten (10) characteristics of effective, caring leaders. Spears (2006, 2) averred that â€Å"servant-leadership seeks to involve others in decision making, is strongly based in ethical and caring behavior, and it enhances the personal growth of workers while improving the caring and quality of organizational life.†Thereby, he identified the ten characteristics of servant leaders as skills in (1) listening, (2) empathy, (3) healing, (4) awareness, (5) persuasion, (6) conceptualization, (7) foresight, (8) stewardship, (9) commitment to the growth of people, and (10) building community. These characteristics were confirmed in another discourse written by De Graaf, Tilley & Neal (2001, 1) A servant leader characteristic that is critical and relevant in influencing individual members, groups, organizations as they move to impact society in general, is efficient and effective listening skills. A servant leader has genuine interest to determine the needs, feelings, will, and messages of his followers through intent listening. Through listening, the servant leader determines and absorbs the innermost thoughts of his constituents. Since his objective is to solicit active involvement and participation of his followers in decision making processes, listening enables the servant leader to collect inputs from his followers
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Political Sex Scandals Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Political Sex Scandals - Case Study Example The House ethics committee is discussing charges the Democratic leadership should have confronted Massa sooner. Massa has presented explanations for his acquiescence from disease to intrigue Democrats because he opposed health care reform. After John Edwards told a national TV audience the only woman he ever loved was his wife, his mistress Rielle Hunter reported he called her to say he didn't really mean it. Hunter, 45, is experienced, but she was still shocked by GQ's pictures of her with no pants. She thought the photographer was only interested in her face. Collins' lessons are tongue-in-cheek. She says we have to know who our politicians bed with and never trust a guy who plays his marriage as the center piece of a campaign. Nevertheless, there is a deeper issue at hand - the moral behavior of our elected officials. She argues that we should be concerned when wayward public servants have our health care bill in hand. The best articulation of my position is this. The problem with American politics is that is it American politics. I am by no means a Marxist, but some of his ideas resonate in many political situations. He said the seed of any system's destruction is within its own self. That means although outside forces may topple walls interior forces leave them unattended. Maybe it is not representative government itself that is flawed however. Maybe, it just the way we have come to practice it in the United States. Who does it represent anyway Of the tens of millions of votes, how much does my vote really count -- one 50 millionth of a decisions. Did they ever square away that whole thing about campaign funding Does my opinion really matter when a multibillion dollar multinational corporation, like say Eli Lilly or Pfizer, places a briefcase "gift" full of greenbacks on a senator's desk I don't think so. Maybe, that is why marijuana possession is still punishable by death. What is that about, a nyway It is somehow okay to drink a flammable liquid like alcohol and let it slowly melt my brain into a seizing mass, but it is somehow wrong to smoke the leaves of a particular plant, get the munchies and go to sleep. Part of the problem actually lies with the media system itself. Instead of reporting noteworthy news, they sell out for the sensational story. Individual human beings may be smart, but as a group, people are herding animals to some extent. They like tabloid-style media scandals. They get TV ratings. They sell newspapers. Thus, that is what the media industry showcases. The more important issues go unnoticed by comparison. So what about this 300 pound gorilla staring at us Yes, our politicians are corrupt. What do we do about it Can we do anything meaningful It seems that evidence is scarce. Many of these notions are purely philosophical and perhaps not of any immediate use. Many analysts would argue we are on the brink of some cataclysmic change in politics. Based on history there is only one of two ways this can go. The first way is to find some means of rectifying the underlying problems with our system. The other is to hope it fixes itself and risk falling along the wayside with previous empires. It is a scary thought to think much of our stability is reliant upon Chinese economy. Our position is much like that of an expanding universe. If
Friday, August 9, 2019
Globalization and International Financial Management Research Paper
Globalization and International Financial Management - Research Paper Example Factors such as relative interest rate, real interest rate, relative income level and other government controls are few which affect the determination of exchange rate. Governments all across the globe vigilantly monitor their exchange rates and actively make the direct and indirect intervention for control purposes. Measuring the change in the exchange rate is easier as compared to evaluating the intricacy of the factors responsible for it. In order to analyze the cause and effect of a change in exchange rate, the concept of exchange rate equilibrium can be utilized. The concept is based on the basics of the law of demand and supply. Like a commodity, the foreign currency is also traded in markets where their exchange rates are determined based on the current demand and supply of that particular currency in the global economy. In order to grasp the concept, let us take two currencies into comparison: United States Dollar ($) and Euro (â‚ ¬). The exchange rate of Euro will be dete rmined by the conditions of demand and supply of the currency in Europe. In addition, the demand for Euro in the United States will also be a major factor in determining the exchange rate of the currency. ... Inflation rate holds significance in determining the spot exchange rate of a country. Inflation rate casts direct impacts on the trading activity of a country. Higher inflation in one country would cause its goods to become less desirable in other parts of the world and thus its exchange will deteriorate as the demand for the currency of that particular currency will decline. Interest rates are also one of the factors responsible for fluctuation in the exchange rate. Interest rate can categorize into relative interest rate and real interest rate in order to determine the effect of a change in the exchange rate as a result of its hike and decline. Considering the relative interest rate, it can be defined as the change in the interest rate of the country when compared with any ot her country. If the interest rate in country A rises while the one in country B remains constant, the investors in the country in A will deter from demanding the currency of country B as for them it is much more lucrative to invest in country A as it offers higher interest rates. Similarly, for investors in country B, it is much more desirable to invest in country A. The investors in country B will then resort to selling their currency in order to obtain the currency of country A. Result, the exchange rate of the country A will escalate when compared with that of country B. This can be more intricate when the effect of change in exchange rate is taken into consideration from a global perspective. The change in the exchange rate of a third can also cause the relative exchange rate between the country A and B although their relative interest rates remain the same.
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