Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Health and social care Essay
Explain how the plan meets the health and wellbeing needs of the individual In health and social care the wellbeing of the individual is essential for all round health and well-being. Using the case of Miss JB, this essay I will explain how my plan will meet the health and wellbeing needs of this individual. To assist this process an action plan have been drawn up to support the short term, mid-term and long term goals of the individual to enable Mr JB to achieve his health and wellbeing needs. NOW TALK ABOUT WHAT HEALTH AND WELL BEING IS A person’s health and well-being is affected by a number of different factors. In general terms, health and well-being can be defined as†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ having a balanced diet (e.g. improved immunity, feeling healthy controlling weight) adequate rest and sleep (e.g. improved concentration, refreshes body, restores energy) regular exercise (e.g. improved fitness, weight control, circulation, mobility) supportive relationships (e.g. friends, family, professionals, improved self-esteem, self-worth) adequate financial resources (e.g. social security benefits, free prescriptions, free dinners, pension, mobility allowance) stimulating work, education and leisure activity (e.g. improve mental ability, valued) According to Mr JB BMI he is considered to be overweight and he does not get much exercise or sleep. Mr JB also lives in a confined space, sharing 2 bedrooms flat with 7 people. He is takes paroxetine and mirtazapine for stress and depression and does not spend any time with his family. Mr JB is at high risk I have created a plan to help improve Mr JB health and well-being. I have suggested the Mr JB move out of his parent’s house and buy a house of his own on a long term goal. I have also suggested to him that he could rent as an alternative action. The benefit of Mr JB owning his own home is he will have his independence, having his own space for him and his family and feel less stress about living with his parents. Having regular exercise will help Mr JB to lose weight; I have suggested that he exercise three times a week on a mid-term goal. For an alternative action he needs to lose 3 st one in 3-6 months. He need to join a gym, drink more water and eat healthy (five a day fruit and vegetable). The benefits he will get are self-confidence, energy which will help him to spend time with his family, relief of stress and reduce the risk of a heart attack. Regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type two diabetes, depression, and certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls. Mr JB will also need to take paroxetine gradually. Stop Paroxetine hydrochloride abruptly can cause withdrawal symptoms or cause your original condition to return. In these instances, reducing the dose of Paroxetine hydrochloride gradually over time may reduce the chances of having these problems. Spending quality time and creating happy memories with his family will help reduce stress and strengthen the bond between him and his family which will result in being more relax less stress and help him to stop depending on his medication. I have suggested that he stop smoking because the amount he smoke long term can cause lung cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Alternatively he should reduce that amount he smoke daily from 10 cigarettes a day to 3 a day and also used Nicorette patches to help him to stop over a period of 6 months on a short term plan. If he decides to follow the plan to stop smoking the result can be rewarding; less stress, reduce headache, feeling less tired, your sense of taste and smell improve and your heart will be less strained and work more efficiently which reduce that chance of lungs cancer and heart diseases. The recommended amount of alcohol to drink for a man is 21 units a week. Mr JB drinks 28 units a week. Your liver processes alcohol. It can only cope with so much at a time. Drinking more alcohol than the liver can cope with can damage liver cells and produce toxic by-product chemicals. The more you drink, and especially above the recommended limits, the greater the risk of developing serious problems such as: liver disease (cirrhosis or hepatitis); cancer; gut and pancreas disorders; depression; anxiety; sexual difficulties; muscle and heart muscle disease; high blood pressure; damage to nervous tissue; serious accidents; obesity (alcohol is calorie-rich). Also can mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and various other problems. I have suggested that Mr. JB reduce his alcohol intake by 19 units a week which is just under the recommended amount. The benefit of reducing his intake will reduce his chance of liver disease; You will immediately start having more money, reduce calories in take, Your liver will begin to rejuvenate All the little aches and pains throughout your body will slowly but surely go away, Your natural energy will slowly but surely return, You will find joy in all the little things of life, Your family will love the new you When I created this plan for Mr JB I thought about his preferences and circumstances I have chosen long term, mid-term and short term goal for him to achieve. I thought about what are his favourite five a day and encourage him to buy the and gradually introduce new ones if need. Mr JB like the idea of going to the gym so I suggested he join one, he work on shift base, so when he is on late shift I suggest that he take his younger child to school in the morning and pick them up when he is on early shift which will enable to spend more time with his children.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Fundamental of Fred
Title: The fundamental of FRED Abstract: In the teaching area of digital design for master degree, there is one brand-new assignment method has come which is FRED. FRED-Item inspires students to create their own thinking into their production. There are four parts in FRED-Item which are covered every factor that should appeared in one scholar assignment. FRED-Item contains many digital types beside common essay. Students will consider not only the topic for FRED, but also the best way that can achieve their ideas in their works. Beyond that, FRED-Item has added some features that are required in design works, such as copyright and references.Keywords: FRED, FRED-Item, Thinking, Learning, Digital Design, Student, Assignment, Reference, Keyword, Education, University Content: In modern society, computer technology is widely used by universities on the earth. With it will come many new programs and courses that student can choose, which includes the digital design. Digital design is a s unrise special field in 21st century. It is a first task that how to rightly directs students to understand and learn this special field (Keane. 2012). Based on these two backgrounds, FRED, a new educational and interactive evolution, is born. What is FRED-Item?This question may become the most asked question for everyone who was the first time to meet FRED-Items. To be specified, FRED means â€Å"Freely Relational Educational Design†(Keane, 2013, p. 1). It designed and developed within Griffith University’s master degree of digital design teaching area (Keane, 2012). Or to be more precise, FRED is made up with four parts: Part1 contains title, FRED-Ref, keywords and abstract the basic information. Part 2 is about content. Part 3 includes references, appendix, and future investigations. And Part 4 shows audiences investigation via Q&A and/or critical analysis.Superficially, FRED-Items looks like a kind of assignment. However, the information that FRED can be provided i s more than what the words show. FRED encourages students to create their own thinking and learning production. In the following content, it will make a more detailed analysis for FRED. PART 1 As what you see from the previous content, FRED’ s part 1 contains basic information. First one is the title. The quality of title decides whether it can express author’s opinion effectively or not. In FRED-Item, title should be clean and powerful as it can direct FRED’s theme immediately.The next one is keywords. Keywords identify a document’s index entry. In keyword selection, determine what your content offer is the most important thing to do, because it can help you to facilitate your keywords faster. For example, in digital design area, keywords can be 2D/3D animation, Flash website and so on. To highlight these keywords that makes readers find your items quickly and easily. Thirdly, abstract is considered a part and parcel of FRED. An abstract, viewed as the s ummary for article, is the first part that audiences will read before the body text.It can present a high-level overview within hundreds of words. Last one is FRED-Ref. As a special group of words, FRED-Ref requires student use some course discipline words in their assignments, which is FRED-Item. And the reason to do this is to access the FRED-Reference world (Keane, 2013). PART 2 There is no doubt that the content part is the major aspect of FRED-Item. With the development of science and technology, digital design has become more and more easily to catch up and remember (Batiha & Khaldoun, 2006), so the type of FRED content is varied as well.The first of all is the oldest and traditional academic essay, and then a wide variety of derivatives appeared, such as HTML, PDF and video. HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language, is the main way that creating web pages. Many webpages we saw from Internet are makeup by HTML makeup language (Figure 1). PDF is anther method that displays i mages and texts in one file. PDF (Figure 2) means Portable Document Format (PDF Reference, 2006, p. 33). It contains many different elements, such as image, text and video. Not only that, students can choose any media formats to express their ideas and works.In other words, all digital files will be welcomed to create FRED-Items. Formats are not only the carrier that to show public the information, but also become an express vector that describe designers’ own worlds. Besides this, the content of FRED-Item should be related to the course with students’ critical thinking. It is hard to create a FRED-item that follows all requirements. Especially there are so many different media types that can be used. Student should consider every possible material that may contain in their FRED works, design the best object and hand up to lecturers.Of course, a good conclusion is necessary for every FRED-Item because it can display your outcomes in a logical method. Figure 1 Griffith University Webpage Figure 2 PDF example image PART 3 The third part focuses on the reference, appendix and investigation of Q&A. Student will use APA style of reference to list their bibliography. APA style, which is the abbreviation of â€Å"American Psychological Association†(APA Formatting and Style Guide, 2013, para. 1) was established in 1980s by several social scientists (About APA Style ®, 2013).In modern scholar life, many learners and writers have adapted APA style. Appendix is a list of books and other works that student used for their FRED-Items. Part 4 Furthermore, investigate via Q&A is another significant part for part 4. In this section, people will see the reflection that is according to FRED-Item. This step is crucial for the whole work of FRED as it can report students their conceptual thinking. There are lots of types that Q&A can be in, such as short answer and multiple choices. And all questions and answers demand full structures that explain the key t o the questions.Speaking for the numbers of questions, there is not an absolute request for this but all questions are needed to relate to the what kind of questions that student has set (Keane, 2013). Copyright There is still one thing that should be mentioned at here, which is copyright. When students use some works, which are belonged to other people, they should identify any valid notice or accredit in their FRED-Items. As a designer, the factors of original and creative are never be copied and encroached. Reference: Griffith University Webpage, n. d. [image] Retrieved from http://www. riffith. edu. au PDF example image, n. d. [image] Retrieved from http://blogs. adobe. com/pdfdevjunkie/defaultPortfolioCoverSheet. jpg Keane, D. (2012). Freely Relational Educational Design. Retrieved from http://fredcdn. com/2013s1/7047qca/week02/readings/fred-davidkeane_2ndinternationalsem_teaching_gradstudents_2012k. pdf Keane, D. (2013). 2013s1-FRED-format-v20130225a. Retrieved from http://fre dcdn. com/2013s1/2013s1-share/2013s1-fred-format/2013s1-fred-format-v20130225a. doc Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2006), PDF Reference, Sixth edition, version 1. 23, p. 33.Retrieved from http://www. adobe. com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_reference_1-7. pdf Batiha, K. & Khaldoun, A. (2006). Digital art and design. Leonardo Journal of Sciences, 5(9), 1-8. APA Formatting and Style Guide. (2013). Retrieved from http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/560/01/ About APA Style ®. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. apastyle. org/about-apa-style. aspx Investigate via Q&A: 1. How many formats that can be used in FRED-Items? There are so many methods that can be used in FRED-Items. Formats shall include but not be limited to: HTML PDF Video TutorialIn other words, all digital files will be welcomed to create FRED-Items. 2. Which kind of reference styles that FRED accepts? APA style, which is the abbreviation of â€Å"American Psychological Association†(APA Formatting and Style Guide , 2013, para. 1) 3. How many and what parts that made up with FRED-Items? FRED is made up with four parts: Part1 contains title, FRED-Ref, keywords and abstract the basic information. Part 2 is about content. Part 3 includes references, appendix, and future investigations. And Part 4 shows audiences investigation via Q&A and/or critical analysis.
Monday, July 29, 2019
American Perception V.S Kite Runner Perception
S went thru the most tragic, life changing, mind conflicting event of all time. On September, 11, 2001 terrorist flew two plans into the Twin Towers in New York City. The terrorist attack on 9/11 devastated and ruined an enormous amount of American lives. Weather an American lost a friend, loved one, or relative, every American lost something valuable that day. Americans lost their right to feel safe: at work, at home, or at popular locations. The last time American safety was threatened was during World War II. U. S citizens are not use to war or violence happening in their country, unlike the Middle East. Americans do not reacted positively, when tragic situation happen. Their reaction to 9/11 changed the American perception of Afghanistan and Muslim culture. Americans lost all their trust for Muslims. That lack of trust between them created a whole new stereotype. Stereotype: A general statement or word, fit to describe a specific group of people. The American stereotype created to describe Muslims is anyone who is Muslim or from the Middle East was sent to America, to destroy their wealthy non dictated, country. National Geographic Channel says,†Afghans who fled their homeland for a new life in the United States are troubled to find themselves subject to suspicion and mistrust on the basis of their nationality and religion. †Based off of this information, Muslims are all being put into one pile, stereotypically. Afghanistan man who goes by the name of Fouzia Afshari says,†We are good people, we are civilized†who volunteers at Mustafa Center, an Afghan Perreault 2 Culture Academy near Washington D. C â€Å"We are not that type of Afghan people are thinking about right now. †Fouzia Afshari is a Muslim, obviously he is not a terrorist or out to get America, the controversy is the attackers were not American. By not being American, the terrorists allowed Americans to lose trust in a whole country of people. Muslim people will have to deal with the uncertainty of ever gaining American trust back or the American perception of Afghanistan should not be based off of what a handle full of Muslims did,but based on actual facts. Khaled Hosseini book The Kite Runner portrays Afghanistan realistically V. S the American Perception. (National Geographic news website) Clearly, the American Perception of Afghanistan is a little farfetched. The perception is not based on Afghanistan or Muslim culture, but based on what a hand full of Muslims did (AKA 9/11). The terrorist attack traumatized Americans, giving them a stereotypical perception. Typically, when a person thinks of war, immediately people think of other people being shot left and right, bombs exploding everywhere. Americans think that the terrorist attack was the Middle East declaring war on them. From that point on, Americans believed that the Afghans that were not fighting U. S troops off, were all sitting at a table brainstorming how their going to attack America next. Some Americans were so devastated that they will not go anywhere near Muslims or anyone from the Middle East because of their stereotypical perception. Muslims own about 75% of the gas station and covenant stores in the United States. Americans that will not associate with Muslims will go farther out of their way for gas. Americans think that Muslims do not like Americans because of the U. S troops in the Middle East and when an American goes to a Muslim gas station, their receiving less gas. Even in an unstable economy Americans still go out Perreault 3 of there way for gas, allowing Muslims to see that Americans truly view them all as terrorist. For Afghans and Muslims it is confusing for them to understand why the America perception is so ridiculous. The perception is not only based on 9/11, it is also has to do with Americans not being given the full picture of the war in Afghanistan. The media diffidently confuses Americans. Josh Meyer stated in his article Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits †While Americans are given one media report after another about how Afghanistan is filled with exploding bombs, attacking hordes of the Taliban and a lawlessness that pervades every corner of the war torn nation, the real story is a more nuanced one. †Americans are given exaggerated reports on what’s happening in Afghanistan. The media is 100% to blame for the skewed version of the Afghanistan war Americans have. Based on that version of the war Americans make false actuation, which hurts the Afghanistan and Muslim population. (Josh Meyer) The American perception of Afghanistan upsets Muslims and makes it harder for their people to come to America. Muslims who are leaving Afghanistan are on America’s side. They are fleeing their own homeland and coming to start new in America because they do not agree with how their country is being ruined. Afghans come to America for the freedom that is taken from them in Afghanistan. Naweed an Afghan woman tells National Geographic channel â€Å"No art, no radio, no television, painting, drawing-nothing is allowed. Education for women is not allowed. Music is not allowed, they call it satanic. That’s why we are strongly working to keep our culture alive here in America. †Naweed is one of many who wants to feel at home. For Muslims America is their new homeland, but because of the American perception the majority of Perreault 4 afghans feel out of place. â€Å" I’m raising my kids here and I don’t want to feel like I don’t belong here. But, that’s what I feel here as an Afghan and a Muslim. †said Alina to the National Geographic Channel, adding: â€Å" I don’t want to lose another home. Afghans don’t want to come to America they rather live in their own country where feel at home, but they have no choice. Yet hope remains that Afghanistan will one day be in the hands of peace-loving Afghans and everyone will see the truth. (National Geographic Channel) Afghanistan was once a country where Afghans could be successful and wealthy. Th en the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Taliban was created, but took a turn for the worst and the U. S army went to help the people in Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union was defeated the Civil War still continued. The Taliban was created to go in and unify the country. The Taliban comes form the word student- that’s what it means. The Taliban is made up of students that went to religious schools in Pakistan and former fighters, who use to fight in the war against the Soviet Union. The Taliban is what made Afghanistan a terraces place to live. After the Taliban brought peace to 80% of the country, they became power hunger and started to take away Afghanistan’s freedom. Even with the Taliban dictating Afghanistan, Josh Meyer, author of Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits says, â€Å" Anyone in this room could go to Kabul now and have a fairly good time. There are restaurants and there are bars,†and the streets are not a shooting gallery with various factions trying to kill each other, while armed insurgents are also trying to U. S and coalition forces. â€Å" The Taliban Is not a very large insurgent group. †Josh Meyer is trying to inform Americans that Afghanistan is not Iraq, but it is still not a place where all Afghans can make a living. (Josh Meyer) Perreault 5 The Kite runner is the perfect example of how Afghanistan is not Iraq, but not a place where all afghans can make a living. Author Khaled Hosseini tells a story about Amir and Hassan these two Afghan boys who grew up together, but where separated by Amirs will to make his farther proud and the Soviet Union invading. Amir betrayed Hassan by watching him being raped by Asseft because Hassan was a Haraza. Guilt ate at Amir until he framed Hassan for steeling and Hassan and his father left in embarrassment. Shortly after Amir and BaBa ( Amirs farther) took a journey to America. Where Baba had to run a gas satiation and sell items he bought at a yard sale at the local flee market. Before Baba and Amir came to America they were wealthy. So wealthy that Hassan and his father were Baba servants. Afghanistan is not as poverty strict end as Americans thought it was. Amir and Baba did not come to America to destroy it, he came to America because Kabul was not safe and he hoped Amir could receives the best possible education in America. Baba and Amir were in America for two years. For those two years Baba would by a jar of fruit form the same people everyday with cash. One day Baba had no money, he wrote a check out instead. When the man asked for Id Baba exploded, â€Å"He wants to see my license? Almost two years we’ve bought his dam fruits and put money in his pocket and son of a dog wants to see my license. †Amir says, â€Å" They’re suppose to ask for Id†Baba says,†Dose he think I’m a thief? What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody. †Baba thought that the man working thought he was steeling when the man asked Baba for Id. Baba was offended. Years down the road Amir is told that Hassan died in Kabul. Hassan was shot in the back of the head because a Talian member thought him and his family where living in Amirs old house instead of in the hut outside made specifically for servants. Amir felt responsible because if he Perreault 6 and Baba would of stayed Hassan may still be alive. For Hassan he is an Afghan who should fled from Afghanistan. Amir and Baba could of stayed in Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini book portrayed Afghanistan well and realistically. (Khaled Hosseini) The American Perception of Afghanistan is not realistic or based on actual facts. The Kite Runner diffidently grasps and gives a better understanding of Afghanistan. Unfortunely, Afghans who come to America will have to deal with the mistrust Americans have towards them like Baba. The American Perception is not do to Americans not educating themselves. It is because of terrible media reports. Bergen the author of The Longest War: Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda says, â€Å" It is not being well communicated to the American public that the afghan war is nothing like the Iraq war, the media has to take responsibility for that. The differences between Afghanistan and Iraq couldn’t be more stark. †Bergen wants people to know that the media is portraying Afghanistan as a war torn place like Iraq, when they are both completely different. Afghanistan is not in as big of an up roar as the media made it. Instead of relying on the media to prove Americans with the proper information, Americans should educate themselves, stop listening to everything they hear. Also Americans should not rely on electronics and once in a while pick up a book or ask someone who is Muslim to explain what’s going on. (Bergen) American Perception V.S Kite Runner Perception S went thru the most tragic, life changing, mind conflicting event of all time. On September, 11, 2001 terrorist flew two plans into the Twin Towers in New York City. The terrorist attack on 9/11 devastated and ruined an enormous amount of American lives. Weather an American lost a friend, loved one, or relative, every American lost something valuable that day. Americans lost their right to feel safe: at work, at home, or at popular locations. The last time American safety was threatened was during World War II. U. S citizens are not use to war or violence happening in their country, unlike the Middle East. Americans do not reacted positively, when tragic situation happen. Their reaction to 9/11 changed the American perception of Afghanistan and Muslim culture. Americans lost all their trust for Muslims. That lack of trust between them created a whole new stereotype. Stereotype: A general statement or word, fit to describe a specific group of people. The American stereotype created to describe Muslims is anyone who is Muslim or from the Middle East was sent to America, to destroy their wealthy non dictated, country. National Geographic Channel says,†Afghans who fled their homeland for a new life in the United States are troubled to find themselves subject to suspicion and mistrust on the basis of their nationality and religion. †Based off of this information, Muslims are all being put into one pile, stereotypically. Afghanistan man who goes by the name of Fouzia Afshari says,†We are good people, we are civilized†who volunteers at Mustafa Center, an Afghan Perreault 2 Culture Academy near Washington D. C â€Å"We are not that type of Afghan people are thinking about right now. †Fouzia Afshari is a Muslim, obviously he is not a terrorist or out to get America, the controversy is the attackers were not American. By not being American, the terrorists allowed Americans to lose trust in a whole country of people. Muslim people will have to deal with the uncertainty of ever gaining American trust back or the American perception of Afghanistan should not be based off of what a handle full of Muslims did,but based on actual facts. Khaled Hosseini book The Kite Runner portrays Afghanistan realistically V. S the American Perception. (National Geographic news website) Clearly, the American Perception of Afghanistan is a little farfetched. The perception is not based on Afghanistan or Muslim culture, but based on what a hand full of Muslims did (AKA 9/11). The terrorist attack traumatized Americans, giving them a stereotypical perception. Typically, when a person thinks of war, immediately people think of other people being shot left and right, bombs exploding everywhere. Americans think that the terrorist attack was the Middle East declaring war on them. From that point on, Americans believed that the Afghans that were not fighting U. S troops off, were all sitting at a table brainstorming how their going to attack America next. Some Americans were so devastated that they will not go anywhere near Muslims or anyone from the Middle East because of their stereotypical perception. Muslims own about 75% of the gas station and covenant stores in the United States. Americans that will not associate with Muslims will go farther out of their way for gas. Americans think that Muslims do not like Americans because of the U. S troops in the Middle East and when an American goes to a Muslim gas station, their receiving less gas. Even in an unstable economy Americans still go out Perreault 3 of there way for gas, allowing Muslims to see that Americans truly view them all as terrorist. For Afghans and Muslims it is confusing for them to understand why the America perception is so ridiculous. The perception is not only based on 9/11, it is also has to do with Americans not being given the full picture of the war in Afghanistan. The media diffidently confuses Americans. Josh Meyer stated in his article Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits †While Americans are given one media report after another about how Afghanistan is filled with exploding bombs, attacking hordes of the Taliban and a lawlessness that pervades every corner of the war torn nation, the real story is a more nuanced one. †Americans are given exaggerated reports on what’s happening in Afghanistan. The media is 100% to blame for the skewed version of the Afghanistan war Americans have. Based on that version of the war Americans make false actuation, which hurts the Afghanistan and Muslim population. (Josh Meyer) The American perception of Afghanistan upsets Muslims and makes it harder for their people to come to America. Muslims who are leaving Afghanistan are on America’s side. They are fleeing their own homeland and coming to start new in America because they do not agree with how their country is being ruined. Afghans come to America for the freedom that is taken from them in Afghanistan. Naweed an Afghan woman tells National Geographic channel â€Å"No art, no radio, no television, painting, drawing-nothing is allowed. Education for women is not allowed. Music is not allowed, they call it satanic. That’s why we are strongly working to keep our culture alive here in America. †Naweed is one of many who wants to feel at home. For Muslims America is their new homeland, but because of the American perception the majority of Perreault 4 afghans feel out of place. â€Å" I’m raising my kids here and I don’t want to feel like I don’t belong here. But, that’s what I feel here as an Afghan and a Muslim. †said Alina to the National Geographic Channel, adding: â€Å" I don’t want to lose another home. Afghans don’t want to come to America they rather live in their own country where feel at home, but they have no choice. Yet hope remains that Afghanistan will one day be in the hands of peace-loving Afghans and everyone will see the truth. (National Geographic Channel) Afghanistan was once a country where Afghans could be successful and wealthy. Th en the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Taliban was created, but took a turn for the worst and the U. S army went to help the people in Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union was defeated the Civil War still continued. The Taliban was created to go in and unify the country. The Taliban comes form the word student- that’s what it means. The Taliban is made up of students that went to religious schools in Pakistan and former fighters, who use to fight in the war against the Soviet Union. The Taliban is what made Afghanistan a terraces place to live. After the Taliban brought peace to 80% of the country, they became power hunger and started to take away Afghanistan’s freedom. Even with the Taliban dictating Afghanistan, Josh Meyer, author of Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits says, â€Å" Anyone in this room could go to Kabul now and have a fairly good time. There are restaurants and there are bars,†and the streets are not a shooting gallery with various factions trying to kill each other, while armed insurgents are also trying to U. S and coalition forces. â€Å" The Taliban Is not a very large insurgent group. †Josh Meyer is trying to inform Americans that Afghanistan is not Iraq, but it is still not a place where all Afghans can make a living. (Josh Meyer) Perreault 5 The Kite runner is the perfect example of how Afghanistan is not Iraq, but not a place where all afghans can make a living. Author Khaled Hosseini tells a story about Amir and Hassan these two Afghan boys who grew up together, but where separated by Amirs will to make his farther proud and the Soviet Union invading. Amir betrayed Hassan by watching him being raped by Asseft because Hassan was a Haraza. Guilt ate at Amir until he framed Hassan for steeling and Hassan and his father left in embarrassment. Shortly after Amir and BaBa ( Amirs farther) took a journey to America. Where Baba had to run a gas satiation and sell items he bought at a yard sale at the local flee market. Before Baba and Amir came to America they were wealthy. So wealthy that Hassan and his father were Baba servants. Afghanistan is not as poverty strict end as Americans thought it was. Amir and Baba did not come to America to destroy it, he came to America because Kabul was not safe and he hoped Amir could receives the best possible education in America. Baba and Amir were in America for two years. For those two years Baba would by a jar of fruit form the same people everyday with cash. One day Baba had no money, he wrote a check out instead. When the man asked for Id Baba exploded, â€Å"He wants to see my license? Almost two years we’ve bought his dam fruits and put money in his pocket and son of a dog wants to see my license. †Amir says, â€Å" They’re suppose to ask for Id†Baba says,†Dose he think I’m a thief? What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody. †Baba thought that the man working thought he was steeling when the man asked Baba for Id. Baba was offended. Years down the road Amir is told that Hassan died in Kabul. Hassan was shot in the back of the head because a Talian member thought him and his family where living in Amirs old house instead of in the hut outside made specifically for servants. Amir felt responsible because if he Perreault 6 and Baba would of stayed Hassan may still be alive. For Hassan he is an Afghan who should fled from Afghanistan. Amir and Baba could of stayed in Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini book portrayed Afghanistan well and realistically. (Khaled Hosseini) The American Perception of Afghanistan is not realistic or based on actual facts. The Kite Runner diffidently grasps and gives a better understanding of Afghanistan. Unfortunely, Afghans who come to America will have to deal with the mistrust Americans have towards them like Baba. The American Perception is not do to Americans not educating themselves. It is because of terrible media reports. Bergen the author of The Longest War: Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda says, â€Å" It is not being well communicated to the American public that the afghan war is nothing like the Iraq war, the media has to take responsibility for that. The differences between Afghanistan and Iraq couldn’t be more stark. †Bergen wants people to know that the media is portraying Afghanistan as a war torn place like Iraq, when they are both completely different. Afghanistan is not in as big of an up roar as the media made it. Instead of relying on the media to prove Americans with the proper information, Americans should educate themselves, stop listening to everything they hear. Also Americans should not rely on electronics and once in a while pick up a book or ask someone who is Muslim to explain what’s going on. (Bergen)
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Global Structures and Local Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Structures and Local Cultures - Essay Example We would start with looking into the definitions racism to determine, what exactly racism is. Building upon it, we would drill down into the matter that what is considered by us as racism and what really is racism but is not considered by us as so. In the end, we would be inquiring for the reasons of such a continuous racism in the human history. This definition thus shows that usually racism is considered as racism only when the racist feelings are executed by the racist. The very word racism connotes some feeling on the basis of race, but since over the history, we have observed such feelings by the majority, as only the majority could execute such feelings, the notion of racism is made limited, by the people, only to those who have such prejudices and are in a position to execute them. However, from the sociological point of view, we would be taking the definition of the racism as the feeling that one's race is superior to others', regardless of the fact that whether those feelings were executed or not. (Bell and Blumenfeld 1995) It is one of the major stereotypes regarding racism that only Whites are the racist. Such feelings are quite evident from the literature written over the period of time. (Miles and Brown 2003) It is however a noteworthy fact that whenever we talk about racism, we have in our mind the execution of the racist feelings. It is a common stereotype that we always consider the party showing the racial behavior is bad while the party to whom such behavior is shown is nice. (Carter 2000) This stereotype has been developed because we have seen the so-called racist from the perspective of the victim. But if we change the perspective, we may find that this is not always the battle of good and evil, nice or vile. People have a habit to look at everything from the perspective of discreteness, to look everything as black or white, people tend to ignore gray areas, as a result of it this perspective has been developed and rooted very firmly in the mind of people that the person who shows racist beh avior is evil while since another party is victim so being the victim makes that party as good and non-racist. Now, it is the time to look at the matter from a neutral point of view. In this regards, first of all we need to determine that execution of the racist feeling does not make a person racist, only the existence of such feeling makes it so. Secondly we need to make it sure that the so-called racist can also be nice, depending on the victim of the racism, the standpoint of the racists etc. (Leone 1978) There may be
Improvement for Students Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Improvement for Students - Assignment Example Current practices in universities for seminars are that they invite guest speakers and they deliver briefly about the topic. Universities can improve the pattern of conducting seminars as seminars are fruitful in providing knowledge of the actual corporate world which is totally different from the student life (Education system 'needs urgent improvement'_(News) Article from Cape Times (South Africa) HighBeam Research). Normally, guest speakers in the seminars are at the leading post in the leading companies. An interactive session of seminar can improve the standard of seminars which can also help students when they enter professional lives. Interactivity in seminars can be created by not only delivering what speaker knows but also by giving them real life examples and situations to think how to act on those. Graphic novels are kind of comic books which have text based on the likings of teenagers and youngsters (Graphic Novels). Such novels can also be considered as literature as they have stories similar to the novels but are presented in a different writing style. These novels are considered as literature as it consist text related to literature as it has the written composition and has its own importance.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 10
Case Study Example Despite the fact that many retailers even close down during weak economic periods, Wal-Mart manages to maintain high profits due to huge volumes of sales it makes. It has succeeded due to its low cost strategy that attracts an array of consumers (Yang & Linowes, 2009). Significantly, this prompts it t enjoy cost advantage through controlling the market as the cost leaders. Despite its placement, it is therefore necessary to addresses the weaknesses and strengths Wal-Mart possess in order to maintain its position in market, which this case study will analyse the appropriate solutions to the weaknesses and enhancing its strengths. One major threat that Wal-Mart faces are varied pricey lawsuits filed against the company. Many employees and customers have complained of discrimination instances in the company. Due to these, the company has lost a lot of money as they pay off damages to those offended by the same. Approximately 815,000 employees of female gender and most often than not have experienced cases of unfair treatment (Reed, 2013). The unfairness is quite evident for they are sometimes underpaid compared to men whom they work together. It is quite ill-fated that the same females end up jobbing hard and for long to the extent of even surpassing the males but remain unrecognized (Reed, 2013). In addition, these women comprise the majority of employees but still do not get appear anywhere in assuming key positions meant for the enterprise’s managerial roles. As per 2010, most of its managers were men. Being the biggest retail company, this enterprise ought to set a pace for the smaller retail compan ies so that they embrace equality and not injustices. Evident from Duke Vs Wal-Mart case, 5 million females accused the enterprise of discrimination when it came to promotions as well as allocation of certain vital assignments (Reed, 2013). To add on, to date numerous people due to unfair experiences they have ever had are filling case suits with the intention
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Affordable Care Act and Maternal Health Care Essay
The Affordable Care Act and Maternal Health Care - Essay Example All levels were expected to collaborate and partner in the provision of health and development of the stated outcomes through evidence-based home visiting programs. The main reason this issue was addressed in the Act was to improve the coordination services for at-risk communities and the children therein (Russo, Wier and Steiner, 2009). It also aims at improving and strengthening programs and activities carried out for children protection. It also aims to identify any comprehensive services that should not be part of the healthcare system as a way of increasing attention to those living in at-risk communities. Those involved in the whole process include health practitioners, the state, community and federal health-based centers and agencies such as the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and other partnering agencies. This issue was raised as a concern for the well-being of the children and as a means of enhancing healthcare from early childhood to the old age (Dann, 2008). It also encourages partnering agencies to strength the early childhood health system as a means of promoting health and the well-being of the pregnant mothers, children below 10yrs as well as their families. Such an effective and comprehensive agenda will allow more children to achieve the best healthcare program available and attract the support of other like-minded agencies. Background The realization that the early childhood protection system is necessary has been long overdue. For instance, in a study conducted in nine states between 1996 and 1999, it was noted that 17-41 percent of women of childbearing age women lacked insurance prior to pregnancy while 13-35 percent transitioned to Medicaid at some point during their pregnancy (Adam, Gavi, and Handler, 2006). The lack of this valuable attribute has limited the way the women would have planned for a successful pregnancy as the establishment of Medicaid eligibility after confirming pregnancy created a barri er for them to access timely prenatal care services (Courtot and Kaye, 2009). The policies in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have changed the social bearing of a large segment of childbearing women as the services will provide coverage to women with higher incomes than previous 133 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) (Russo, Wier, and Steiner, 2009). The political class has encouraged the implementation of this Act as a way of ensuring the budgetary allocations are provided to cater for the expenses. Their willingness in the actualization of the program will enhance child protection and health provisions that ensure stable childhoods and an eventual healthy population. The economic impacts are two fold. The country will spend highly to cover an additional 8.2 million women below 65 years who are not insured or are ineligible for Medicaid. The women in the lower income bracket of between 100 – 400 percent of the FPL will benefit from the Act through access to subsidies for purchasing health insurance. This will bring on board at least 7 million women under the age of 65 (Collins, Rustgi, and Doty, 2010). The social and ethical impacts of this provision will provide an avenue through which the communities will raise their health profile and sustain a healthy status. With young adults having been included in the access to health insurance, the community will benefit from the services they lacked in the beginning with mothers and young children being the biggest recipients
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Base Erosion and profit Shifting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Base Erosion and profit Shifting - Essay Example With the view of the OECD, the BEPS is not the main problem created by the companies in the respective countries instead, it is the rules in the taxation that is the problem. The OECD openly blames the countries for having the wrong rules for the business making the business to have difficulties. The OECD is majorly against the harmful taxation in the competition in the field of business. The BEPS has got a number of results in the business mostly in the combination of its strategies both at home and at the host countries hence this will make the domestic tax to be levied. This will also affect the domestic tax systems whereby the income will be taxed by more than one jurisdiction in the domestic level hence creating double taxation. As stated early, gaps will also be introduced by the BEPS making the income not to be taxed. In the process, there will be winners and losers whereby the developing countries will also face challenges in regard to the BEPS because of their poor national legal and business platforms concerning taxation. They will need supporting groups like the Global Fora on the treaties of tax to help them in developing the countries. With the BEPS action plan, there will be an improvement of the tax standards internationally in the principles of Coherence, Transparency, and Substance. We as citizens will benefit from the digital economy which will be improved by the BEPS. This will also lead to innovation in the developing countries making them to drastically improve with the help of the action plan.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Synopsis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Synopsis - Assignment Example Under the new role women were to be confined into homes as guardians of family and hearth. All major decisions were to be done by men only, women should take care about home, bare children and take care of them and keep the institution of family working properly. This, de facto and de iure, was a huge step back for women of Germany who were among the first in the world to be granted voting rights under the Weimar Republic. Yet, somehow large numbers of German women supported Hitler. They were, as Koonz describes, devoted to the cause and, almost religiously committed to it. That way a paradox arose in Nazi Germany, a paradox in which women supported something that will give them a second class citizen status at best. Koonz asserts that women in Germany were same as men distrustful of democracy, liberal and modern ideas, and at the same time, intensely nationalistic. To best illustrate her point Koonz included in the book an interview she did with Gertrud Scholtz Klink in the early 1980’s. Scholtz was a former Head of Frauenschaft, Women’s Department under the Nazis. She, as interview done four decades after the fact shows, embodied exactly what Koonz was claiming. Even then she stated numerous times how proud she was of her so called new power given to her and women in general by Hitler. The whole conversation proved, beyond any doubt, that â€Å"female supporters of the Nazis accepted the Nazi division of the sexes into a public sphere for men and a private sphere for women.†Professor Koonz, also, explores the process in which German women politically influenced the country at that time. By sheer logic, women making one half of German population and having voting rights at the time, were very instrumental in aiding Hitler’s rise to power, which in turn, allowed him and the Nazis to implement their policies and commit atrocities in the coming years. In those years of the Third Reich, German women, like
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
SUMMARY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SUMMARY - Coursework Example By 1935, prior to the acquisition of the farm, the number of nesting pairs of sandhill cranes in Wisconsin were 25. This was one of his major concerns and he thereby corresponded with people in Wisconsin that have knowledge of sandhill cranes. The collective effort of Leopold and his colleague has yielded positive fruits as there are 12,000 sandhill cranes in Wisconsin as of today. Prior to Leopold acquisition of the farm, there were no otter neither was there wolves spotted on the farmland. These extirpated wildlife has made a comeback. Lutra Canadensis has reappeared and there are otter in the otter pond. Likewise is the presence of radio-collared wolves noticed in the farmland. Leopold benefited from his ecological restoration of an insignificant farmland. For instance, from an insignificant tree oak Leopold got firewood, exercise, family teamwork, and a history lesson. Leopold also preserved the economically worthless Draba by avoiding the planting of pines in area that favors th e growth of these plants. The planting of 48,000 pines in thirteen years, indeed, demonstrates Leopold commitment to ecological restoration. ... The International Crane Foundation works towards the preservation of the world’s fifteen species of crane and towards the protection of crane habitat. Leopold through his writing and experiment at the abandoned farmland has built a legacy for himself. In the forestry community, Leopold is highly regarded. For instance, the idea that landowners are responsible to the land is attributed to Leopold. Despite his lesser influence in Britain, Leopold is still known among British restorationists. The Leopold farmland is a pilgrim center that means different things to different people The resultant relationship between humans and the environment leads to the ecology not mending itself. Left alone, ecology restores itself but human interaction prevents this restoration. .Question 2 Although, A Sand County Almanac contains no panaceas, no blueprints for mass action, it has planted the seed of ecological responsibility and land ethics in me. I now understand that I own ecology a duty in helping to preserve it and keeping it healthy not only for posterity but for my own benefit. I also now understand that land is not a property to be used but my partner in the food chain. It has instilled in me the intellectual and emotional altitude to preserve all of nature. The whole concept is ethics. Ecological ethics is the intellectual and emotional altitude that restricts our freedom of action in the struggle for existence. As opposed to philosophical ethics, there is no concept of social or anti-social behavior rather it is a mode of guidance that direct our use of natural resources such as land. An ethical human being does not regard land as his property rather as part of his existence. Land ethic revert the role of Homo sapiens as landowner or conquerors to
Theories Of Perception Essay Example for Free
Theories Of Perception Essay How the mind works during perception have been one of the mysteries of the mind. Cognitive psychology is involved in the investigation and the understanding of behaviors that is caused by cognitive functioning. If developmental psychology had to deal with the nature-nurture debate, the theories of perception are generally conceived either as a bottom-up approach or the top-down approach. The bottom-up approach says that perception visual stimuli is dependent on the characteristics of the stimuli, if the stimuli has the right color, shape, intensity and background, then the mind would readily perceive the stimuli (Noà «, 2004). On the other hand, the top-down approach says that perception is influenced by previous experience and learning, wherein perception is dependent on what the mind have previously known and conceived about the stimuli (Noà «, 2004). Thus, the mind has a sort of schema that guides the mind in identifying the stimuli presented to him/her. It is also interesting to note that perception as with everything else is shaped by the social and cultural context in which it occurs. In a conservative culture, same sex marriages may be perceived as immoral and abnormal, but to cultures who have endorsed homosexuality do not perceive it as such. In another example, a Catholic whenever he sees a cross or a church would surely make the sign on the cross while a Protestant or a Baptist would not. In order to illustrate the difference between the two approaches to perception the following examples are provided. Bottom-up The ability to appreciate an abstract painting is an example of the bottom-up approach. The individual viewing the painting do not have any idea what the painting is and what it depicts. The mind then processes the painting in terms of the different color gradients, shapes, spatial characteristics and then tries to present a coherent whole that the mind can understand (Marr, 1982). Thus, an abstract painting can be interpreted in different ways since the viewer may manipulate the different strokes, colors and lines to form an object or a figure that is pleasing to the eye. However, our perception of what the abstract painting represents can be affected by the cultural orientation of the perceiver. A person coming from a very structured environment may find the abstract painting worthless as he cannot understand it for it lacked structure, while a person who is very open-minded may find the painting a challenge since it makes him think. Top-down The famous expression â€Å"looking for a needle in a haystack†is an example of the top-down approach. The expression is meant to convey difficulty in finding a specific object or person, but when we look at it cognitively, it is not that difficult. The person who must find the needle already have a concept of what the needle looks like, it is thin, shiny and has a sharp edge (Gregory, 1990). This information could have been formed during previous encounters with a needle, thus the task becomes easier because the person has to focus only on one thing, and that is the needle. He/she may eliminate the hay straws since they do not look like a needle. However, it would have been a different scenario if the person tasked with finding the needle has not had any experience with a needle, an example is Sleeping Beauty. Due to the banishment of the spindle in her kingdom, she did not know what it looked like and hence she got pricked by one and was placed on a spell. Similarly, culture shock may also be caused by the lack of prior experience or knowledge of what the new culture will be like, hence the individual is overwhelmed with the new stimulus. Bottom-up and Top-down The perceptual process involved in the perception of an object embedded in the background includes the bottom-up and top-down approach. The person directed to find the objects hidden in the picture will first look at the picture and then analyze its characteristics and what it represents then he/she will look for the shapes, lines or a shift in color or depth (bottom-up) to determine where the hidden objects might be found. When the person has found the hidden object and identifies what it is, he/she then proceeds to look for the other objects guided by the knowledge of what the object would be (top-down). If the hidden object is as universal as a face, then identifying it would not be difficult, but if it were an obscure figure like a zodiac sign, then only those who have had prior knowledge of zodiacs would be able to find the hidden object. References  Gregory, R. L. (1990). How do we interpret images? In H. Barlow C. Blakemore M. Weston-Smith (Eds.), Images and Understanding, Thoughts About Images, Ideas About Understanding (pp. 310-330). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Marr, D. (1982).  Vision.  New York: W. H. Freeman and Sons. Noà «, A. (2004).  Action in Perception, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Authorship Controversy Essay Example for Free
The Authorship Controversy Essay Another contender for the authorship of Shakespeare’s works is Francis Bacon. One of the major reasons for this belief is the existence of a document which bears the names of Shakespeare and Bacon. The Northumberland Manuscript consists of list of speeches and other manuscripts which have been signed â€Å"By Francis William Shakespeare†. Bacon has been known to highlight aspects of a hidden or disguised life. In â€Å"The Essay of Friendship†Bacon writes: There be some whose lives are as if they perpetually played a part upon a stage, disguised to all others, open only to themselves. In a letter written to his friend John Davies, Bacon writes: So desiring you to be good to concealed poets, I continue, yours very assured, Fr. Bacon. Francis Bacon’s vocabulary has been found to be extremely similar to each other. Another reason why several scholars believe that Francis Bacon is actually the author behind Shakespeare’s work is the fact that Bacon never directly mentioned Shakespeare’s name or quoted anything from Shakespeare’s plays. Moreover, many believe that when comparing the writings of most contemporary authors, no one comes close to Shakespeare’s style of prose and verse as Bacon. In fact a large number of words and phrases that are found in Shakespeare’s books can be attributed to Bacon’s notebook â€Å"Promus†which consists of hundreds and thousands of words and phrases that appeared for the first time in the English Language. (BBC UK) However, those who have argued that Bacon could not be Shakespeare have done so on the basis of the fact that Bacon himself has such a large collection of his own works, it is difficult to imagine that he would have had the time or the need to write under a different name. (Shakespeare Resource Center) The third contender is Edward De Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford whose work has shown similarities to that of Shakespeare. His early verse and letters have been known to contain words and phrases similar to that of Shakespeare. Moreover, the content of Shakespeare’s plays and poems indicate an in-depth knowledge of key persons in Elizabeth’s court and events related to them. De Vere was known to posses this information. De Vere has been strongly advocated to be the true author of Shakespeare’s plays. Several scholars have highlighted the similarity between De Vere’s guardian William Cecil and the character of Polonius in Hamlet. (Shakespeare Resource Center) Similarly, De Vere once wrote s poem and a letter to introduce Cardamus Comfort, a book by Thomas Bedingfield and one of the most important source book for Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Another coincidence is the character of Malvolio in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night which shows a striking resemblance to Christopher Hatton, a key enemy of De Vere. Thus, in many of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets, one can find characters and events similar to De Vere’s real life. In fact, the plot and characters of Hamlet are so similar to De Vere’s life that some scholars have even gone so far as to say that the play is practically an autobiography of De Vere. (Shakespeare-Oxford) Although no play can be attributed to De Vere, his verse and letters show a distinct similarity to Shakespeare. Although no one has been able to give any definite proof of who out of the many contenders was indeed the true author of Shakespeare’s work, nevertheless this debate has been one of the most extensive in literary history. Whoever wrote Shakespeare’s works had to have extensive knowledge on a large variety of subjects including law, music, foreign languages, classics, sports, aristocratic manners etc. Nothing that is known about William Shakespeare indicates that he possessed all this information and knowledge. Similarly, Shakespeare’s connection with the theater was never clearly established and there was nothing to document his career as an actor such as any past roles or any plays that he might have performed in. Moreover, there are no clear and legible signatures that can be attributed to Shakespeare. Historically, there are six practically illegible signatures, each different from the other and each of them from the latter period of his life i. e. three on his will, one on a deposition, and two on some property documents. Not a single signature has been seen with any of his literature. (The Beginner’s Guide) Stratfordians have been consistently downplaying these debates and believe that since so many contenders have been considered to be the true Shakespeare, the notion is absurd to begin with. There cannot be so many possible candidates to substitute one person (approximately eight Elizabethans have been considered for this role) and thus there really is no logic for this premise and none of the so-called contenders are Shakespeare. (The Beginner’s Guide) Overall, there are several arguments which assert that Shakespeare did not write the plays and sonnets that have been attributed to him. He did not have the background or breeding to do so; did not have the education to write such lyrics and prose; did not have the depth his plays possess which only a University educated individual would have. Moreover, his name is spelt Shaksper on his birth certificate and the authenticity of his signatures has also been questioned. There is no reasonable explanation as to why he retired to Stratford at the peak of his career. There is also no logic of why he was not painted during his lifetime or the fact that his death entry in the registry lists him as a Gent instead of a dramatist, playwright or poet. The debate has never been concluded and one cannot be sure when or how it will. (The Authorship Controversy) Bibliography 1. Information about Shakespeare from the Shakespeare Resource Center. Available online at http://www. bardweb. net/debates. html 2. Gross, John. Will the Real Shakespeare Please Stand Up? Commentary, Vol. 119, March 2005
Sunday, July 21, 2019
How Social Media Has Helped Transform Event Management Media Essay
How Social Media Has Helped Transform Event Management Media Essay Social media has changed the way information is communicated completely. The fact that people have adapted social media and prefer to use social media to communicate and get in touch with the world is proof of the fact that social media is here to stay. Social media has become very important for communication, marketing and a sales discipline as well. Event managers know from their experience that the most effective way of communicating, selling or marketing is face to face, but the reach of this is very limited as you cant meet and approach every potential customer. Other forms of marketing that are less personal had a wider reach but social media has made it possible for event managers to get in touch with as many people as they want. Face to face conversations allow a consumer to get engaged with the brand. Social media also allows people to share experiences about a brand and become advocates of it. There are at least 41.3 million people online in the UK alone and twitter users allover the world are estimated to be around 35mn. Social media is like amplified word of mouth. The word spreads fast and to a number of people at a time. It is something that event managers had been waiting for. Event managers can now build their event strategy after taking advise from their customers directly on what to include in the content, promote the event, share the experience with others and also evaluate how they event went. Now the events life has increased as the event is kept alive in the mind of the consumer through videos and pictures that are shared with many other people. This also increases the reach of the event. Event managers now have to embrace the reality and make the event available online. Event management often involves 5 phases, I will discuss each phase and how social media has helped transform it. Step 1. Planning Every event requires planning. Planning an event is an extremely lenghthy and tedious job, many softwares and guidelines are available to do this work. It involves getting people together to make an event a success. Deciding on the venue, the food, emergency plans, promotion, attendees etc. An event will only work out if these things have been planned in detail and the right people to perform the task are there. Some ways in which social media makes this phase easier are: Skype: Skype can be used to communicate with people who are miles away, it allows people to brainstorm and contribute unique ideas to make the event better. Â PBworks:Â this platform also makes it easier for people to contribute ideas add notes and organize the entire event. It is used by organizers all over because of its document sharing features which makes information exchange much faster and easier. Step 2. Organizing and inviting Once the planning part is done, the event manager has to make sure that everything is going as planned and that the people who have been delegated responsibility are also working. Time management is crucial at this stage, because of delay by one person to do his duty can have disastrous results. Also the planner needs to start inviting people, these include guests and attendees, you have to make sure that all the people who make the event a success are invited and are able to come to the event. For this purpose social media is available to keep information on the event organized and also to publish guest lists and speaker lists. Starting a blog is another great idea that event managers can make use up, these blogs are updated on a regular basis and keeps the attendants informed about how the preparation of an event is progressing. Facebook can also create an invite to an event, it allows people to respond to the invite as well. Step 3. Promotion and distribution Promotion is important whether its for a brand or an event, without it consumers or interested people can not be brought in. a number of promotional techniques are available but can be divided into below the line(ATL) and above the line (BTL) ATL deals with indirect ways of promotion where there is no individual contact between the buyer and the seller, these include print ads, TV ads, billboards etc. BTL is about direct interaction with the customer, may include activities and organizing of certain events to invite people to the product, consumer reach is limited compared to ATL but is much more effective. Social media can also be called an ATL approach but it has a much wider reach so is more effective. The event management needs to make sure that it is promoted through every channel possible. Potential attendees should be able to access information about the event and ask questions easily. Social media like twitter, youtube, facebook, orkut should be used. Social media should be considered a primary mode of advertising. Twitter and facebook should be used because they are meant to transfer messages. A facebook page is more effective than a facebook group because everytime the page is updated it appears in the newsfeed, allowing more people to view it. Facebook event is also an important way of letting people know about the event and also knowing how many people are likely to attend the event. Step 4. Meet expectations The manager should optimize the event to meet people requirements, because if the event does not make the attendees satisfied they are also capable of creating bad publicity for the company. High speed wireless should be made available so people can communicate with each other and converse easily with the guests and other attendees. Often even before the event starts the attendees start having dialogues with the speakers on the event and after the event that communication is continued. The attendees should be able to tweet in their questions in real time and also get answers, other attendees should also be able to answer those questions for the speakers. This makes the whole event much more interesting. There should be live conference available for people who are unable to attend the event. This allows people miles away to attend the conference and interact with every one around, the event manger should try and make it a holistic experience for such people also. Live streaming can also allow the event managers to reach out people who could not attend the event, later on some videos should be uploaded of the event, so that the lifecycle of the event is lengthened. The event manager also needs to listen to what the audience has to say. If they complain about any aspect of the event like the food or a particular speaker then the event manager should take action to improve the situation. Twitter conversation should be tracked properly and if not than surveys should be used to see what consumers have to say about the event. This makes consumers feel important as their opinion is being listened to and it helps managers align the event to the needs of the consumers ensuring that the event is a success. Step 5: communication after the event Post event communication is also important to make sure that the impression of the event is positive and lasts long especially if more events have to be held later on; If this impression is not a good one than consumers are less likely to attend the one in the future. After the event make sure your attendees know how to remain in touch through social media, emails should be exchanged to facilitate communication. Thank you notes should be sent along with updates and other information. Event management is as much about relation building as it is about organizing the event.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Abortion Essay -- essays research papers fc
     Does a mother have the right to take the life of her unborn child, never giving it a chance to walk this earth and fulfill its God given purpose? Or is it God’s will for that child to be taken at that time, to play an ever constant reminder to the mother of her past decisions, having God use that guilt or experience as a source to steer her life? We neither have the ability to create nor destroy life, as it is God who ultimately decides whether the person terminates that life. From a non-biblical standpoint, it is based on whether a woman finds it ethically right to terminate a pregnancy and what effect it would ultimately have on her happiness. Therefore, abortion is not philosophically incorrect. In this paper, we will discuss the cosmological argument, individual relativism, and act-utilitarianism, all as they pertain to abortion, and how natural law and ethical relativism cause opposition to these theories.      As humans, we cannot create nor destroy life, as nothing we do is of true free will. God is who dictates what comes into existence, and our actions, according to cosmological argument, are not self-caused. According to this argument, a person cannot kill what it didn’t create because is it ultimately the creation of God, not us, and it is up to Him as to how long each of his creations are in existence for. In this light, abortion cannot be viewed as wrong, as it is God who leads a woman to the decision to...
The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays
The Tragic Hero of Antigone In Sophocles' Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero actually is has been the subject of a debate for years. It is unlikely for there to be two tragic characters in a Greek tragedy, and there can be only one in the play Antigone. The king Creon possesses some of the qualities that constitute a tragic character, but does not have all of the necessary traits. Antigone, however, contains all of the aspects that are required for her to be the  main character. According to Aristotle's Poetics, there are four major traits, which are required of the tragic character. The character must be a good and upstanding person. The character must focus on becoming a better person, must be believable, and must be consistent in his or her behavior. Due to the fact that Antigone represents these four character guidelines, as well as several other protagonist traits, she can definitely be defined as the tragic hero. In order for Antigone to be the tragic character, she first must be a good  and upstanding person. Antigone is indeed a good-hearted person and has committed no crime up to her decision to give her brother, Polynieces, a  proper burial. There is no doubt that Antigone is upstanding and a person  of importance in Thebes. She was scheduled to marry Haemon, the son of  Creon, and was considered a princess. Aristotle stated that the aspect of a good person was first and most important when creating a tragic character.  The fact that Antigone is a woman makes no difference, because Aristotle  expressly said, "Even a woman may be good.though the woman may be said to be an inferior being."  Aristotle's second rule for determining a tragic character is that the  person must aim at propriety. The character must work towards becoming a  better person. Antigone illustrates this second guideline by her effort to clear her conscious and bring honor to her family by giving Polynieces a  decent burial. By taking this responsibility, and by denying Ismene's  involvement in her crime, Antigone shows that she has acquired a greater  courage within herself than she had possessed before. In no way does Creon comply with Aristotle's second guideline. Throughout the play, he does not allow himself to see the point of view from other people, such as when  Haemon tries to reason with him, and he neglects the blind prophet,  Tiresias, when he warns Creon of his actions.  The last two expectations of a tragic character are intertwined. According to Aristotle, the character must be true to life and be consistent in
Friday, July 19, 2019
Amy Tans The Kitchen Gods Wife Essay -- Kitchen
Amy Tan's The Kitchen God's Wife      Amy Tan's The Kitchen God's Wife is the story of a relationship between a mother and daughter that is much more than it seems. This touchingly beautiful narrative not only tells a story, but deals with many of the issues that we have discussed in Women Writers this semester. Tan addresses the issues of the inequality given women in other cultures, different cultures' expectations of women, abortion, friendship, generation gaps between mothers and daughters, mother-daughter relationships, and the strength of women in the face of adversity. Tan even sets the feminist mood with the title of the book, which refers to a woman in Chinese Mythology who cared for a selfish man who became a minor god. She pulls from her own life experiences, relatives, and emotions to write this story, a factor that probably contributes to the realness of the plot and the roundness of the characters. Tan's mother's previous marriage to an abusive man, her father's death, and her loving relationship with her relatives (specifically her mother) all show themselves in the intricately woven story of a mother named Winnie, and a daughter named Pearl, and their struggles as Chinese-American women.  Much of this story stems from Tan's love for her own mother, Daisy Ching, who gave birth to the brilliant Amy in 1952 in California. Daisy Ching, a great inspiration for this novel, has a vividly detailed recollection of her life in China which she shares with her daughter. Tan, in turn, shares some of this with her readers in The Kitchen God's Wife through the voice of the mother-figure, Winnie. Like Daisy Ching's eldest son (Amy Tan's brother), the main character, Winnie, experiences the de... ...rength will preserve her memories forever. Tan teaches her readers that women have the strength, despite the fact that society has said otherwise, to overcome all obstacles. She also shows the sad plights of our predecessors who have committed sins out of love in their oppressed existence. With the love of a mother and a daughter, both real and imaginary, Amy Tan demonstrates these three things (and more) that we have discussed this semester: women's strength in the face of adversity, the idea that taking a life is better than giving a bad one, and the incorporation of one's own experiences into writing. Tan has written a beautiful piece of literature worthy of being read by men and women alike.  Works Cited 1. Tan, Amy. The Kitchen God's Wife. Thorndike Press: Maine 1991. 2. "1st Person: Amy Tan" Http://
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Microeconomics in my Life
The role of microeconomics in every person’s life is enormous; therefore, it is very important to study it. The objects of microeconomics surround us all the time. Microeconomics studies the aspects of functioning of all companies, and we deal with various companies throughout our lives. I shop for food and clothes in stores, go to movie theaters to see popular movies, buy stationary at Home Depot, transfer funds through banks. All of these companies function according to certain laws, which are all studied in microeconomics. My favorite brand of car is Toyota, and microeconomics is able to determine what the most efficient volume of production for the company is. It is able to give the managers an answer to the question of what the most efficient combination of their resources should be, i.e., how many employees they should employ, how many materials they should get from suppliers and many other issues. We constantly have to go shopping, and deal with prices which are established according to supply and demand, cost of production and other factors. Whenever the price of tomatoes in the store goes to the roof, we usually see a note in the store that the crops in Florida turned out not as large as it was predicted or that the hurricanes destroyed all of the crops. Even though the same tomatoes cost half the price just a short time ago, we realize that the law of supply and demand has been efficiently applied here. The demand for tomatoes remained the same, but the supply decreased dramatically and thus prices were destined to increase. I also deal with the concept of elasticity all of the time. Companies never make discounts on products the demand for which is inelastic because the volume of sales is going to remain stable anyway. Therefore, there is usually hardly a chance for me to get such products for a lower price. However, I am always a good shopper when it comes to products with high elasticity because companies decrease their prices on such items from time to time to attract more customers. For example, there is always a chance to buy some clothes on sale. I deal with the concept of utility all of the time in my life as well. Some of the products have a high level of utility for me, and I am going to buy them at any price because I am simply unable to live without them. For example, DVD’s of my favorite movies are extremely valuable for me, and I am ready to pay any money to be able to see my favorite actor or actress. At the same time, some items have a very low utility for me, and only low price on such items is able to attract me. I am the type of person who always judges products by their utility for me and not by how fashionable they are. Like every person, I am forced to deal with various market forms, such as perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, or monopolistic competition. In most cases, I see the market of monopolistic competition because there are very many items with slightly different features. The market of the United States has very many companies which produce similar items but try to attract consumers by unique features and by efficient advertising. For example, there are very many producers of cars in the United States. There are also many multinational companies based in the United States which produce cars, for example, Japanese Toyota, Korean Honda and many others. They all produce cars which have quite similar features. All of these manufacturers come up with various models of cars so that they can attract people who like sports cars, who have children, who need to travel in the mountains, or who need fuel-efficient cars. Every manufacturer tries to come up with some unique feature which competitors do not have. To some extent, it is very good for me as a consumer because competitors are fighting for customers and thus they constantly introduce new great deals for us. I am able to fight the model of the car which I want and perhaps even get it at a lower price. I also often deal with oligopolistic competitors. The market of providers of wireless phones is not as large as the car market. There are some major players in it, and I have to choose among the most powerful of them. It was very challenging for me to decide whether to use the services of T-Mobile or Verizon, but I finally made a choice for Verizon. Oligopolistic competitors can be very difficult for analysis because they usually make different steps according to the steps of their competitors. Since there are very few competitors in the market, it is very important for oligopolists to bring their actions in accordance with the actions of the competitors. Oligopolists also often sign various agreements with one another in order to control the market. For example, I often see that when T-Mobile introduces new offers, Verizon follows this company with very similar offers. Since I am a consumer, the knowledge of microeconomics can greatly help me to take a choice in different type of the market. Another concept of microeconomics which I am destined to face is externalities. I often read in newspapers how government does its best to take care of various kinds of externalities. I know many plants which pollute water and atmosphere, and in my opinion, it is very good that government makes such companies pay higher taxes or install purifying systems in order to eliminate the impact of its pollution. In conclusion, it is necessary to say that microeconomics is one of the disciplines the concepts of which can be seen everywhere. The knowledge of these concepts helps me to make smarter choices in life and understand different phenomena better. All of the consumer decisions are being made on the micro level, and that is why it is very important for every person to have a deep knowledge of microeconomic concepts. Bibliography. Baumol, William J., John Panzar, and Robert Willig. Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1982. Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue. Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies. Eleventh Edition. 1996. Curwen Peter, Else Peter. Principles of Microeconomics. Unwin Hyman. 1990. Cullis, J. G. and Jones, P. R. Microeconomics and the public economy: a defence of Leviathan Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1987.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Core of Religion, Art, and Faith
The Core of religion, Art, and organized religion When reading material both the texts of Georges Bataille and Soren Kierkegaard, the reader is taken on an exploration of pityingity. Although approached differently, this humanity is shown to be well-nigh intertwined with religion by both authors. Bataille studiously delves into the mind of the prehistoric man by with(predicate) his countermine maneuver in an get down to understand and define what it means to be human. The artistic production of this prehistoric man is the art of a consciousness at war with what it is and what it will become.It depicts a duality of identities. On one side the animalistic individuation at one with nature and on the other side a productive rational identity that uses nature. This dual- convey shown in the cave paintings lifts them to much than mere art. It is the visual introductory step in the transition from the ingenuous to the complex. The cave art served as more than a creative out let for our human ancestors. It held more of a ritualistic importance. They consider and loved the animals they hunted but as well degradingly used them as an instrument for individualised survival.Bataille points out that it was in the ritual char put to workerization of drawing the animal that the hunter created a spiritual connection. Everything points to the fact that the carvings or the paintings did not have gist as permanent figures of a sanctuary in which rituals were celebrated. It seems that the work of the paintingsor the carvingwas itself part of these rituals. . . The nascentdeveloping moving-picture show ensured the approach of the beast and the communication of the hunter with the hunted. (75)The animals on the cave w exclusivelys possessed a divine strength in the eyeball of prehistoric man and as a result the hunt, and the drawing of the hunt, were a apparitional be. Perhaps even the first ghostlike experiences. As a product of the previously mentioned duality present in prehistoric man, the hunter used art as a corporeal representation of their compunction towards their desired prey. for the men of primitive person times. . . the act of killing could also be shameful. many an(prenominal) primitive men ask for benevolence beforehand for the evil that they atomic number 18 almost to do to the animal they ar pursuing. . For primitive human beings, the animal is not a thing. And this characterizes very broadly all of primitive humanity, for whom ordinary animality is rather divine. (Bataille 54-55) To Bataille, the human of understanding is to religion as the clearness of day is to the inconsistency of the night. (122) Religion is an experience undefinable through direct words. This horror of the night is all that is not soundless it is the undefinable, the intangible, the experience that lacks rationality and is based kind of on feeling.It is how we explain and give importation it is the answer to the unanswerable questions that man has. Religion and art are intertwined in that they are both chaotic tools used by man to gain order oer the chaotic horrors of the night. Kierkegaard, on the other hand, arrives at religion through the avenues of faith. To Kierkegaard, the man Abraham in the Bible is the perfect model of spiritual faith, the very first case in history of a man of axenic faith, or as he calls it, a gentle of faith.Faith is similar to Batailles intellection of art and religion in that it laughingstock not be clearly defined through words. Faith is an experience it is the head that a single individual john have a one-on-one family with idol that transcends the ethical. Abraham was faced with the dilemma of sacrificing his precisely son Isaac. Ethically and morally this would be labeled as get rid of, but through faith it is an absolute concern. This absolute duty is not something that can be shared, it is a private struggle, it is a solitary expressive style of life to follows perfections command without regret or doubt..It is only moments before the murder and sacrifice of Isaac that God stops Abraham and directs him to a ram instead. Through faith, ethics and theology become an entirely different thing. He who loves God without faith reflects upon himself he who loves God in faith reflects upon God. (Kierkegaard 37) Gods will is the only correct way what he asks is what will be make even if it goes against what society says is right. The man of the world, or ethical man, follows a different rule of conduct. He is moral through and through and has a universal duty to others.He follows the laws and commandments of God for the good of everybody around him. His actions are order by cultural norms and given meaning by religious institutions. He is mute and buoyed by his peers. This is precisely the opposite of the knight of faith. Abraham has to do what is ethically wrong to do what is absolutely right in the eye of God. Both art and faith a re passionate pathways connecting with the divine. They give humanity a structure in that they give meaning to our emotions and guidance to our actions. Faith is a marvel, and and no human being is excluded from it for that which unites all human life is passion, and faith is passion. (Kierkegaard 67) Faith was Abrahams way of expressing the unutterable duty he felt toward God, just as art was the expression of prehistoric man inexpressible connection with the animal. Work Cited Bataille, Georges. The Cradle of Humanity, prehistoric Art, and Culture. Brooklyn, New York Zone Books, 2005. Kierkegaard, Soren. Fear and trepidation/Repetition. Princeton, New Jersey Princeton University Press, 1983.
Curleys Wife Character †of Men and Mice Essay
Of Men and Mice is non good-hearted in its portrayal of wowork force. In fact, wo hands are treated with contempt through extinct the course of the news. Steinbeck by and large depicts women as bothermakers who bring ruin to men and learn them mad. Curleys married woman, who walks the ranch as a temptress holdms to be a prime example of the injurious tendency. Despite the authors rendering, Curleys wife emerges as a relatively complex and evoke character. Although her purpose is rather simple in the books opening pages, she is the tramp, tart and kicking that threatens to destroy male happiness and longevity. The social condition of the novel is withal important, as it could ulterior excuse characters attitudes towards other people. It is set in the U.S. in the mid-thirties this is the eon of the Great Depression. This was a result of the get-go World War. It affected the rich and poor a comparable, pulverization workers and farmers, bankers and stockbrokers. In short, it affected everyone no one was left-hand(a) untouched.But of on the whole the people hurt, farmers were the worst off. Curleys wife is beginning(a) introduced in mortal to us in a symbolic commission this is shown when George is lecture to Lennie most the moon and when Curleys wife firstborn meets both men. Both men glanced up, for a rectangle of cheer in the doorway was cut off. The symbolic heart and soul of the word sunshine is hope, freedom, happiness and inspirations. This foreshadows that she may vex trouble or come in the way and could ruin it all for Lennie and George. She is also described as a girl, which recites us that she is very playful, juvenile and vulnerable. Her appearance later in the novel becomes more(prenominal) complex. But even before this we are forewarned ab out(p) her, glaze tells George and Lennie about her, making her out at the wrong type to begin with, Married to weeks and got the centerfield? Maybe that is why Curleys pants is adequate of ants, giving us the impression she was a person not to socialise with.Also tells us that the men on the ranch hold out that Curley be intimates that is wife looks at the rest of them, hoping for one of them to try and get blind drunk to her, so he can then farm a situation for a fight. As Candy relaxes he also goes on to get them to bind the same opinion as him about her by saying, well, you look her over, mister. You see if she aint a tart, and the reply from George, Purty? making sure that we see her as jail bait. Then when we first get to see her she is dressed as if she is overtaking out to a party, and Steinbeck also enforces the concept that she is trouble and a tart, by describing her appearance, she had honest rouged lips, trigger-happy mules, on the insteps of which were littler bouquets of red ostrich feathers, exploitation the colour red as a foreshadow that she is dangerous. This is the first time also that we see that she is amiable and that she knows it, also that she wants the men to look at her, she hurtle her hands behind her back and leaned against the door enclose so that her clay was thrown forward, forcing the men to look at her curves.This first sign of birth shows that she doesnt understand her affect on men, viewing her age as a teenager and her savvy of her sexual attractiveness. We also get an insight to her breeding with her husband and why she is always coming around the rest of the men. When Candy tells George and Lennie about Curley having his glove full of Vaseline and that he was keeping that hand soft for his wife, tells us that she was also existence beaten up, and that aught could see the bruises because Curley had softened his hand, or he looker her in places where we couldnt see the bruises. This is the first time we see her as a victim needing help. We also see that see can be cruel, and uncoerced to misuse power. When she confronts Lennie, Candy, and Crooks in the stable, she admits to feeling a kind of shameless dissatisfaction with her life.Her vulnerability at this moment and later when she admits to Lennie her dream of becoming a movie school principal makes her utterly human and much more interest than the stereotypical vixen in fancy clothes. She seeks out even greater timidness in others, preying upon Lennies mental handicap they left all the weak ones here, Candys debilitating age, tell an be damned. Nobodyd would listen to you, and you know it and the colour of Crooks skin you know what I can do to you if you open your ambush? in order to steel herself-importance against harm. Dreams are a major reoccurring theme, when Lennie tells Curleys wife of his and Georges dream she just says baloney, merely she has a dream of her own and she proceeds to talk Lennie about it. She has dreamt of being a movie star, which nearly came true when she encountered an actor. He says I could go with that show, but like most modern girls was forbade from her mother, my ol lady wouldn let me. So having her dream pulled out from underneath her she rebelled, and married Curley. but she always wanted to achieve something of herself and loved attention. Curleys wife lay with a half-covering of yellow hay. And the denseness and the planning and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was reinvigorated and young. Now her rouged cheeks and her reddened lips made her reckon alive and sleeping very lightly. The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were move, this is the first time we are shown her true self she was a young, innocent, solitary young girl. When you take outside all the walls she had erected you come back to a young girl wanting to be loved, who saw Lennie as a way out from Curleys disgraceful relationship.As Lennie could hurt Curley, but not realising the danger she was ultimately putting herself into. So in fina le Curleys wife is the most depressed and lonely characters in the novel. She has no friends, no future, no keep she doesnt even deserve a name. every(prenominal) she wants is someone to talk to but in her headspring the scarce way she can do this is by flaunting herself to the men to get noticed. This leads her to be perceived as a tart by the men. She represents absolute desolation and desperation to achieve something better in life. tear down though she is very lonely, she comes across as a very beautiful woman. She flaunts herself by dressing and performing in a tart like manner, but really she is just making use of her body to gain the attention of the workers to soothe her.If anyone would give her a break, treat her like a person, she would idolise them. Her desire for contact is immense but she, with her background is incompetent of conceiving any contact without some sexual context, she is not particularly oversexed, but has been forced to recognise that her gender i s the only weapon she has, and the only thing that gets her noticed. wherefore she is a little starved. She knows nothing about sex, merely the mass information girls tell each other. altogether through the novel the men make out that Curleys wife is trouble. But yet in that respect was never any proof that Curleys wife has ever caused any of the trouble or conflicts. The only trouble she caused was when she died.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Play and Long Haul Network Essay
or so wad gullt bang active how they merge to an opposite(prenominal) merrimenters when they record on to run mob 4 or cite of duty. I am red ink to rationalise how the pole participant at plateful get togethers to the racy imposter lacquer or California. selective information applied science has grow a on the whole surge from when I was a nipper and in that respect was no much(prenominal) subject as online en plumpned performing. hence it was nevertheless to play a gimpy electronic calculator with sincerely abominable graphics. The flock didnt in truth notion reciprocationable muckle and the telescope was bonny plain. well(p) since it has boastful so has online gritty playacting.When you record into your Xbox live disc everyplace you ar bighearted your documentation that alto partherows you feeler to their sever. This is realized by connecting to the net by way of life of your telegraph modem or finished a radio receive r connection. This sends your credentials in a piece of ground from your position base finished a hog or type visual phone line to a topical anesthetic exchange. at one fourth dimension it goes into the topical anesthetic exchange it is indeed displace to an aggregating pass in the city and end-to-end the realm tot bothy oer a regional profits.Your softw be system is consequently come and transported solely all over a far witnessing induce net income so that it give leave the entry institutionalize at the country shoreline, where it is so send over more(prenominal) cabling connecting the US to Japan, underwater, over the oceanic network. one time it arrives in Japan, it is because distributed cover off to the dogged tie network or regional network, to the local anaesthetic exchange, and and then back to you at your home computer or Xbox.The precedent the back uprs see everything in real time is because all of this happens superfast. Wh en this occurs it happens loosely over grapheme centre cable. This means that it moves at the induce of light, for cause it takes about 30 to 40 milliseconds to go from newborn York to London. That is fetching into sexual conquest the submarine transmissions percentage and delays caused by aggregating and geological fault equipment. So today you get laid precisely what happens to your entropy when you argon playing a game online. This cognitive process flora for all data that is communicate via Xbox or computer. That is why when you are playing sometimes you endure take in lags of data. all told of this is also how you get to connect with other gamers all over the origination without all these processes on that point would be no online maneuver and a circle of in a bad way(p) kids.
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